
Menma grabbed Cardo and flashed back like he was carrying a dead dog.


He threw Cardo to the ground without caring.


Menma said to Kakashi Haku, Zabuza and others with a smile on his face:"In the face of the most primitive and eternal violence in the world, this is the result."

Momochi Zabuza said nothing.

Although he felt that this was a bit out of line... but!


He had wanted to do this to that bastard Kado for a long time!

How dare he be so arrogant in front of him!

"Za, Zabuza!"

Cardo got up from the ground, looked at the group of people around him, and shouted to Zabuza in horror:"You, you took my money, so hurry up and get rid of these bastards!"


Zabuza Momochi snorted coldly.

Is this guy crazy?

To get rid of these guys... he needs the strength.


Menma's figure flashed like a ghost and appeared next to Cardo. He stretched out his hand to pinch Cardo's neck, lifted Cardo up, and exerted a little force:

"You guy, why are you still not honest?"

"Aren't you a businessman? What, now you don't even have the brains to judge the situation?"

"If so, I can give you a ride right now."

After saying that,

Menma pushed a little harder.

In an instant, Kado felt that he was having trouble breathing!

"I...I was wrong……"

Kado's face turned purple, and he spoke with great difficulty.

Menma continued for more than ten seconds before releasing his hand and throwing Kado aside. He no longer paid attention to Kado, who seemed to have survived a disaster.

Menma spread his hands and said to Shiro Kakashi and the others:

"You see, in the face of real violence, the merchants, nobles, and even the daimyo who entrusted you with the task are all vulnerable!"

After saying this, not only Kakashi Haku, Zabuza, and Haku, but even Naruto, Sasuke, and the others were stunned!

The daimyo!

This guy, doesn't even take the daimyo seriously?

He's too bold!

This kind of speech is completely contrary to the education they have received since childhood!


Momochi Zabuza looked at Kado, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, and swallowed his saliva and said,"It's easy for you to attack him now. But if you do this, how can you continue to take on missions and make money in the future?"

Hearing this, Menma felt a little speechless.

What are these people thinking?

Is it that the only way of life in their minds is to take on missions and earn commissions?

"Well, Menma, you grew up directly in the Empire Era, so you may not understand this very well."

Kuro Kakashi cleared his throat and said,"Those who grew up completely in the old era have already formed a fixed mindset in their minds. It is difficult for them to think that the world may be different."

And he just happened to be.

When he was born, the Empire had not yet been established.

The year the Empire was established, he was 6 years old. He already had a certain understanding of the world, but his worldview was not yet solid.

So, it can be said that he just happened to experience the changes in the times brought about by the establishment of the Empire. He has also witnessed the fragmentation and reconstruction of cognition encountered by many people in that rapidly changing era.

"Come, let me ask you a question."

Kakashi raised a finger and asked,"What is a ninja? How do you understand a ninja?"

Everyone frowned.

Why did they get to this point?

"Ninjas are tools that the target uses to complete the mission at all costs."

Zabuza Momochi said coldly.

"Hmm... ninja."

Shiro Kakashi pondered for a moment, and said hesitantly:"Ninja should be understood as a group of people who use chakra and can perform ninjutsu."

Black Kakashi listened to the answers of the two and nodded slightly.

These two answers are quite representative.

As for the answers of the others.

Shiro positioned himself as a tool for Zabuza alone.

As for Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, with their knowledge, they are not qualified to answer such questions.

"Come on, Menma, answer the question of what a ninja is."

Kakashi patted Menma Namikaze's shoulder and said


Menma nodded and answered smoothly:"Ninja is a class that has mastered chakra and possesses great power."

"In the old ninja era, although the ninja mastered the power to destroy the world, they failed to transform this power into a real productive force to transform the world. Instead, they used the power of chakra to fight each other."

"Furthermore, the ninjas of the old ninja era also failed to control the means of production, and their economic lifeline was controlled by other classes that controlled the means of production."

"On this basis, ninjas lived on commissions from hired tasks of the class that controlled the means of production, becoming tools controlled by them."

"The order of the ninja world in the old ninja era was built on this basis."

Ichiban answered without pause.

In the empire, any graduate who has received compulsory education can answer these questions fluently.

However, almost everyone present was dumbfounded.

Including Kakashi Haku and Zabuza, they were all confused.

What productivity, means of production?

What about transforming the world?

What a mess!

I don't understand it at all!

"His Majesty once called these teachings the Dragon Slaying Technique!"

Menma looked at the confused people and couldn't help shaking his head and said,"I didn't understand it before, but now I finally understand it. With your level, you wouldn't understand even if I told you."

Shiro Kakashi, Zabuza and others looked aggrieved.

Damn it!

So unhappy!

The two of them are more or less famous ninjas in the ninja world! They are actually looked down upon by others!


At the side, the old bridge builder Dazna, who had been ignored, suddenly raised his hand cautiously:"I think I can understand a little bit."

As he said that, Dazna carefully pointed to the damaged Wave Country Bridge under his feet, and said with a look of heartache:

"Did you mean that the ninjas only know how to fight each other, and can easily destroy the bridge we worked so hard to build, but can't help us build the bridge?"

It took so much time to build the bridge, and it was almost finished.

It was destroyed in just a few moments!

What a sin!


Menma couldn't help but brighten his eyes when he heard this. He looked at Shiro Kakashi and Zabuza and shook his head:"Look at you guys, you are not even as good as an ordinary old man. Shame on you, shame on you!"

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