When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1560: : The mechanism is difficult to find the intestinal flora, the diagnosis of rheumatis

The round is over.

Wu Hui had a new understanding of Chen Cang for the first time!

This is also amazing.

As for Chen Cang's effort to wash his hands, the group of interns behind him, Gui Peisheng, had a frantic discussion!

"Professor Chen is too good!"

"Yes, all the test sheets of the 51 patients can be written down! This is... nothing to say!"

"It needs to know more about the patient and pay more attention to it!"

"You may not know, I heard that Professor Chen is the last person to go to work every day, and he has to look at each patient's case several times."

Hearing everyone's discussion, everyone was moved with emotion.

"Deyi Shuangxin Professor Chen!"

"With such an ability, you must do it yourself!"

Listening to the crowd boasting about Chen Cang, Lao Ma stood there in a daze!

He was a little skeptical, are these people talking about Chen Cang?

Are you sure this person sees the patient’s medical records seven or eight times a day?

Absolutely not!

This guy obviously got off work earlier than me yesterday.


Why can this servant remember the patient's condition and laboratory test sheets?

Lord Ma expressed dissatisfaction!

However, I have to say that a doctor who knows patients well is really charming.

Lao Ma can already predict that in the near future, Chen Cang's pennant can be sewn on a big quilt.



In the afternoon, a patient with head and chest injuries came to the emergency department.

The anesthesiologist is a newcomer, and Zhou He took it to the operating table.

After seeing Chen Cang, the newcomer was very nervous and greeted every doctor next to him.

"I'm sorry, I...too nervous, the first time!"

Zhou He couldn't help but sigh.

The patient is just traumatic, and the condition is not serious, otherwise he won't be allowed to use it.

But the patient still chuckled for no reason.

Chen Cang comforted: "It's okay."

After hearing Chen Cang's encouragement, the man got better.

When the anesthesia started, I was also very skilled.

It's just... after the anesthesia, he wanted to ask the patient if he was uncomfortable?

The question became "Are you comfortable?"

Everyone was taken aback, almost laughing.

The young man became nervous: "No...I mean, are you comfortable?"

Fortunately, the anesthetic gradually took effect, otherwise the man would definitely get up and run out.

The old horse on the side could not help saying: "Comfortable! I fell asleep!"

Everyone smiled, and the operation just started.

The patient's problem is not serious, but at this time, the phone rang.

The nurse sensibly helped Chen Cang answer the phone.

When Chen Cang saw that it was Huang Binhai, he asked the nurse to prescribe the hands-free.

"I'm Chen Cang." Chen Cang said first.

"Professor Chen, I am Xiao Huang, and a patient came to the emergency department. The situation is more complicated."

"I was only 19 years old this year. I was brought in with abdominal pain and epileptic seizures. The parents brought me to the doctor. The main condition was general malaise, sweating at night, and muscle aches all over my body. I just had a physical examination and found that there were multiple swollen lymph nodes throughout the body. ."

"The main manifestations now are: intermittent epilepsy, accompanied by body aches and fatigue, confusion, fever, and multiple swelling of lymph nodes throughout the body..."

After speaking, the operating room also became quiet.

This patient directly confuses everyone!

What kind of **** patient is this?

The point is, this is only 19 years old, what can be the problem?

Huang Binhai added: "The child is suddenly not in good health this year, and it is easy to catch a cold. He used to be quite good, which is what happened after college."

"There is no genetic disease in the family, and both parents are healthy."

Such a complicated case directly caused many experts in the operating room to start a prize-winning contest.

After all, the operation is not very difficult. It is just an ordinary trauma, and the treatment does not affect the operation.

The people who were free also heard the patient's case, but...

No one said anything for a long time!

Lao Ma murmured: "Undecided, quantum mechanics, hard to find the mechanism, intestinal flora, diagnosis hesitation, rheumatism immunity."

"Cang'er, do you think there is something wrong with the ones I mentioned?"

Chen Cang rolled his eyes.

But this disease... can't really be rheumatism.

Many lymph nodes were swollen throughout the body.

The old horse murmured: "Hey, to be honest, I think neurology is really complicated now, and the diagnosis of the disease is not clear at all."

That's true.

The highest level of the surgeon is that the physician is not without reason.

Physicians really have an advantage in diagnosis.

They have a better understanding of the development mechanism of human diseases.

After all, people rely on this for food.

This complicated 19-year-old boy directly caused headaches to everyone in the operating room.

too difficult!

Chen Cang said, "I'll go back right away and wait a moment."

After speaking, the nurse hung up.

The operation is no longer difficult, Wu Hui can handle it.

After Chen Cang greeted everyone, he got up and left.

Back in the ward, Chen Cang saw the patient.

He looks pretty pretty.

He is tall, with fair skin, fashionable dress, and hot hair like a star.

To be honest, this is what girls like in college.

After Chen Cang came in, Huang Binhai hurried over.

"Professor Chen, this is EEG and EMG."

Chen Cang nodded and took a closer look after he took it. Epilepsy can be diagnosed.

Do you have epilepsy at such a young age?

He turned to his family and asked, "Is there no genetic history of epilepsy in the family?"

Both parents are very worried. Mother looks like a teacher: "No, doctor, he used to be fine."

"It was this year, and suddenly my body went down."

"I catch a cold from time to time, so I dare not go to school!"

Chen Cang nodded and said to the man: "You lie down, I will check it for you."

The man hummed, very honestly, lying on the bed in the observation room.

When Chen Cang touched hepatosplenomegaly, UU read www. uukānshu.com suddenly frowned!

Enlarged liver and spleen?


stomach ache!

Intermittent consciousness is not clear.

What will it be?

After some inspection, Chen Cang hesitated.

The diagnosis is unclear.

Chen Cang suddenly said: "First go to do a CT to see the intracranial situation."

Then he turned to the nurse and said, "Draw blood, check the hematuria routine, and mainly check a serum immunological test."

After speaking, Chen Cang suddenly thought of something: "By the way, check for a STD, hepatitis, and tuberculosis."

At this time, the patient's mother suddenly asked: "Doctor, why do we need to check for STDs?"

Chen Cang comforted: "This is a routine screening. We have to exclude some immune disorders, including diseases that can cause the systemic system."

Chen Cang did not directly say what illness.


Some things still need to be checked.

Chen Cang suddenly thought of something and turned to look at the man and asked, "Is there any history of Ye You?"

The man confused: "No..."

Chen Cang let out a cry.

The family members of the patient are relatively cooperative.



ps: I went to practice three today.

Haha, I passed the second division last time. I passed it in one pass. It got 100 points. I forgot to tell everyone.

Today I went to Kesan for the first time. There are so many people!

I have learned a lesson. I find a time to practice one and come back to the codeword, or else I will practice two of them in one day, and it will look like a briquettes.


I drove today and I still feel pretty good.

Great book friends, everyone recommend a car, cheap car, expensive car can not afford, when the veteran passed the driver's license, ready to consider buying a car...

Tomorrow six, today... I have no confidence to ask for votes.

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