When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1575: : I...I'm all right!

Old man Qin cannot drink.

Chen Cang said!

Pancreatectomy and digestive tract reconstruction techniques were performed.

Chen Cang is also anti-microbial.

So Father Qin didn't dare to drink.

Lao Li and Chen Cang happily had a small drink.

The old Qin was drooling.

After eating a meal for two hours, the dishes were heated up again.

Father Qin was ready to go to the news, and Chen Cang was also ready to leave.

But at this time, when Lao Li was also getting up to go back, he suddenly shook his body directly.

Upon seeing this, the guard hurriedly helped the old man aside.

Sit down carefully.

Old Qin was taken aback, and then he was silent for a moment: "You guy... has vertigo committed again?"

Lao Li closed his eyes without saying a word, and said, "Don't talk to me, I'm dizzy, hey... I can't open my eyes!"

"It's uncomfortable!"

"No, let me lie down, I feel like the sky is spinning."

The guards are also used to seeing him, knowing that the old man is dizzy and experienced, so he carefully supports him.

This situation is not a day or two.

In this case, a period of rest is much better.

The general onset time does not exceed 10 minutes.

Chen Cang frowned slightly: "What's the matter with the old man?"

Lao Qin couldn't help saying, "Dizziness, old troubles, attacks occur every three to five."

"It's okay, I'm worried, this kind of illness, I understand, it will be fine in a while!"

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Cang nodded.


After seven or eight minutes, the old man's dizziness seemed to start to worsen.

"No way, no way! I feel dizzy and want to vomit!"

Chen Cang hurriedly walked over: "Come on, let me see what's going on?"

The guard hesitated.

Chen Cang is a health doctor after all.

Old Li was dizzy and speechless.

The guard was a little worried.

Normally, it is much better now and then, but why is it not getting better today?

Elder Qin frowned slightly, and said to the guard: "Let Professor Chen take a look!"

The guard nodded now.

After Chen Cang walked over, he stood opposite Old Man Li and said to the guard: "You help me to support him."

The guard nodded quickly!

What Chen Cang wanted to judge was the cause of the old man's dizziness.

Generally speaking, vertigo is divided into two types, central vertigo and peripheral.

If it is central vertigo, it may be more troublesome. It is mainly posterior circulation ischemia, which affects the vestibular nerve that induces the sense of direction and space, which results in a kind of vertigo.

In this case, Chen Cang has no choice.

Must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.


If it's a disease caused by peripheral vertigo, Chen Cang still has something to do.

"Master, can you hear me?"

Chen Cang walked to the side and asked.

The sound is not too big or too small.

"Yes... Whoa, what's the matter today?"

When Chen Cang heard this, he was relieved!

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is a lesion involving the semicircular canals, and generally does not affect hearing.

In general, central vertigo can cause hearing loss.

Therefore, this news is a good thing for Chen Cang.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is actually otolithiasis!

After the guards helped to support the old man, Chen Cang said to the old man.

"Father, you open your eyes, let me see what's going on."

"No way, no way! Can't open it, if you open it, you will be dizzy!"

At this moment, Mr. Li, who has been a man of decades in both military and political circles, really admits it!

Disease is really something that everyone recognizes!

When Chen Cang saw this, he could only comfort: "It's okay, you open your eyes, I just look at it, and I won't be dizzy after a glance!"

"A liar...how many people have said this, everyone has been cured!"

The old man's words made Chen Cang a bitter smile!

"I'm not an ordinary person!" Chen Cang could only take the unusual path.

Elder Qin on the side was still a little worried, but now he couldn't help laughing.

"Old man Li, can you do this? I dare not open my eyes!"

"Don't say anything arrogant, it's not on you. Whoops... I fainted."

At this time, Chen Cang gave the guard a look.

He decides!

Use strong!

That's right.

When the guard saw Chen Cang's eyes, he suddenly felt inwardly.


If I listened to Chen Cang's words, maybe he would be shot by Old Man Li, right?

However, watching General Qin winking at him.

Nothing more...

Take a risk.

While speaking, the guard gritted his teeth and nodded to Chen Cang.

Chen Cang indicated OK!

While speaking, Chen Cang made his move firmly and ruthlessly.

With lightning speed, he decisively opened the old man's eyelids.

The old man's eyes were squeezed, but suddenly he felt broken, and then a face appeared in his eyes!

Old man Li was furious!

What a courage...

Dare to touch my eyes.

However, at this time, Chen Cang keenly began to make a detailed and thorough judgment on the old man!

"Nystagmus duration <1 minute! It belongs to tube stone disease!"

"Nystagmus... nystagmus to the ground, strong nystagmus on the right side, and the affected side on the right side... In this way... it is horizontal tube stone disease."


Chen Cang's eyes were like a super computer.

Utilize all limited resources quickly.

Chen Cang, who was diagnosed, couldn't care about the old man's anger.

The operation begins immediately!

At this time, Chen Cang ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when he put the sensing gloves on his hands.

I was pleasantly surprised to find a terrible thing!

He seems to be able to clearly perceive the position of the otoliths using the four-dimensional map!

This involves a problem!

What is otolithiasis?

Otolithiasis is mainly caused by otoliths falling into the semicircular canals. With the movement of the head, the otoliths move in the semicircular canals under the action of gravity, resulting in uneven flow of endolymph, which induces vestibular activity of the affected semicircular canals, and then positional vertigo and Nystagmus, that is, stones within the semicircular canal.

The purpose of treatment is also very simple!

Of course, it is simple to say.

It is to reset the misplaced otoliths as much as possible.

This is the legendary otolith restoration method!

At this time, Chen Cang turned the old man's head 45 degrees to the right. Then, without any pause, he quickly tilted the patient back so that his head was more than twenty degrees above the horizontal!

At this time, he decisively opened the eyes of Old Man Li, and after the nystagmus and dizziness disappeared, he turned the patient's head 90 degrees to the healthy side!

At this time, Chen Cang clearly felt that the otoliths had moved to his feet.

Concluded successfully!

The old man was about to yell at him.

After all, no matter who was tossed so much, he was a little angry.

What's more, this is still a big boss.

The guard looked at the old man angrily and stood up.

Pointing to Chen Cang is about to swear!

But Chen Cang looked at the old man with a smile.

Old man Li pointed at Chen Cang, when he was about to scold him, he was taken aback!

"Eh? I... don't faint!"

"I'm not dizzy anymore!" The old man said in surprise.

Chen Cang smiled slightly, and said nothing!


ps: Today is the fifth change.

Everyone, go to bed early.

calm down……

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