The sedan chair stopped at the gate, and Yan Li sat in the sedan chair without touching the ground with her feet.

Mu Cang opened the sedan curtain and looked at the slender figure sitting in the sedan through the faintly hanging red gauze, and the emotions surging in his heart were covered one by one.

After a moment, he turned around and got on his mount.

Several young people who had come to welcome the bride also jumped on the horse's back neatly, holding the reins, and followed Mu Cang.

Red carpets were spread all over the streets of the imperial city. The streets were decorated with lights and streamers, and the gongs and drums were loud. It was very lively.

Taifu Jiang stood in front of the door, watching the wedding ceremony ceremony leave, and suddenly raised his eyes and pinched his eyelids.

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Jiang paid attention to his movements, with a somewhat mocking tone, "You are married, and you feel reluctant to leave?"

"No." Mrs. Jiang frowned, his expression slightly condensed, "I just have an unexplainable feeling, as if something big has happened."

"Isn't Yanli Pavilion a big deal? Is there anything bigger than this?" Mrs. Jiang said coldly, turned around and walked to the inner house, "It's good that the scourge is gone, but it's best not to come back again in the future. ”

It would be good for them if Yan Li didn't stay in this house.

Luo Shi won't be jealous when he sees her, and Jingyue no longer needs to be compared with her.

Ting Yi and the other three didn't even have to lower their stature and speak kindly to her.

Without her, the Jiang family became less smoky and the whole family was quiet.

The procession that welcomed the bride left the Jiang family in a mighty manner, as if it stretched for ten miles.

The streets were lined with people watching the excitement.

The children danced with excitement and joy, grabbing the wedding money and peanuts and dates thrown over by Xiniang.

The eight-headed horse led the way, and the young Xi Niang walked with a red basket, scattering jubilant copper coins and peanuts along the way.

"Congratulations to the Ninth Prince on his wedding to Princess Nanyang as his wife!"

"I wish the prince and the princess a happy marriage and a long life together!"

The common people were picking up copper coins and happy fruits on the ground and waving their hands happily: "Congratulations to the Ninth Prince and Princess Nanyang on their wedding!"

"May the Kingdom of Mu and the Kingdom of Zuo last forever, and the Nine Princes live a long life!"

"May Princess Nanyang be healthy and healthy every year!"

Mu Cang, who was dressed dignifiedly on horseback in a wedding dress, was as dignified and handsome as a god, with a breathtaking aura.

Hearing the blessings from the people, his brows and eyes were obviously warmer.

It is also his wish that his beloved be healthy and healthy every year.

May her life be free from illness and disaster, and be safe and smooth.

The ladies sitting in the restaurant watching the excitement sighed with envy: "The Ninth Prince's attitude towards Princess Nanyang makes all the ladies jealous with envy." ŴŴŴ.

"Who would have thought that the cold and ruthless Ninth Prince could actually have such a tender side."

"Princess Nanyang will be so happy in the rest of her life."

"Yes, the Ninth Prince is not only noble in status and powerful in ability, but he also takes such great care of Princess Nanyang. How many men in the world can compare with her?"

"Isn't it too early to say this now?" In the middle of the harmonious envy, a voice that was neither yin nor yang suddenly inserted, like a basin of cold water being poured in, instantly extinguishing the excitement of the girls, "Nine It’s true that the imperial uncle’s status is noble, so Yan Li is not worthy of him at all.”

Several noble ladies turned their heads to look in unison.

Mu Jun, Princess Xianwang's Mansion, walked in surrounded by several maids, her face slightly raised and her posture arrogant: "Uncle Nine Emperors takes great care of her, entirely because this marriage is a gift from the Emperor."

Several noble ladies looked at each other: "What does this mean, Princess?"

Mu Yun snorted coldly: "Yan Li is just lucky and has the emperor's favor. Otherwise, with her status, she might not be qualified to be a concubine for the Nine Emperors Uncle."

Several noble ladies had different expressions, but they all remained silent and did not speak to refute.

The wedding team gradually walked away, winding towards Qinglong Street in the east.

"Report!" The horse rode all the way to the inner city. When the imperial guards came to stop him, the other party showed the documents and talismans in the package, "The Queen of Jin brought her envoys to report to the emperor immediately!"

The deputy commander of the infantry battalion of the Royal Forest Army received his order. Without any delay, he immediately got on his horse and said, "A team of ten people, follow me into the palace to meet the Holy Spirit!"

There are checkpoints at all levels, and the sound is transmitted.

The news was sent all the way to the palace. The monarchs and ministers who were discussing the morning affairs were interrupted by a loud announcement: "The Queen of Jin is here with her envoys!"

"The Queen of Jin is arriving with her prince and envoys!"

"The Queen of Jin is arriving with her prince and envoys!"

One after another, it was transmitted directly to Tianting.

"Your Majesty!" Ye Qi, the commander of the Royal Forest Army, hurriedly walked up to the main hall and knelt on one knee. "The Queen of Jin came with her envoys and has arrived at the imperial city. Please give me your Majesty's permission!"

The ministers all over the court immediately whispered among themselves.

As early as a month ago, we received the news of the personal visit of the Queen of Jin, and the Ministry of Rites had already obtained the imperial edict and made careful plans.

Today, our distinguished guest has finally arrived.

And it happens to be on the occasion of the Ninth Prince’s wedding. Do you want to have a glass of wedding wine?

Emperor Zhaocheng grasped the dragon chair's armrest consciously: "Didn't you say that I can do it tomorrow night? How come it's so fast?"

"I don't know." Ye Qi replied respectfully, "I guess they are rushing to attend the Ninth Prince's wedding?"

Attend Mu Cang's wedding?

Emperor Zhaocheng coughed slightly and sat upright calmly: "Where is the wedding of the Ninth Prince?"

"The wedding team has already gone to Qinglong Street in Dongcheng."

Emperor Zhaocheng pondered for a moment, then turned around and ordered: "Pass the message to the Ninth Prince."


The chamberlain stood in the main hall and shouted loudly: "It is reported that the Ninth Prince is here to see you——"

The singing sound spread to the main hall.

Emperor Zhaocheng looked around at the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and said calmly: "The Prime Minister and the officials of the Ministry of Rites will go to the city with the Ninth Prince later to greet the distinguished guests of the Jin Kingdom. They must be respectful and courteous and not sloppy."

"I obey the order."

"Ye Qi, it is said that the Royal Forest Army maintains order in the imperial city and cannot make any mistakes."

"I humbly obey my orders!"

The ministers keenly smelled an unusual smell and quietly raised their eyes to look at the Emperor on the dragon throne directly in front of him.

The Kingdom of Jin and the Kingdom of Mu are adjacent to each other, but they have been living in peace and harmony these years. Why does the emperor seem a little nervous?

Emperor Zhaocheng suddenly said: "Here comes someone!"


"It is said that Mrs. Jiang and the old lady have entered the palace!"


Almost at the same time.

A figure in green walked quickly through the noisy crowd and knelt on one knee in front of the wedding procession: "Your Majesty."

"The Queen of Jin and her envoys have arrived in the imperial city, and the imperial guards have rushed into the palace to report to the emperor."

Mu Cang held the reins slightly tightly and said coldly: "This king is getting married today. Please lead the way. No one is allowed to hinder or delay the process of my wedding."

"I obey!"

Yan Li sat in the sedan chair, wondering what the Queen of Jin's arrival meant.

What does Mu Cang mean by this?

Will the Queen of Jin prevent him from getting married?

Mu Cang looked at the long street in front of him and ordered: "Go faster."


The welcoming procession left the inner city and headed toward the east city.

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