When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1522: : Weird signal!

When the patient's head MRI results come out.

The doctors in the radiology department were originally just taking ordinary photos as usual and preparing a report.

However, when he saw the picture of the fourth ventricle, his face suddenly changed!


He saw a skull-like structure in this fourth ventricle!

its not right?

what is this?

To know that this is nuclear magnetic, not CT, what is it?

Even Lao Ma and Huang Binhai, after seeing the result, were wide-eyed and somewhat dazed!

This is the first time they have seen such a result.

"Dr. Zhao, what is this signal?"

"Should be bones!"

"How can there be bones in the skull?"

This question is really speechless, and they can't explain clearly. Why do skeletal signals appear in the fourth ventricle?

And, not only that, why is this signal like a face?

Really good...strange!

Was it really what the old **** said, was it possessed by ghosts?

Don't pull it, okay!

What age?

The emergency department and the radiology department are not far away. They are on the first floor. Chen Cang trot all the way here. After hurried to the room, he hurriedly entered the studio.

"Professor Chen, look!" the doctor in the radiology department said quickly.

Chen Cang nodded and looked closer!

I saw a cystic structure in the fourth ventricle of the patient!

Is that true?

It seems that my judgment is good.

It's just...Chen Cang looked at this structure and couldn't help but spit out, what kind of figure is this damn!

"Okay, thank you Dr. Zhao, you have worked hard!"

Dr. Zhao smiled quickly: "It's okay, Professor Chen, you are too polite."

"But... what the **** is this?"

Lao Ma and Huang Binhai also looked at Chen Cang curiously, and they were equally curious.

Chen Cang said mysteriously: "Teratoma!"

As soon as the words came out, the name suddenly searched in everyone's mind.

Think about what is teratoma!

A moment later, the old horse frowned and said, "Can teratoma also grow in the fourth ventricle?"

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, maybe, but it's rare!"

Huang Binhai suddenly realized.

"No wonder I saw my hair, teeth and bones after the first excision! Professor Chen, you are too good, this can also be thought of!"

Chen Cang couldn't help smiling.

"Go back to the ward first, then go back and talk."

The doctor who left the radiology department kept recollecting the words: "Teratomas? What is this?"

He was embarrassed to ask just now!

After all, everyone knows how shameful they are?

However, if you are embarrassed once, you are afraid of embarrassment again and again.

This search, Dr. Zhao suddenly realized!

It turns out that teratomas are tumors derived from germ cells with multi-directional differentiation potential.

In fact, the simple point is that a little problem occurred during embryonic development.

However, the etiology is still unclear, and may be related to abnormal germ cell differentiation and other factors.

As a result, these cells can continue to differentiate into mature tissue after abnormal differentiation, so sometimes small bones, cartilage, etc. can be seen, and sebum, hair, and even teeth can be seen in the cyst cavity.

After seeing this, Dr. Zhao couldn't help but wonder, with a few emotions.

Medicine is really a complicated subject! Dede


After he inquired, he was stunned.

Because although teratoma can occur at any age, it can occur in many parts of the body.

But those who occur in the central nervous system are rare, accounting for about 0.5%, and tend to occur in adolescents, and such teratoma that grows in the fourth ventricle... the probability is less than 1 in 10,000!

Moreover, the operation is very difficult!

Because where is the fourth ventricle?

This is where the brainstem and cerebellar hemisphere gather.

It can be said that this is the most dangerous place in the skull, and... according to this situation, the patient's teratoma can easily cause brain edema and cause brain crisis!

Moreover, this teratoma will grow!

This place is very easy to block the cerebrospinal fluid circulation pathway, resulting in increased intracranial pressure and resulting in optic nerve edema, patients with vision loss or even blindness.

The brainstem is even more dangerous, and directly threatens multiple centers, such as hearing loss, muscle paralysis, respiratory center, cardiovascular and so on!

It can be said that the fourth ventricle is the most dangerous area in the brain.

Thinking of this, he quickly picked up the phone to inform Chen Cang.

And at this time.

When Chen Cang returned, he immediately summoned five members of the neurosurgery team.

There are two deputy chief physicians, and the other three are attending.

The youngest is Huang Binhai in his early thirties, and the oldest is Wu Hui, who is already 43 years old.

After Chen Cang said the patient's situation again, several people were quiet.

After all, teratoma is so big in the fourth ventricle.

Although it is a benign teratoma, but... the development of teratoma is inseparable from the supply of blood vessels.

There are only a few blood vessels in the fourth ventricle. Once broken, this is really over!

Fourth ventricle!

Here is the optic nerve center, brain stem, cerebellum!

This is a very dangerous place~www.wuxiaspot.com~The blood vessels are not handled well, causing massive bleeding, which is really over!

Therefore, everyone was silent.

And Chen Cang thought very clearly that this case is very special, but also very challenging.

Chen Cang decided to take everyone to surgery today.

In the first place, he could be approved by everyone through this operation.

Then, through this operation, to have a preliminary impression on everyone.

To be honest, for a surgeon, the most suitable place to know him is the operating room.

In this case...should the swimming pool be the most suitable place for blind date?


Lao Ma is uneasy today.

He glanced at Chen Cang: "Cang'er, are you sure?"

Chen Cang shook his head: "No!"

The old horse almost jumped up when he heard this.

"No? Are you kidding me?! What a big tumor like Secretary Deng's son can solve, can't you solve this problem?"

Chen Cang was helpless: "The place is different, the fourth ventricle, brother, where are you supposed to be here?"

The old horse was not convinced: "So what? You are Chen Cang!"

When Chen Cang heard this, he was stunned!

He smacked his mouth: "Well, I can!"

Old Marton froze for a moment: "What are you doing to me? This is the fourth ventricle!"

Chen Cang:……%¥#

He really didn't want to chat with Lao Ma.

In fact, Niu Qian's words made Chen Cang a little angry.

He did not expect that this era is now 2020, and there is such a fake immortal who wants to take advantage of this swindler who wants to take advantage of it?

It's really shameful!

At this time, the old horse has begun planning.

After the operation, you must give a lesson to the old bastard!

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