When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1052: : Be serious, don't fall behind!

After seeing this scene, everyone could not help frowning.

Expert consensus?

What is the difficulty of expert consensus?

Immediately, Chen Cang slides down one page to start the introduction:

"Reconstruction of the digestive tract, including structure and function, how to better maintain the structure, restoring function is the core element."

"And this article is an expert consensus that I and my team have jointly verified, and I will start introducing it next!"

"Regarding the concept of Chen's digestive tract reconstruction, in fact, Professor Jim Lawrence has introduced some fur, and I will skip the fur and start the topic!"

"The time is tight and the task is heavy. I hope everyone will be careful not to relax as they did just now."

In a word, Jim Lawrence almost vomited blood madly. Why did my damsel become fur? Why relax when you listen to me!

Everyone present actually frowned a little more on Chen Cang, because Chen Cang seemed to underestimate them.


Chen Cang started today's introduction.

"First of all, the stomach structure is reconstructed, and the gastrointestinal anastomosis is used to build a model of stomach storage. We have to combine the functions of the stomach to form the structure of the stomach. A: Slow creep ... "

Chen Cang's several concepts directly made everyone stunned, but looking at the next picture, they were stunned!

An individual suddenly widened his eyes and quickly picked up the camera to start shooting.

Chen Cang's ideas and nouns directly exceed their understanding of stomach reconstruction, which are unheard of nouns!

What kind of stomach, what is fast emptying, slow creeping ...

However, when these are linked to disease, surgery, and pictures, everyone suddenly has a feeling of enlightenment!

At this time, everyone in the Chinese region was recording quickly. Oster had taken several photos long ago, and many things were recorded in his notebook.

Those who at first felt that Chen Cang was so mischievous almost cried!

Because watching Chen Cang is about to turn over, everyone is too late to shoot on the phone.

Suddenly everyone was in a hurry.

However, he did not dare to relax his vigilance, fearing that he would miss what he is now, he was in a hurry, and he quickly opened the camera on his mobile phone and started taking pictures while taking notes.

When Hubert saw Oster, he was stunned. Oster had recorded two pages!

At this moment, there are people below to relax their vigilance. They realized at this time that Chen Cang was seriously reminding them!

Instead, they felt that Chen Cang was acting ...

I really regret it!

After introducing the concept, Chen Cang said: "Let's watch two small videos. The stomach structure is reconstructed. One lifts the belly, and the other is the robot."

"I'm going to talk about the concept of robotic surgery here. Everyone should take a little more seriously to read it. Many operations can't be understood. You must write it down first!"

"We will talk slowly later, but don't disturb the order in the classroom and feel exaggerated ..."

This time, everyone quieted down to see what is sacred?

Soon, Chen Cang put the operation up, and it only took less than a minute, because it only needed resection and reconstruction, not too much.

Needless to say, manual operation, everyone can only be amazing!

But ... when the robot is operating, everyone holds their eyes wide-eyed and almost catches the crime. Is this **** robot?

Are you sure that it is not the future intelligent robot?

This robotic arm ... is this extreme operation?

And this coincides ... this ... is too fantasy?

At this time, Carnet couldn't help but stand up!

Hand pointing at the picture is incredible!


Too great!


He was a representative sent by MIT, and after seeing Chen Cang's operation, Carnet, who was the designer of the Da Vinci robot, was suddenly dumbfounded.

This Chen Cang has exceeded his understanding of robots.

Does n’t Chen Cang understand deeply as an engineer?

This ... is this a robot I designed?

Why am I so strange!

At this moment, everyone is silent!

They suddenly understood now that what is meant by not understanding must be written down.

Now they have finally reacted, why Chen Cang said that Jim Lawrence's man-machine is a simple man-machine, because Chen Cang's man-machine is a science-fiction version of man-machine!

This gap is too big for him!

I do n’t know. In this way, Lawrence ’s guide really has to be thrown away.

After all ... the guide you made is a fart.

You can't control the robot by yourself. Why should you use it as a guide?

At this time, Jim Lawrence looked at Chen Cang's operation and was dumbfounded.

This ... this is impossible!

How could anyone be better than my robot?

How many units have I used!

This ... this is absolutely impossible!

This must be a sci-fi blockbuster ...

However, they found that Chen Cang's next step really increased the difficulty proportionally.

The previous stomach surgery is really "appetizer!"

Next is "open sausage", "open pancres", "open gall" ...

At the end, everyone dared not take notes, and they all raised their phones to start shooting ...

One after another, after that, all the mobile phones in the audience have been raised.

Some people are crying when they look wronged!

I really don't understand.

It's been a long time since this feeling appeared, and you can only slapp yourself in silence to make you just act!

If you do n’t understand, you do n’t understand, but you do n’t understand it!

What preserves the original digestive tract is just a general concept. Chen Cang's next operation tells them what is a concept!

When the names that I have n’t heard come up, I ca n’t understand them at all, but I ca n’t compare the photos ... The real cases and diseases finally realized, but this kind of sudden understanding did n’t exist for a long time, and was soon followed by surgery Tips to defeat!

Whether it is manual operation or Da Vinci robotic surgery.

Everyone feels that this is a science fiction movie!

The last is to compare the choice between open surgery and robotic surgery, as well as surgical guidelines ...

It's really detailed!

Good is good!

This is nothing to say.

It's too difficult ...

Can those terms be a bit simpler?

Finally, I do n’t know who ’s cell phone is dead. The man looked at the cell phone in his hand and was annoying to throw it away!

And those in the back row who are not clear about the mobile phone shooting are already wronged!

Those in the front row are not much better. They are already in the fog. When they hear them, they feel awesome. If you think about it carefully, your brain is blank ... Brain seeds are buzzing!

Now, everyone has only one idea: talk too fast!

Seeing everyone, Chen Cang said with emotion: "Everyone is an expert, time is limited, I will talk faster!"

After this sentence was spoken, the following people were suddenly blinded!

President Chen!

You can treat us as an idiot, speak slowly, okay!

I have called you President Chen, can't you promise me!

Time passed by one minute and one second, and finally ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Cang finished his speech within the prescribed time.

The following beings are all in a dull state.

They feel that they are not listening, they are listening to the Zen, and the clouds are foggy, and they will soon be enlightened.

Chen Cang got up: "Thank you all, and also thank Professor Jim Lawrence for the advance explanation so that everyone has a rough understanding, so that I can finish it smoothly, thank you!"

Speaking of which, Chen Cang thoughtfully glanced at Jim Lawrence, which was meaningful!

And Jim Lawrence is really mad ...

And some people shook God: Ah? Finished?



ps: Six shifts are delivered. Eight shifts today, huh, a little tired. Continue to send the shifts together tomorrow.

For support, the hot Chen Yuwang has just begun!

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