When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1556: : Dimensionality reduction combat!

Everything is going smooth!

The monitoring call is complete.

At this time, the picture was restored.

The situation where Jiang brought his brother and friends into the emergency room was restored.

After seeing this scene, the man's face was blue and purple.

The police also started legal education for men.

Sometimes, to be honest, most of this kind of trouble in the hospital is criticism and education.

Not even administrative detention.

After all, as long as the patient says: We are also on the urge to seek medical advice.

I'm wrong!

I apologize!

After all, it did not cause serious consequences, and in most cases it was criticism of education.


Under pressure, the man also began to apologize.

However, still unconvinced.

Just as he left, Chen Cang suddenly said: "I think your live broadcast has already adversely affected our staff."

"Should you publicly publish an apology on the Internet?"

After the man heard this, he ignored him, got up and left.

And it didn't take long to leave.

Xiao Ke walked over nervously.

"Professor Chen, look quickly, the video he made has been uploaded to Douyin."

"Professor Chen... this will not have any bad effects, right?"

After Chen Cang heard it, he immediately understood what had happened.

Because the leaders are too afraid of the Internet, some time ago, an emergency doctor in the second department of the emergency department, in the middle of the night, because of busyness and exhaustion, did not see a patient who changed the dressing. As a result, the patient’s video made the headline today, click no At 200, the municipal government network office began to put pressure on it.

As a result, the leader ran to apologize that day, and then went to the city government for a review. At the same time, the doctor was exiled to the logistics department.

After uploading this video of the man, the click instantly broke 50,000.

It seems that it is indeed an Internet celebrity!

So Xiao Ke is also worried about the consequences of the department nurse and Doctor Zhang Qin if the video is streamed out?

it goes without saying!

At this time, Chen Cang said: "Don't worry, in fact, there are many people who will teach him how to be a man besides the law."

"Moreover, the media is not the only tool that the other party has, we can have it too!"

Forgive me to press, Chen Cang found the technician and said, "Help me edit into a small video, fast forward the surveillance video... Yes, edit it and send it to me."

After Chen Cang finished editing, he didn't hesitate to post directly on Weibo.

"In a society ruled by law, there is no rule, no circle, don't do it with evil, please abide by the law, abide by the public order and good customs of the society!"

After Chen Cang's Weibo was posted, it began to be reposted instantly.

Over 10,000 comments instantly!

Chen Cang realized that he still had a lot of readers.



At the same time, the man and his companion left the hospital.

Some are aggrieved!

He was a little angry: "By the way, the video I made just now is still there, I just made a vibrato!"

At this time, the companion said directly: "Brother Jiang, wait a moment... Just now our live broadcast room burst directly!"

Jiang was stunned for a moment: "Broken? Good! How many fans have you added?"

Companion anxiously said: "It's not that, but it was exploded!"

"Now the comment area is scolding you, and our fans have dropped from 310,000 to 110,000, and they are still dropping!"

Hearing what his classmate said, Jiang's expression suddenly changed.

"what's the situation?"

The companion suddenly said: "Look at the comments, now they are all scolding us!"

Jiang Mou grumbled and opened the background to look at it.

At this look, his face changed!

He asked directly: "What...what's going on?"

He doesn't understand what happened now!

Who did you mess with?


A face appeared in his mind.

It was a handsome face that made people jealous, and he was dressed handsomely.

The leader! ?

He was also live streaming just now!

Who is he?

Thinking of this, the man quickly began to look through the comments, hoping to find answers.

at last!

After searching for a long time, the man finally saw a person's name in the comment!

"Chen Cang!"

He looked at his companion blankly: "Who is Chen Cang?"

The assistant shook his head!

Indeed, isn't Chen Cang's name resounding? Loud!

But... this is divided into circles. For those who don't care about medicine, Chen Cang is really not loud enough.

If it is not an epidemic, who knows Zhongnanshan?

At this time, the man was not stupid, and started searching online.

"You also look for it, you go to Weibo!"


This search, the answer came out!

"Chen Cang, master, deputy leader of the expert group of the Central Health Commission... President of the World Society of Digestive Surgery..."

After seeing this series of answers, Jiang was directly dumbfounded!

Then, he was sweating profusely!

A look of fear and anxiety!

Why did he provoke such a character.

Moreover, he also posted the man's video on the Internet, saying that Chen Cang was wearing luxury goods, carrying Ferrari keys, and carrying Patek Philippe...

What the fuck!

What is their status?

This is a world-class boss!

Deputy leader of the Central Health Expert Group!

Such a character ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even provoked himself and posted his video on the Internet!

The man hurriedly opened his own video, but at this time, there was a curse in the video comment area!

"It's really rubbish. What do you think Professor Chen wears and what watch they wear? Doesn't they deserve it? How much contribution they have made!"

"That is, I am Ma Fan. How many patients and lives of our Ma Fans are. Professor Chen gave us Ma Fans hope for a new life. Let alone buying a Ferrari, it means buying a Lamborghini, a villa, or a private jet. ?"

"My daughter has a valve defect with congenital heart disease, which is not good even in the United States. At that time, Professor Chen said: Go back to China, the motherland can grab you, do you know what it feels like?"

"Do you know? In order to represent our country to participate in the World School of Floral Surgery Association, Professor Chen spent a month of sleepless nights and foods, and shed his skin during surgery, in order to win honor and honor for the country!

Humph! What people like you don’t understand is not worthy of being an internet celebrity. An internet celebrity should spread the positive energy of the network and bring some positive influence, but you use the trust of fans in you as your own bargaining chip and tool, disgusting! "

"Originally I thought the anchor was pretty good, but now it seems that he is just a disgusting person! Openly disrupting the medical order and affecting the normal rules of the hospital must be punished!"

"Pull black!"

"Absolutely block black, this kind of person, tsk tsk, block black directly!"

"The big v sees the big v, the gap is here! Professor Chen is the real big V, anchor, please improve your quality, fans are not your bargaining chip to influence social order!"


When Jiang saw this scene, he was instantly blinded!

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