When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1532: : Is it true that genius is a disease! ?

I paid the shift in the morning.

Chen Cang did not return home, he was more concerned about the condition of the young patient Liu Weize.

The rest last night was ok, not too tired.

Since having an independent office, Chen Cang found that he was awakened less often in the middle of the night.

I think that Director Yu should have arranged it, and don't call Chen Cang for a serious condition.

In the morning, the emergency department received a courier.

It's quite big!

The old horse happily asked Chen Cang to lift it with him.

Chen Cang asked curiously: "What did you buy?"

Lao Ma said with a smile: "Buy you a gift!"

Chen Cang was stunned, and his eyes lit up.

Although Ma Tuhao is not in other places, this gift should be good.

After all, people have money!

Looking at the size, Chen Cang looked forward to it more and more.

The two moved to Chen Cang's work room.

Lao Ma was obviously a little excited: "This is very good!"

He hurriedly opened the package while speaking.

Chen Cang looked more and more wrong, more and more familiar!

"This is... a single bed?"

The old man snapped a finger: "Yes, single bed!"

"Moreover, this is not an ordinary single bed, it is a foldable multi-functional single bed! More than a thousand pieces!"

"However, I have a bed, what do I want a single bed for?" Chen Cang asked curiously.

Lao Ma smiled: "It hurts, I bought it to let you entertain people! For example, there is a guest or something, there is a place to rest!"

"By the way, the keys will be returned to you. I have them ready!"

"Later, when you rest, my night shift just happens to show you the door!"

"no need to thank me!"

In the speaking room, the old horse folded the bed and tucked it in the back: "Look, it just folds up!"

Chen Cang rolled his eyes.

This guy is so shameless!

At ten o'clock in the morning, Liu Weize's test results came out.

"Water test is positive, and the specific gravity of urine is below 1.005, it really is diabetes insipidus!"

Chen Cang said to Wu Hui: "Director Wu, you are responsible for this patient."

Wu Hui nodded: "Okay!"

After Chen Cang finished speaking, "Go, chat with your family, you will arrange a nuclear magnetic field."

At this time, Miao Yongzhen and Liu Xun both got up.

"Dr. Chen, did the test result come out?"

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, it's out, blood clotting and other tests are basically normal, but ... urine routine shows that the specific gravity of urine is low, and the water test is positive."

"In other words, the patient may have diabetes insipidus!"

Hearing this, Liu Xun and Miao Yongzhen's faces changed: "Diarrhea! What happened?"

Chen Cang nodded: "I now suspect that Liu Weize is a disease of the central system."

"Including the previous abnormal Boqi, and the diabetes insipidus that has been checked out, and he has obvious sexual precocious puberty, these are not normal!

All the signs are consistent with the central abnormal signal. Now we still need to do a check to confirm the diagnosis to see what is the situation. "

Miao Yongzhen looked a little trance.

She didn't expect an abnormal Bogey to detect so many problems.

"Doctor, is it accidental? After all..."

Chen Cang shook his head: "No one stipulates that genius will definitely have some shortcomings. If it does, it may be a disease!"

Liu Xun said: "Dr. Chen, it's okay, we will actively cooperate with your arrangement."

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, let's do hospitalization first, after all, you came in an emergency room."

Liu Xun nodded, turned around and went to apply.

And Miao Yongzhen couldn't help but say: "Doctor, the child needs to record the show, "The Strongest Brain" is the key issue..."

Liu Xun finally couldn't help it, turned to stare at Miao Yongzhen and shouted loudly: "When is it all the time, what program do you still pay attention to?"

"The children are all sick, why is it important?"

"Besides, what are you doing in those shows? Your purpose is to train your child to make him good, not to go to the show for a show!"

Miao Yongzhen was directly in place.

Chen Cang nodded and said: "Check first, don't rush to make a conclusion, I asked Director Wu to arrange a nuclear magnetic, and we will talk about it as a result."

Liu Xun took a deep breath, let himself calm down, and then said: "Okay, Dr. Chen, please trouble you!"

It seems that Miao Yongzhen has not yet figured out what happened.

Some panic.

She was very opinionated on weekdays, and now she was at a loss.

Liu Xun did the hospitalization procedures in an orderly manner.

Take the child to the radiology department for examination.

Liu Weize is very sensible and comforts her mother throughout the process: "Mom, it's okay! Don't worry, it's really okay!"

Miao Yongzhen yelled: "Well, Mom knows!"

For such a sensible child, Miao Yongzhen is really reluctant.

Don’t let your child go wrong!

You are your mother's hope!

That's right.

Now Liu Weize is Miao Yongzhen's greatest honor. She thinks that the child is excellent is the result of her efforts!

Even if colleagues show off the house car, but Miao Yongzhen can show off the children!


When the MRI is checked out.

Chen Cang and Wu Hui stood in the office staring at the film and did not speak!

There is something wrong with this film!

Wu Hui frowned: "Professor Chen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is something wrong with this film! But... why do I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell what is wrong?"

Chen Cang was also tight-browed.

He thought it was a problem of the hypothalamus, but he didn't expect it...in the pineal region.

Hearing Wu Hui saying this, Chen Cang couldn't help saying: "Look at the pineal gland area."

Hearing Chen Cang say this, Wu Hui nodded quickly and moved his eyes to the pineal gland area.

The pineal gland is very small!

Because it looks like a pine cone, it is called a pineal gland, with a length, width, and thickness of about 7 mm × 5 mm × 4 mm, and a mass of 140-200 mg, which is located above the midthalamus.

Such a small thing, the probability of tumor occurrence is less than 1% of intracranial tumors.

Wu Hui looked at it carefully. After a long time, he suddenly looked at Chen Cang, his face slightly stunned: "This... vicious?"

Chen Cang was silent for a moment.

Then he said, "I'm not sure!"

Wu Hui also couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "No wonder... no wonder diabetes insipidus, precocious puberty, so little sleep... and vision loss!"

"Huh, now it's all explained!"

This involves the main physiological function of the pineal gland. As the most mysterious tissue in the skull, it mainly secretes melatonin.

Moreover, the pineal gland is a neuroendocrine converter that acts as a "biological clock" and is very sensitive to light.

And may inhibit the activity of gonads.

Moreover, the hormones secreted by the pineal gland can affect and intervene in many human neurological activities, such as sleep and wakefulness, emotions, intelligence and other conditions!

Chen Cang suddenly felt that this child's high IQ may have something to do with this tumor!

Since then...

(End of this chapter)

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