When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1581: : Who offended whom?

This is the first time since the establishment of the Human Resources Department that recruitment has been a headache because of too many talents!

The director of the personnel department suddenly had a headache looking at this form!


Let’s take a look first, foreign ones are not necessarily good, right?

This... PhD from Harvard Medical School, what? Published SCI 30 points?

it is good! it is good! it is good!

This is good too, graduated from Johns Hopkins Hospital?

Good at heart surgery, with 10 years of clinical experience!

Yes, give priority!

Thinking of this, the excited Personnel Section Chief picked up a pen and prepared to write.


Write and write.

The recorder's face on the side turned black.

He couldn't help it anymore, and asked the director: "The director...is this year the same as the previous labeling standards? What does it mean to write first?"

When the director of the personnel department heard this, he frowned, this kid, he doesn't care about his work, right?

"Priority naturally means giving priority to admission with equal conditions!"

"I generally divide it into priority, hiring, pending, and failed."

Of course, the head of the personnel department does not have that power. He just divides the conditions of these personnel based on scientific research and clinical conditions.

After submitting it to the leaders, the leader agreed and began to organize the exam.


If the conditions are really excellent, you can skip the written test and interview directly.

However, this is good enough, at least you have to be a PhD from a prestigious school.

The section chief glanced at the recorder: "Be serious."

The recorder smiled awkwardly: "Director...it's not that I'm not serious, but...is the priority a bit too much?"

The section chief smiled excitedly: "Are you too many? Fortunately! The main reason is that this group of people are too good!"

"You know, we are in the personnel affairs, see so many outstanding young people, how do you say, this is love is like thirst!"

The recorder looked at the priority of seventy or eighty people, full of slander, how thirsty are you? A total of 50 people were recruited. Foreigners alone were given priority over 70. Adding the priority of Chinese people yesterday, the total is two hundred!

He couldn't help saying: "Director, we have 50 establishments in total! You..."

The section chief slapped the table: "Yes, we have a lot of staff, there are more than fifty, we should relax the conditions appropriately!"

The recorder's expression changed, and he quickly stopped: "Director! That's not what I meant. I mean we only recruit 50 employees. Now more than 200 employees are given priority. Did you not think about it carefully?"

The section chief was taken aback for a moment: "Ah? Are you kidding me? How can there be so many, I remember that many of me are pending?"

I really cannot blame the section chief, mainly because there are really too many people this year!

And there are more excellent ones!

The recorder handed over the list, and the section chief was stunned when he saw it!


This is embarrassing!

How to do?

After Section Chief Li pondered for a while, he made a very difficult decision-push the pot!

It's up to big people to decide this kind of big matter, such as the dean and secretary.

But this is destined to be a difficult decision.

However, Qin Xiaoyuan is still considering another question!

These foreigners are here, although they are indeed very capable, but... there is no point at all, because they don't understand Chinese at all!

The Second Hospital of Dongyang Province, after all, serves the local people.

Therefore, after Qin Xiaoyuan made repeated decisions, the Human Resources Department responded.

Candidates are required to have proficient Chinese dialogue skills!

In fact, Qin Xiaoyuan still wanted to push these people out.

After all, it doesn't make much sense.

There is a big gap between hospitals and scientific research. One is to serve science and technology, and the other is to serve the people.

Although reluctant to bear this group of talents.


Keeping it is really useless.

However, Qin Xiaoyuan suddenly thought of an idea!

Yes indeed!

We don’t need them as doctors, but we lack assistant doctors, such as those specializing in operations.

In this way, they don't need to communicate with the patient, just communicate with the doctor.

After all, they are all highly educated talents, and they all have a foundation in English.


Qin Xiaoyuan also knew that their group of people came just in the name of Chen Cang.

Thinking of this, after Qin Xiaoyuan and Chen Cang called to communicate.

Human Resources has drafted a new recruitment announcement!

The first is the recruitment of long-term contracts, which is mainly to fill vacancies in the establishment.

The second is to recruit a group of surgical assistants for those foreigners.


The threshold given by Chen Cang is very high, and most people have no hope at all.

When the personnel department got the final version, he was stunned!

What SCI 30 points?

What Professor Chen requires is for clinical professional journal data to reach 30 points or more!

There are those professional skills, but also organize examinations.

Even in the previous 70 priority lists of the Personnel Department, fewer than 20 people are satisfied.

The key point is not these.

But the treatment.

Chen Cang's treatment is estimated to be insufficient to travel from Anyang to the United States!

Can this recruit people?


Things are often so strange.

On the first day of the announcement.

There was no surprise, everyone almost laughed out loud after seeing it!

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Such good ability and quality~www.wuxiaspot.com~Who is here?


On the second day, there was a lot more registration information.

Many people even said that they can study Chinese hard.

This directly stunned everyone in the Personnel Department of the Second Provincial Hospital!

This... Has the times changed?

This group of crooked nuts actually took the initiative to spend money to come to us as assistants?

This is too unbelievable, right?

But when the facts were in front of him, the rebuttal seemed pale and weak.

They actually signed up.

This year's talent recruitment has appeared a very abnormal phenomenon.

There was a phenomenon-level regurgitation of talents in a small Second Provincial Hospital!

This was impossible in previous years!

Many experts can know why almost without using their brains.

Very simple, because Chen Cang!

This is the charm of star scholars.

Chen Cang is only 28 years old.

This means a bright future.

Anyone with a bit of foresight can see that there must be meat to eat with Professor Chen.

The AATS meeting is not much news in the circle.

Everyone knows that Chen Cang took a group of unknown people to the AATS2020 conference and won many awards.

Following Chen Cang is equivalent to having a future!

Therefore, this year's emergency center recruitment work instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Can you imagine the scene of thousands of medical doctors competing for 50 positions?

The style is too beautiful!

Even Qin Xiaoyuan didn't dare to look directly.

Qin Xiaoyuan couldn't help sighing in such a scene, even if he worked for a lifetime, it would not be easy to encounter such a scene!

Most importantly, this year the children of Dongyang Medical University were wronged.

Who we provoke, you must come back to compete with us...

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