Naruto looked at the man and the fox in the sealed space.

He felt a little confused.

Didn’t the big fox want him to drive out the ghost-like guy just now?

How come these two guys seem to be in the same group again?

“Jiu Lama, you can’t do this.”

Indra waved his hand and said,”The influence of Asura’s will cannot be changed by just a few words of instigation like you.”

“……So what do you think we should do?”

Kyuubi said he was willing to ask for advice.

In dealing with Asura, Indra must have more experience!

“Take more time and take your time.”

Indra said.

He was very confident in solving Naruto’s problem!

After all!

Now, he was his real body in Naruto’s body.

And Ashura was just in the form of chakra reincarnation in Naruto’s body!

What’s more, the Nine-Tails was on his side now!

If he still couldn’t eliminate the influence of Ashura’s will, then he would just return to the Pure Land completely, why bother fighting with Ashura generation after generation!


Indra thought for a moment and asked Naruto,”Naruto, is there anything you want to do right now? Maybe I can help you achieve it.”

For example, if you want to improve your strength or something.

In this regard, he has some confidence.

“Something you particularly want to do?”

Naruto scratched his head, thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up:”You, can you help me bring Sasuke back? Sasuke was taken away by those guys from another world before!”


Indra raised his eyebrows.

“His name is Uchiha Sasuke, and he is your descendant.”

The Nine-Tails explained in the prison:”Moreover, he should be a reincarnation of your generation of chakras. In order to improve his strength, he voluntarily chose to go to the empire in that other world.”

“It’s not voluntary!”

Naruto glared at the Nine-Tails:”Sasuke was deceived by those guys!”


Kyuubi sneered.

Ah, yes, yes, Sasuke didn’t do it voluntarily, he was deceived.

Kyuubi didn’t say much, and lay down again inside the prison.

Indra looked back and forth between Naruto and Kyuubi.

Frankly speaking, he was more willing to believe Kyuubi’s statement.

Kyuubi was on the same side with him now, and there was no reason to lie to him.

And Naruto… this kid, it seems that he is a bit wishful thinking.

“Do you really want Sasuke to come back?”

Indra asked curiously,”That Uchiha Sasuke took the initiative to go to another world. It should be to obtain better resources and environment to improve his strength, right?”

“I think Sasuke must have his own reasons for doing this, and he has a goal that he is eager to achieve.”

“In this case, do you still want Sasuke to stay here?”

He didn’t know the specific experience of Uchiha Sasuke, the current reincarnation of his own chakra.

He had to wait until Sasuke died in the future and his soul returned to the Pure Land. Only then could he fully see the life experience of the new generation of his own chakra reincarnation.


Naruto said unconvincedly:”If Sasuke wants to practice and improve his strength, I can go with him, why go to those guys!”

He and Sasuke practiced tree climbing before!

Both of them tried their best. In the end, they successfully reached the top together!

After that, it was Sasuke who supported him back when he was almost exhausted.

It was also because of that time that his attitude towards Sasuke changed a lot.

In addition.

Before, on the Wave Country Bridge!

Sasuke desperately blocked Bai’s Ice Thousand Bones for him!

For Sasuke who tried his best to protect him, he certainly didn’t want Sasuke to leave!

On Indra’s side.

Listening to Naruto bit by bit, chattering about the bond between him and Sasuke.

Indra’s face became a little weird.


The Nine-Tails, who was also listening, couldn’t help but shudder:”Naruto, you little brat, why are you talking so disgustingly? If you don’t know, you might think your wife ran away with someone else.”


In fact, he also has this feeling.

Naruto, this guy, always feels so gay when he mentions Uchiha Sasuke… No

, what are these younger generations of his own chakra reincarnations and Ashura’s chakra reincarnations?!

Why are the bonds and feelings between each other developing more and more in a strange direction?

The previous generation of chakra reincarnations, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, were also like this!

Indra felt that he was a little confused.

He and Ashura were not like this at the beginning!

It was just a normal brotherhood that was very good at the beginning, but later broke up.

Why did the younger generation of chakra reincarnations become like this little by little?!

“Hey, I can’t help you bring Sasuke back~”

Indra coughed lightly and threw away a bunch of strange thoughts in his mind.


Naruto was immediately disappointed:”I thought you were very powerful, but I didn’t expect you to be just like this.”


Indra suddenly felt a little bit dizzy, and tried to suppress it. He calmed down and said to Naruto:”Although I can’t help you bring Sasuke back directly, but if you accept my teachings, work hard to practice and improve your strength, maybe you can bring Sasuke back by yourself.”


Naruto’s eyes lit up instantly

“How about it, isn’t this more meaningful?”

Indra said with a smile:”Use your own power to bring Sasuke back personally!”


Naruto nodded repeatedly.

“In this case, you must work hard on your training.”

Indra nodded and said,”You are���Your foundation is a little too poor, but it doesn’t matter, Jiu Lama and I will teach you together in the future.”

In the process of teaching Naruto in the future, as long as he continues to use his chakra to influence Naruto, it will only be a matter of time to solve Ashura’s will.


The nine-tailed fox in the prison moved his ears.

Why is it my business?


On the other side.

The Kingdom of Wind.

The ruins of the ancient city of Loulan submerged in the sea of trees.

Shiro Kakashi, Obito, and Senju Hashirama received the Flying Thunder God contact from Hashirama’s wooden clone.

The three of them directly activated the Flying Thunder God teleportation array!

In an instant, they arrived at the Kingdom of Wind.

At this time.

Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro were trembling.

They now understood why the ninja god who had been dead for decades suddenly reappeared.

Because these guys came from another world!

They invaded their ninja world from another world!

“Are you… Gaara?”

Obito looked at Gaara’s face carefully and asked speculatively

“……”So what?”

Gaara replied coldly.

Falling into the hands of these guys, even the perfect Shukaku is no match for them.

He has now completely given up the idea of resistance.

The worst that can happen is death.

If he fails to kill his enemies, his existence will not be able to continue.

“Tsk tsk, Gaara from the other ninja world also has no eyebrows.”

Obito said in surprise


Gaara had a cold and dead face.

Is he crazy?!

Does it have anything to do with you whether you have eyebrows or not?

“Wait, you mean Gaara in the Ninja World?……”

Temari’s face changed, and she suddenly realized something:”Does that mean there is also a Gaara in your ninja world?”

“Of course.”

Obito said as a matter of course:”However, Gaara on our side is much better than this brat. Even in the Imperial Central University, his grades are among the best!”

Gaara on the Empire side.

Among his peers, he is just inferior to Menma, Sasuke, Neji and other descendants of God.

But apart from these people, Gaara is definitely the strongest among his peers!

“Besides, our Gaara is a serious top student!”

Obito looked at Gaara with disdain:”Unlike you, with tattoos and eye shadow, you are so young, how can you be like this!”


Gaara subconsciously touched his face:”Tattoos… and eye shadow?!” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) Is this talking about me?

The tattoo is probably referring to the word”love” on my forehead.

But what the hell is eye shadow?!

When did I ever do something so fancy!


Temari couldn’t help laughing. Seeing her brother looking at her coldly, she quickly stopped laughing and explained,”Gaara, this is not eye shadow. He…is affected by Shukaku and can’t sleep well, so he became like this.” Thinking about it, her brother is really pitiful.

Shukaku made him sleep all night.

If it were me, I would have gone crazy by now.

“Can’t sleep peacefully?”

Obito looked puzzled:”Why is that?”

He had only seen Jinchūriki, a form of utilizing the power of the tailed beasts, in history textbooks.

Would this form cause the Jinchūriki, as a container, to be unable to sleep?

“I have some knowledge of this.”

Shiro Kakashi looked at Gaara and said in a deep voice:”It seems that the level of sealing technique of the Sand Village is not enough, so the seal of the One-Tailed Jinchūriki is very unstable.”

As a result, the tailed beast in the body of the Jinchūriki can interfere with the Jinchūriki’s mind at any time.

But the Nine-Tailed Jinchūriki of Konoha will not be like this.

The Nine-Tailed Jinchūriki can only pull the consciousness of the Jinchūriki into the sealed space when the Jinchūriki’s emotions fluctuate violently.

“……Just because he wants to use the power of the tailed beasts!”

Obito felt his jaw drop in shock:”Not even willing to let the jinchūriki not sleep every night?!”

This, this is too backward, too primitive, isn’t it?!

It’s simply anti-human!


The circles around Gaara’s eyes are not eye shadow, smoky makeup or something.

They are dark circles caused by not being able to sleep all night!


Senju Hashirama sighed, his face very gloomy, and said:”Speaking of these things, it’s all my fault.”

It was his idea to distribute the tailed beasts to the major ninja villages.

If he had chosen to unify the five major countries and the five major ninja villages at the beginning, there would not have been the subsequent Ninja World Wars.

If he had not distributed the tailed beasts at the beginning, the subsequent Ninja World Wars would have been less tragic.

And, these Jinchūriki!

The tragic fate of generation after generation of Jinchūriki is also partly due to him!

“You don’t need to blame yourself too much, Shodaime-senpai.”

Shiro Kakashi consoled him and said,”In the ninja world, there have been so many ninja wars, mainly because of resource allocation and people’s greed.”

“Especially for someone like Gaara, who would rather keep the Jinchūriki awake than use the power of the tailed beasts, this is the fault of the ninja village and the Kage of the village, and you can’t blame it all on you.”

After reading so many books that Obito brought from another world,

Kakashi Shiro felt that he had a much deeper understanding of the past events.



Gaara suddenly frowned and said,”Shukaku is still making a fuss.”

Shukaku seemed to be particularly irritable today. After being forced to dissolve the tailed beast form just now,

Shukaku still did not calm down in his body.

He was still shouting!

He urged him to find a chance to escape.


Trying to find a chance to escape in front of these guys?!

You’re courting death���That’s not how you find it!

“Shukaku… Well, maybe I can help you strengthen the seal inside your body first.”

Hashirama Senju thought for a moment, stretched out his hand, and tapped Gaara’s forehead with his finger.


Space changed!

In the sealed space inside Gaara’s body,


When Shukaku saw Hashirama Senju coming in, he went crazy and backed away frantically,”Don’t come over here!”

“One-tail, you are a bit too active, you should be quiet for a while.”

Hashirama Senju clasped his hands together:”Senju, Myojinmon!”


A huge red torii fell from the sky!

Shukaku’s huge and fat body was easily suppressed by Myojinmon!


Hashirama Senju stretched out his hand again, and a large amount of brown wood extended from his hand, towards Shukaku who was tied up.

“Damn it, you bastard!”

Shukaku struggled desperately:”Damn the first generation of Hokage, let me go!”

Its chakra was almost completely suppressed!

It couldn’t break free at all!

Swish! Another figure came into the sealed space.

“Otherwise, I can help add an extra layer of insurance.”

Obito had a smile on his face, and a red light flashed in his eyes:”Go to sleep peacefully, and let Gaara have a good rest at night.”

“Mangekyō Sharingan?!”

Shukaku was almost going crazy, and tried desperately to look away, but he was tied up by the Wood Release Technique and couldn’t do it at all. Soon, his eyes gradually turned into the pattern of the Sharingan:”But, damn it!”……”

What did I do to offend anyone?!

I could actually let Wood Release (Ma Zhao) and Mangekyō Sharingan attack me one after another!

The last person who was treated like this was that stinky fox, right?

Under the injection of Mangekyō’s pupil power,

Shukaku’s consciousness was rejected and he completely lost control of his body.

He was still trying to struggle, but now he was completely quiet.


“All right.”

Senju Hashirama looked relieved and said,”You should be able to sleep well after this.””

“Gaara, how are you now?”

Temari asked with concern.

“Right, can Shukaku still bother you now?”

The same goes for Kankuro.

Although this younger brother has a special personality… as older brothers and sisters, they still want to care about their younger brother.

“……I can’t hear Shukaku’s shouting anymore.”

Gaara looked a little dazed, and couldn’t help but close his eyes, but still didn’t hear the familiar sharp shouting.

His heart felt the long-lost tranquility.

In this almost forgotten tranquility,

Gaara felt like crying.……

“I’m sorry, young man.”

Senju Hashirama said seriously,”I wonder if I can check your memory… I want to know the living conditions of the Jinchūriki in this ninja world.”


Gaara subconsciously wanted to say something, but after carefully experiencing the tranquility in his heart at the moment, he turned his head slightly and said,”You can do whatever you want.”

Temari and Kankuro at the side were surprised.

Is Gaara… tsundere?

“Thank you very much.”

Senju Hashirama said seriously.���Then

, he put his hand on Gaara’s head.

He spent a lot of effort to master the secret technique of the Yamanaka clan before coming.

Soon, the memories of Gaara’s past were read out by Senju Hashirama. After a long time, Senju

Hashirama read through Gaara’s memories.

His expression changed little by little.

“Your father, the Fourth Kazekage……”

Senju Hashirama looked a little hesitant and asked,”Is he… really your biological father?”.

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