When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1488: : Children only make choices, adults are naturally all...

most of the time.

The significance of surgery is really not in the surgery itself, but in hope!

At this moment, a family of five is now standing outside the operating room, looking at the door of the operating room, like all the waiters around...

Waiting for hope and fearing despair!

Chen Cang increasingly felt:

The profession of doctor itself cannot have too much emotional appeal.

Because... too many feelings accumulate on you, you will have a lot of strange thoughts.

Sometimes, you can't think too much.

If the sky is loving, the sky will grow old.

Why think so much?

There are always a few doctors in the hospital who are not fixed, because after seeing more life and death, the hard heart will melt, and I can’t even bear to think about it.

Compared with work pressure, mental torture is more painful.

Operating room!

Chen Cang and others once again came into the operating room carrying the dream of three generations.

The old man's expectation, Zhang Ling's fear, and the child's curiosity...

Everyone knows that this battle is not easy to fight!

Because liver transplantation itself is a very complicated and delicate work, the organization of the liver transplantation team before surgery is very important, and it is usually necessary to form a donor liver group, a recipient liver group, and an anesthesia group.

The participating departments should include at least hepatobiliary surgery, cardiac surgery, laboratory, hematology, microbiology and immunization room, blood bank, pathology department, radiology department, pharmacy, etc., all of these departments are tacit and orderly run-in and time and time again Exercise.

Chen Cang must participate in the full name of the operation. In addition to anesthesia, starting from the donor liver group, Chen Cang will cut off the liver to save this great mother while saving her son!

This needs to consider too many things.

How big is a liver?

Really not big!

But it is enough to support the great maternal love.

It is said that the whole body is courageous, who can courageously beat such a mother?

How to use a small liver to meet the needs of the two?

This is a very difficult question!

It takes Chen Cang to calculate accurately.

The operation has not yet started, Chen Cang stared at the CT report where he kept thinking.

The ruler in his hand continuously calculates the size and structure of the liver, and analyzes how to transplant to ensure the greatest chance of survival.

The four-dimensional structure constructed in Chen Cang's mind was displayed in front of Chen Cang. He needed to simulate liver cutting again and again!

While removing the liver, it is necessary to sort out the relationship between the liver blood vessels, calculate the liver volume that meets the needs of the liver, calculate the complications of intra-abdominal hemorrhage during operation, and design a new bile duct and its digestive system...

It's really hard!

One minute and one second passed, one minute... two minutes... ten minutes...

The anesthetist behind him said, "Professor Chen, when you are ready, when will you start?"

In a word, Chen Cang couldn't help rubbing his brow!

too difficult!

Mother height 160, weight 60kg!

Sun Fitness is 178 tall and weighs 76KG!

The liver volume of the two people is different, so giving Sun Jian 50% of the liver can not meet his daily needs.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, according to the default provisions of live liver transplantation, 50% is already the limit.

Chen Cang has simulated many times, and 50% of her mother’s liver is really choking for Sun Jian.

How to do?

The anesthesiologist is already urging.

Chen Cang took a deep breath, glanced at the mother, and made a bold decision!

Remove 60% of Fan Qinghua's liver!

Thinking of this, Chen Cang said: "I'll wash my hands."

After he went out and washed his hands, Chen Cang opened a simulated stone!

Looking at the only simulated stone left in the space, Chen Cang took a deep breath, hoping that he would never use you!

Unfortunately, this is impossible!

When the picture changed and the donor and recipient groups were simulated in the space, Chen started the simulated surgery!

After all, live donor liver transplantation is not a mature procedure, but it is definitely an old operation that has been around for decades.


But maturity also means that it is very difficult to change!

Such a surgery by a 59-year-old mother to donate a liver to a 29-year-old son is the first that Chen Cang has seen, heard, and experienced!

The simulation begins!

Chen Cang first removed 50%. Sure enough, without any accident, the operation failed!

Even if he chose countless ingenious separation techniques, and used the perfect "Wu knife method" to give priority compensation to liver blood vessels... etc., all failed!

One liver for two people, after all, it sounds like a fantasy!

Fifty is not good, just add!

51% failed!

52% failed again!


57% successful!

Chen Cang couldn't help being excited!

He finally found out what was wrong.

In the reconstruction of the liver pipeline.

A liver tissue has only one liver duct, including habits, liver ducts and so on.

But if Chen Cang wants to complete the operation for two people, he needs to complete the liver tube reconstruction.

For a time, after thinking about it, Chen Cang started to try again!

Inside the space!

Chen Cang did not know how long it has passed!

After he opened his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ feeling suddenly changed!

Zhou Hongguang suddenly asked: "Professor Chen, why are you sweating?"

Chen Cang was stunned, only to find that he was sweating so much at this moment.

Chen Cang smiled: "It's fine!"

Zhou Hongguang nodded and sighed: "Well, Professor Chen, we discussed it. I don't think this operation should put too much pressure on myself!"

"After all, this kind of surgery is too difficult. I haven't heard of such a case for two adults in China."

"I mean, keep the man alive as much as possible!"

"Yes, at a critical time, we can use liver transplantation!"

Chen Cang was stunned, because the meaning of this sentence was... completely abandon Fan Tsinghua to protect Sun Jian's health!

Gao Ronghua also nodded bitterly.

"Well, indeed... this is also the advice of the family and the donor himself."

Although this answer is very inhuman!

However, think carefully.

If it is really a single choice question, how would you choose?

Sensually, you are willing to stand on the side of this great mother.

But rationally?

Maybe saving men is the most correct choice?

Chen Cang looked at them and suddenly laughed.

The two of them looked a little dazed!

"Professor Chen, what are you laughing at?" Gao Ronghua couldn't help but stunned.

Several directors around also looked at Chen Cang curiously.

I saw Chen Cang wiped his hands clean and walked towards the operating room.

And left a sentence:

"Children make choices, adults... naturally all are needed!"

"Two people and two operations will succeed! They will both survive!"

Some words made some people feel a little ignorant.

Why is this sentence familiar?

Where seems to have heard it!

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