When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1497: :driver license

Chen Cang looked at the system prompt, and the whole person felt a bit sublimated!

However, how should such a liver be tested? What is the difference between this liver?

It is certainly impossible to slice yourself.

It is even more impossible for others to cut themselves!

But how can you show your unique liver?

At this time, Chen Cang ushered in the dinner!

After the operation, a group of people in the liver disease department were so excited that they did such a big thing, and naturally they had to celebrate.

The hepatobiliary surgeon's quick fall is simple, that is, eating and drinking and cutting the liver.

Everyone decided to invite Professor Chen to drink!

Chen Cang's eyes lit up when he heard it.


Is alcohol metabolized by the liver?

Liver metabolism?

Good thing!

Chen Cang feels that they happened to encounter what they are good at.

Who should Chen Cang counsel to obtain such an invincible piece of equipment?

Everyone in Hepatobiliary Surgery learned that Chen Cang was coming out, and was even more excited!

Now that we have dinner with Professor Chen, how can we let go of such an opportunity?

Everyone decided to intoxicate Chen Cang with the wheel war!

After all, you have done a good job of surgery. This does not mean that you drink too much!

Why do you have to be alone?

After making up his mind, everyone laughed aloud.

Started the first round offensive.


Chen Cang also started the first round of beer trials.

Well, it is like aerated water, but the glycogen conversion of maltose may be faster, as for the alcohol?

Not to mention!

"Boss, come again, I want dark beer!"

Looking at the crowd who could not break the army, Chen Cang sighed helplessly.

No one can fight!

But this angered everyone, called to shake people, Zhou Hongguang went on a call, 301 came a group of God of War!

Chen Cang decided to try Baijiu this time.

Well, the effect is remarkable, this alcohol decomposition rate is comparable to beer.

For a time, Chen Cang examined himself again. What kind of liver is this?

When the whole body is fully equipped, Chen Cang feels that the problem he needs to solve is definitely not a disease, but a superhuman opponent such as Dakside!

With enough wine and food, Chen Cang went to the toilet several times.

Disappointed home.

He decided to go to the hospital the next day to do a CT to see if there were any changes in appearance.

However, he was afraid that after he made it, he would find himself covered with liver, which is not good.

Back home, it's over eleven o'clock.

Qin Yue saw Chen Cang coming back, and couldn't help but complain: "How come back? Is there another dog!"

Chen Cang immediately smiled and said, "Of course not!"

In the speaking room, I got up and walked toward the toilet: "I'm going to take a bath, you take a rest early, won't you go to work tomorrow?"

Qin Yue did not say anything, got up and ran into the room.

Chen Cang looked curious, but he still walked towards the toilet, after all, he was full of alcohol.

Although it is basically metabolized after drinking, the alcoholic taste is still quite heavy.

The most important thing is that the group of people does not play cards according to common sense, but after drinking, they start to splash...

Zhou Hongguang is even more shameless, if not pushing him agilely on his body, he will directly vomit on himself!

After washing, Chen Cangmei went to bed.

Just lying down, Qin Yue came over with a box!

Looking at Chen Cang with a grieving look: "I will show you something!"

Chen Cang froze, holding her with a smile: "What is it?"

Qin Yue leaned his mouth and handed over the things in his hand.

"Look, what is this?"

Chen Cang was taken aback, took a look, and suddenly smiled: "Isn't this our marriage certificate?"

"What did you do with this one in the middle of the night?"

Qin Yue sneered: "Let's take a closer look at what this is?"

Chen Cang suddenly became curious. After doing it, he turned over and read it several times to make sure this was the marriage certificate!

"This... isn't this the marriage certificate?"

Qin Yue gritted his mouth, widened his eyes, looked at Chen Cang with a grieving expression, and said angrily:

"Wrong! This is a driver's license!"

Chen Cang was shocked!

Suddenly blinded.

"This is clearly a marriage certificate..."

Qin Yue pinched Chen Cang's face directly: "This is the driver's license, you changed the dog!"

When Chen Cang heard it, he was stunned.

"Driver's license? What do you mean?"

Qin Yue said bitterly: "When we had no license before, you drove every day, then you were driving without a license! The speed was quite fast, and the driving time was quite long!"


"Look at you, what will it be like if you have a certificate?"

"The internship period is better. We have all our weddings and the internship period has passed. You are eligible for high-speed drag racing!"

"Why don't you stop driving?"

"Is this possible at speed?"

Chen Cang reacted.

He hadn't responded just now.

Only then understand!

This girl... the speed is getting faster and faster!

When Chen Cang heard it, he blushed and explained:

"The car needs regular maintenance and cannot be driven all the time!"

Qin Yue sneered, riding Chen Cang directly under him, grasping his face with both hands, and squeezed hard.

"Today, you can open a business, and you must open it if you don't!

Chen Cang's face suddenly changed!

Legalize driving?

What can I do?

Not afraid of female gangsters!

I'm afraid the hooligan has culture!



One night without words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Chen Cang got up in the morning the next day, he was surprised to find himself refreshed!

The whole person not only did not have any fatigue, but even felt a little satisfied.


Of course, after all, I slept on the floor for one night, the floor is not hard, of course the waist is good!

Looking back at what happened last night, Chen Cang was really embarrassed!

Not because of anything else, but simply because of more urine!

Liver metabolism is fast.

However, there are also many decomposition products.

Where to go?

The next three!

This led to last night’s unremarkable traffic conditions, which kept the engine turned off.

This makes the driving process not smooth, and you have to go to the toilet after a while.

The angry Qin Yue kicked Chen Cang.

Chen Cang reflected all night last night.

It seems!

This thing also has side effects.

Cough, it seems that it still needs improvement.

No wonder it is purple.

Perhaps the really powerful one is the golden liver.


Thinking of this, Chen Cang felt a long way to go.

At this time, Qin Yue also got up.

Chen Cang flattered with a smile: "Early!"

Qin Yue glanced at Chen Cang quietly, thinking for a while, and sitting beside Chen Cang distressedly, patiently comforted.

"How old are you, just urinating frequently... I'll help you register tomorrow!"

"Really, you don't have to be afraid. In fact, urinary frequency, urgency, urgency, endless urology, a lot, don't have shadows!"

Chen Cang smiled awkwardly: "Drinking too much last night, cough!"

"I usually do well!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Yue encouraged, "Well, yes, it is a good thing to believe in yourself and cultivate self-confidence!"

Chen Cang:...

(End of this chapter)

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