When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1518: : Chen Cang, come back often!

However, in any case, gynecology is still a very important part of the emergency department!

After work, Chen Cang went out to walk the horse as usual.

However, today's horse is sentimental, he said to Chen Cang:

"I got off work late yesterday, it was about twelve o'clock, and I saw a woman wandering in the park frantically."

Speaking of this, Lao sighed: "However, the woman is not very young, only in her twenties and looks pretty."

Chen Cang couldn't help laughing: "Are you looking at the beauty of other girls! Is this the key?"

The old man rolled his eyes: "No, I think it might be a mental illness."

"If it is really a mental illness, it may be an arachnoid cyst or something. You can have an operation. Can this be regarded as a benefit to society?"

Chen Cang almost spit out old blood!

"You think it's a psychosis is an arachnoid cyst?"

After walking around with the old horse, Chen Cang sat down on a large bench near the lake.

It must be said that after the heat of the weather subsided, Qiu Gao's fresh energy came out.

Especially sitting on this bench, looking at the lake view, blowing a small wind, I feel this weather is really good.

It's nice to walk and walk away after lunch.

But when the two were about to go back, the old horse pulled Chen Cang hard: "Look, look! That's the woman!"

Chen Cang turned his head and looked closely, and found a woman standing on the observation tower, looking at the lake water and froze without talking.

Not to mention, the woman’s facial features are really beautiful. The standard goose egg face is a little haggard, but the clothes are a bit old-fashioned. It looks like it came from a mountain village. It may be a migrant worker.

After all, this is often the case in this park. Some outsiders are reluctant to stay in the hotel when they come, and there is no place to go, just stay in the pavilion in the park.

However, Chen Cang looked at the woman's complexion and expression with a little heart chuckle.

"This... wouldn't you commit suicide?" asked the old horse.

Chen Cang swallowed, and a girl as big as she was in her early twenties, if she committed suicide, could it be paid back?

After seeing this scene, they suddenly froze.

What should I do?

The old horse has always been less immune to things that look good.

He told Chen Cang that he had spent a house in the capital in high school in order to save the misbehaving girl.

In this regard, Chen Cang originally wanted to say that the other party was kind.

But seeing the photos of the girls, Chen Cang became cynical.

Fortunately, the father of Lao Ma finally couldn't stand it, kicked the Lao Ma who had just finished the college entrance examination into the army, after all, could such a person enter the university?

Unexpectedly, after the old horse went to the army and began to be exposed to human anatomy, it has never been possible!

Lao Ma realized that he didn't find such a good thing!

I am definitely not obsessed with the missteps, nor are they obsessed with their bodies. I just like to study the miracle of the creator, in order to find a beauty called human structural mechanics!

Lao Ma later went to the Fourth Military Medical University, and then went further and further on this road!

However, it was just when Chen Cang persuaded Lao Ma to renew his charity.

The female donor returned.

The two were relieved.

However, Chen Cang clearly saw the little loss in Lao Ma's eyes!



In view of Chen Cang's too many trophies, colorful flags cannot be hung on the wall of the duty room.

A room was vacated from the department to make Chen Cang an office.

However, the above card says "Chen Cang Studio".

But Mingyu already has an office, and the director's office is clear to everyone who prepares it.

It was already the end of September, and Chen Cang could not stay in the hospital for long.

Now suddenly got an office to make Chen Cang a little stunned.

After finding Lao Yu, Chen Cang couldn't help but ask: "Director Yu...I can't stay long, this office..."

Seeing this, Lao Yu smiled: "Fortunately, there are still three months to go, this day can be done, but you are also a professor, life needs to be particular, and it is not convenient to mix the duty room all day.

Chen Cang was stunned, a little embarrassed, and was ready to refuse.

But at this time, Lao Yu directly said: "Your time in the hospital is longer than your time at home. You can't take a good rest. The young people have energy, but... also have to pay attention to rest."

You know, there is only one person who has an independent office in the sixth emergency department, that is Lao Yu!

The other team leader, even the elder horse of the sharp knife team, also dealt with it in the duty room.

However, today opened an office for Chen Cang.

How could Chen Cang not be moved?

Lao Yu continued: "This is what Dean Wu meant, which is what I mean, or the meaning of the big guy. We also see your contribution to the emergency department. We have been here for less than a year. You can see the results. , For all to see!"

"Look at the results we have achieved this year~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s a resounding sound! The clinical scoring and scientific research scores have exceeded the departments of Xiehe. I estimate that when this year is over, I estimate our emergency department Maybe it will make it into the top ten."

"You said, if I don't give you an office, did I say it in the past? You are a hero of our department!"

Domestic hospitals and departments have a comprehensive strength ranking.

This comprehensive strength includes both clinical capabilities and scientific research capabilities.

In the comprehensive assessment and report results in the first half of the year.

The emergency center hospital has improved significantly. Although it is not enough to hit the top 30, several departments of the emergency center are unique and far ahead.

The three departments of Cardiac Surgery, General Surgery and Emergency Department are in full bloom.

Whether it is clinical ability or scientific research ability, especially in thesis and project application, cardiac surgery and general surgery are far ahead!

Therefore, this year is a rare year for emergency centers.

What changed all this was a training staff, not the staff of this hospital.

This news blushed to Wu Tongfu and others.

Because people are studying, there is no way to improve their treatment!

And they don’t belong here, and there is no way for management to get promoted.


Everyone can only find a way to make Chen Cang more comfortable here.

Improve some living treatment.

Lao Yu was very grateful to Chen Cang.

The development of the six emergency departments is like seeing your child grow up.

And all this is because his child has a legendary godfather!

"I often come back to see this office in the future... I will keep it for you forever!" Yu Yonggang looked at Chen Cang for a long time and said seriously.

When Chen Cang heard the sound, he was shocked!

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