When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1548: : Miracle Chan!

The operation is over.

Liu Weize became a special care patient.

Bertie stayed and personally monitored the patients.

Chen Cang sent Huang Binhai to study with Bertie.

The patient's consciousness, pupils, blood pressure, pulse, breathing and body temperature changes were recorded every 15 minutes.

Postoperative evaluation of pineal gland surgery is very important!

If the consciousness gradually becomes clear, it means that the condition is getting better;

If you are not awake for a long time or gradually deteriorate after being awake, it often indicates intracranial complications.

To tell the truth, Liu Xun and Miao Yongzhen were also nervously waiting for the result.

In the past two days, the ups and downs of life made Miao Yongzhen seem to have a certain sense of reality.

Perhaps everything is fate!

How much wealth and life there is in life are arranged by God.

Miao Yongzhen looked at the child blankly, a little distressed!

What can be compared to a family that is safe, healthy and healthy!

Now Miao Yongzhen really regrets it.

When you fall asleep and talk in your dreams, you are saying: "Son, you get better soon. Mom doesn't want anything. I hope you live healthy. Mom can support you for the rest of your life..."

Seeing this, Liu Xun couldn't help taking a deep breath.


When Lu Yier saw Chen Cang again, she stood there honestly, looking at Chen Cang respectfully, as if she had been trained.

Chen Cang looked flustered.

Chen Cang's surgery today really shocked her.

I thought it was just a live broadcast, hoping to promote Google's microscopic imaging technology.


Now it seems that the task has been over fulfilled!

Even, she can already predict how hot the Google microscope imaging equipment will be in the next period of time!

"Miss Luyl, is there...what's the matter?"

Luy's blinked big eyes: "Professor Chen, it's really... sorry!"

Chen Cang was taken aback, did you do anything to sorry me?

Seeing Chen Cang's doubts, Lu Yier couldn't help but said: "This...Professor Chen, thank you very much for your live operation!"

Chen Cang waved his hand: "Thank you for the instrument."

Luyer has now received the notification, and the headquarters is likely to invite Chen Cang to participate in the subsequent design of the device.

"Professor Chen, this is the case. The project department of our company hopes to invite you to participate in the improvement of the project. Of course... we are willing to pay..."

Chen Cang was stunned when he heard the sound.

To be honest, this device is quite good.


There are indeed some shortcomings.

No wonder it hasn't been circulated yet.

Therefore, Chen Cang did not refuse, but said: "Well, I will talk about this later."

Luyer nodded: "Okay, the person in charge of our project department asked me to bring a message to Professor Chen."

"He said: We hope that Professor Chen can serve as our technical consultant to improve Google's limit equipment together, and we will work hard to obtain the corresponding shares for you!"

After speaking, Luyer bowed again: "Professor Chen, don't bother, let's talk back."

After speaking, Luyle left with the engineer!

Chen Cang was left standing there, and he was taken aback thoughtfully!

Google shares?

And Xue Zhengren and others who followed Chen Cang out of the operating room were shocked!

Is this good about Google's shares?

How much is this worth?

Invite Chen Cang to be a technical consultant, and...willing to give Chen Cang Google shares!

This... Is there such a good thing in this world?

Who said that doctors don't make money.

You come out!

To be honest, being a doctor will really have no regrets in this life!

Wu Hui looked at Chen Cang with some envy.

He is also in his forties this year, and he is mediocre. He has worked hard, struggled, and fought hard, but he is still half dead now.

The girlfriend who had followed him for several years also left because he couldn't afford a house in the capital.

Being a doctor is not as decent as I thought.

The only decent directors are those who stand at the top.

They can participate in international conferences, enter and exit high-end hotels, open a bottle of expensive wine, and taste a table of delicious food.

However, most people are still struggling with food and clothing, working hard to live!

Wu Hui also remembered.

He also wants to one day the manager of a large company like Google say to himself: "Professor Wu!"

Misunderstanding looked at Professor Chen enviously, excited!

Maybe this is what a doctor should be like in a dream!


According to the anesthesiologist's estimation, the time for the anesthetic is one hour away.

An hour later, I started to monitor how long Liu Weize awoke.

The time at this time is five o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Cang was also a little nervous.

For this sensible child, Chen Cang also hopes to recover soon.

At about six o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Weize had not yet woke up.

Bertie had undergone a similar operation, and he said to Chen Cang: "Professor Chen, don't worry, according to my estimation, it is a miracle to wake up today!"

"After all, it is the pineal region of the third ventricle. There are hypothalamus and pineal gland. There will be some damage during the operation, and its self-protection mechanism and released hormones... and other comprehensive effects, there will be a protection time!

Most patients usually wake up at 12 hours. According to our scale, if they wake up within 6-12 hours, the prognosis is very good! "

After Chen Cang heard this, he was relieved.

Let Huang Binhai book a hotel for him. After all, whether it is Mr. Bertie coming from afar, or the arrival of the famous academician Ji Jun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this has to do what the host and the guest mean.

At this moment, the nurse hurried to the office: "Professor Chen, Liu Weize is awake!"

When Chen Cang heard this, he was stunned!

Didn’t it say good 6-12 hours?

After speaking, Chen Cang walked directly to the intensive care unit.

Behind him, Bertie froze for a moment, looked at Wu Hui and asked, "Doctor Wu, Professor Chen...what happened?"

Wu Hui is also a little surprised!

He smiled at Bertie and said, "Mr. Bertie, it's time to witness the miracle! Come with me!"

Bertie curiously followed Wu Hui to the intensive care unit.

Just entering the ward, I saw Liu Weize lying on the bed looking at Chen Cang with a smile.

Bertie's eyes widened directly and looked at Chen Cang in disbelief!


"It's just... incredible. I wake up 1 hour after pineal blastoma resection. This... it's a miracle!"

Bertie looked at Liu Weize in disbelief, and also at Chen Cang with wide eyes.

Excitedly said: "Chen! Chen! You may have to create a miracle!"

"This is something that has never happened before, and the fastest awakening is about six hours!"

Bertie is really ecstatic!

"This patient is very valuable for research!"

"Chen, you are so great, this may be a milestone in the history of pineal surgery!"

"Oh! I'm so excited! Sorry!" Bertie was really excited.

He can almost guarantee that all of this is due to Chen Cang's excellent performance during the operation, with little damage to the pineal gland, surrounding tissues, and hypothalamus!

This is the key to surgery!



ps: Thank you Guoguo 10086 for the 10,000 rewards, thank you Guoguo!

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(End of this chapter)

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