When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1499: : The flying team leader?

After the problem was solved, the three men took the old man to get up and left!

They are not entangled.

In fact, the real problem of medical trouble is still not solved.

It is the real purpose for the patient to be treated.

However, the man's words before leaving, let Lao Yu not fall asleep overnight.

The management of the six emergency departments has always been strict.

Unexpectedly, Yue Liang encountered this kind of thing just a short while ago.

I already knew that Yue Liang was such a thing, and I didn't expect to find something for myself.

How to do?


Early next morning.

During the shift, Lao Qin walked directly into the office and watched everyone silent.

The appearance of Lao Qin suddenly surprised everyone.

Today, who is so unlucky that has caused such a lord!

Lao Qin was angry and the consequences were very serious.

Don't think that the order of the six emergency departments is practiced casually.

This is inseparable from Lao Yu's hard work.

Lao Yu has always been more open in terms of profit, and the coefficient is shared by many people. The treatment fee and surgery fee are much raised by doctors, and the drug is rarely given a commission. And like Yue Liang, emergency six departments It hasn't happened for a long time.

After the shift, Lao Yu took out a projection screen and directly uploaded the photos he took.

"Look at all of you, what kind of medicine is this?"

Everyone was shocked and looked up one after another.

"Isn't this dibazole?"

"No! It's tapazole!"

"This one……"

Everyone talked about it, and Lao Yu wouldn't meander around. He stared directly at Yue Liang and asked, "Director Yue, what kind of medicine is this?"

How can Yue Liang stand his own handwriting!


Why did Laoyu show him this?

Yue Liang couldn't help frowning.

"Is this debazole?"

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Cang couldn't help but sigh.

What's wrong with him, even if he doesn't recognize it, he needs others to recognize it?

In fact, don't think that the doctor's handwriting is sloppy.

This is not the case.

Things were placed seven or eight years ago. At that time, every day was a time when handwriting medical records.

Who dares to write such handwriting?

At that time, a fine of 3,000 yuan was a trivial matter.

It's too common!

Every doctor's medical record has to be handwritten, and many simply go home with the medical record written.

So the doctors who came out of that era actually wrote good characters.

As for scribble?

That is totally a bad habit.

Don't think that all doctors of prescriptions know it. In fact, they are also guessing, or just ask a teacher to recognize it.

But, you really wrote it, didn't you save a lot of trouble?

This is why it was later sought by medical students to prescribe medicine.

In addition to being busy because of experts, but also because they are easy to identify!

Hearing Yue Liang talking about tabazole, Lao Yu snapped the table suddenly!

"Fart! You don't know the words written by your mother-in-law?"


The whole office fell silent for a moment.

No one thought that Lao Yu suddenly yelled in front of everyone.

No face at all!


Only Chen Cang can understand Lao Yu's anger.

We can understand the scribble you wrote, but you don’t even know the words you wrote, which is a bit too much!

This is irresponsible!

This is a photo of Lao Yu personally found the pharmacy, took out the prescription and left it intact.

As a result... you say you admit wrong?

This is not what **** is!

For a time, Lao Yu was really furious.

Screamed directly.

Yue Liang's complexion also changed instantly!

He is also a chief physician in his forties. He can't swallow this when someone is pointing at his nose, but Yu Yonggang is the director of the emergency department. Yue Liang is only a team leader.

But Yue Liang can't be swearing by pointing his nose?

"Speak well!" Yue Liang said with a pale face. "This is the department, not Yu Yonggang's words."

Everyone froze for a moment.


This kind of thing never happened in the emergency department.

It is so rare that two directors patted the table and scolded the mother at the emergency emergency handover meeting.

All are adults, where will tear the face.

But today it is really torn.

Lao Yu snorted: "Yi Yan Tang? You don't even know your own prescription, what reason do you tell me?"

"I tell you, Yue Liang, this is the six emergency departments. It’s not where you used to be. You can do it. You can do it properly. Don’t give me all these messy things all day. It's so black!"

"Can't do it, get out early!"

Lao Yu's speech really did not give a little affection, said Yue Liang's face was green and purple for a while, annoyed not to speak.

Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts calling.

This old man said so, he naturally knew what he was doing in the pharmacy.

Yu Yonggang continued: "Also, everyone here, write down the standard points for medical records and medical books, and collect the scribbled words. Don’t be given the wrong medicine to the patient like some people. do not know!"

Yue Liang was not angry.

After a while, the more I think, the less it tastes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why should I be angry with him?

I was invited to the high neurosurgery team.

It's not his mother's breath.

Thinking of this, Yue Liang got up and walked outside.

Yu Yonggang saw this and couldn't help saying: "Where are you going?"

Yue Liang said: "I'm sorry, your official power is too great to wait for you."

Yu Yonggang nodded: "Yes, you are out of this door, you can't get in!"


Tear to upgrade.

This time, the scene was awkward.

Yue Liang did not expect Yu Yonggang to do anything so decisively!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he wouldn’t stay here, but he would stay here!

Besides, when I leave, I don’t believe anyone can take the lead in neurosurgery.

After speaking, Yue Liang would walk outside.

At this time, Yu Yonggang directly said:

"I will announce the next work adjustment!"

"Chen Cang replaced Yue Liang and took over the neurosurgery team as the leader of the third group!"

Upon hearing this, everyone in the office suddenly froze!

Even Yue Liang, who was going out, stood still and took a sneer glance at Yu Yonggang, who was about to leave when he got up.

Upon seeing this, Lao Yu directly asked: "Chen Cang, are you confident?"

What else can Chen Cang say?


"Okay! Break up!"

Suddenly, the office was quiet.

Everyone looked at this scene, a little dazed.

After the meeting, the old horse was just like everyone else, and handed Chen Cang a bottle of milk.

"Mommy, I'm scared to death, I don't have any embarrassment to have breakfast!"

Chen Cang rolled his eyes: "When is it, you can still eat breakfast!"

Lao Ma looked at Chen Cang, couldn't help but cut his lips, lowered his lip, lowered his voice and said, "Do you think Lao Yu's EQ is so low, and you can't hold back your anger on this occasion? Cut! Naive..."

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