After the Golden Toad Qi-nourishing Technique was upgraded to the maximum level, Zhou Yuan's basic attributes also changed.

Originally, his basic attributes were: Essence: 4, Qi: 2, Spirit: 2

Now, after increasing the Qi attribute by 2 points and the Spirit attribute by 1 point, it has become: Essence: 4, Qi: 4, Spirit: 3

"Very good, the three attributes of Essence, Qi and Spirit have become more harmonious. With the increase of 1 point of Spirit attribute, my mind-confusing technique should also be more useful."

[Level 15 Golden Toad for Treasure] contributed powerful skills, and the two [Level 10 Golden Toad for Wealth] were not bad either, each of which exploded a green light ball.

After Zhou Yuan picked them up, he found that the items in the two green light balls were the same, both of which were a pill.

[Medicine: Spirit Toad Pill]

[Introduction: Moon Rabbit Pounding Spirit Medicine, Golden Toad Yunling Pill, absorbing the Moon Cave to replenish the True Yin, and collecting the Moon Hua to balance the Yin and Yang. ]

[Effect: After taking it, it will trigger the 'Qi Shield' state, increase defense, and alleviate the negative state of 'Chaotic Qi'. ]

‘Lingchan Pill’ is a special medicine that increases defense. Although it is not as good as the Golden Toad Qi-nourishing Method, it is also very practical.

The output of the three golden toads is too rich, and the huge benefits stimulate Zhou Yuan to continue exploring.

He walked down the hill quickly and saw two different directions to explore.

One is to move forward horizontally to the left and right, and the other is to simply climb forward.

He walked forward for a distance first and found that the monsters on the new hill not only became more dense, but also much higher in level.

[Level 10 Moon White Medicine Rabbit], [Level 15 Medicine Pounding Jade Rabbit], [Level 20 Golden Moon Rabbit]

Looking at the [Level 20 Golden Moon Rabbit] wearing golden armor, carrying a silk banner, holding a jade hammer, and riding a smart white deer.

Zhou Yuan did not go forward to test its attack range.

That guy was obviously an elite monster, and a cavalry-type high-mobility elite monster. It was too deadly for a shooter without a front-line meat shield.

Therefore, he turned around and left, heading for the hill on the right.

This time it was much more normal. There were only cute [Level 5 Moon White Medicine Rabbit] and [Level 10 Medicine Pounding Jade Rabbit] on the hills with lush flowers and grass.

This made him realize that the Moon Palace Secret Realm was likely to be similar to the structure of a full moon. The closer to the outer circle, the lower the level of the monsters, and the closer to the inner circle, the higher the level of the monsters.

"The recommended level of the Moon Palace dungeon is 5~99, and there won't be a level 100 boss in the center.

It's too cruel. Fortunately, there are restrictions on the time and number of people entering this place.

Otherwise, if the rabbits here find a chance to gain spiritual wisdom, I'm afraid they will rise like the last time the Moon Rabbit rose."

After Zhou Yuan shot and killed several [Level 5 Moon White Medicine Rabbit] with a bow, he gradually approached [Level 10 Medicine Pounding Jade Rabbit], intending to explode some more Jade Rabbit medicine liquid.

At this moment, he suddenly found a conspicuous depression in the dense grass above his knees in front of him.

He carefully shot an arrow in that direction to avoid monsters hiding in it.

After confirming that there was no response in that direction, he slowly approached and explored the situation.

When he approached the sunken area, he found a person lying there, with bright red blood constantly flowing from his head, dyeing the green grass stems red.

Judging from the shape of the wound, it was probably caused by the Jade Rabbit that pounded medicine.

"Golden clothes and leather boots, with fair skin, he should be a child of a wealthy family who does not work."

Zhou Yuan took out a single knife from the inventory, turned his wrist, and picked up the waist badge of the dead person.

The waist badge read "Deng Yu of the Imperial Academy", and there was a relief inscription on the back, "Da Chu Zhong Su, Yi Wen Cheng De".

Except for a waist badge, there were no other valuable items on the dead person.

Zhou Yuan thought about it and threw the waist badge back to the dead person to avoid taking it out rashly and causing diplomatic conflicts between Wei and Chu.

Later, when he cleaned up several nearby hills, he found different dead people.

Some of them looked like farmers, some were dressed like fishermen, and there was an unidentified woman.

In addition, Zhou Yuan also saw a living person.

The man knelt on the ground and kept bowing to the Jade Rabbit and the Golden Toad. Although he did not get any benefits, he saved his life.

When Zhou Yuan was about to say hello to him, he suddenly found that the stars in the sky, as fine as dust, were disappearing quickly.

He guessed that it was time for the activity, so he quickly returned to the hilly area that had been cleared before.

First, he used two pestles to pierce more than a dozen square-hole coins as big as washbasins and carried them on his shoulders.

Then he found a pestle, poured 3 portions of Moon Rabbit medicine into it, and clamped it between his elbows.

After he was ready, he waited for a while, and the sky gradually darkened, and ripples appeared like a rippled lake.

The next moment, the world was shattered like a mirror flower and water moon, and he returned to the training ground with the bonfire shining again.

"He's back, Zhou Yuan is back, and he brought a lot of things.

My goodness, those two jade balls are too big, they can definitely be exchanged for a lot of money if they are carved into jade ornaments."

"Those are jade balls produced in the Moon Palace, how can they be disassembled randomly, only the original ones can bring happiness and joy."

"Come on, brothers, help me, take off the medicine pestle on my shoulder, don't damage the medicine jar, there are really good things in it."

The lieutenant of Jing'an and the warriors of the subordinate counties came to help, until this time they still couldn't believe that their comrades really returned from the Moon Palace with a full load.

"Zhou Yuan, you said this is a medicine pestle and a medicine jar, you won't rob the good medicine jade rabbit, right?"

"No, we had a competition, and I won. The jade rabbit didn't object to taking anything, so I brought back some specialties from the Moon Palace."

"Then what are these big copper coins, are they the source of wealth sent by the golden toad?"

"That's true, but the way the golden toad sent it was a little special. It sprayed dozens of such coins at the rock where I was hiding.

I wanted to bring them all back, but there were too many to carry, so I chose some good ones and carried them back."

Although Zhou Yuan said it lightly, the warriors could all hear the danger in it.

If the jade rabbit golden toad was easy to get along with, Zhou Yuan wouldn't have to hide behind the rock, let alone choose the quality of the coins.

"Uncle, is this really the pestle that the moon rabbit uses to pound medicine?"

The little girl Que'er, who was held by the captain of Jing'an, didn't think so much, but stared at the jade pestle that was taller than her and her father.

"Yes, what's wrong, do you want it? Uncle will give it to you."

"No, no, I don't want it. The moon rabbit is so cute, how can it use such a big pestle."

The little girl's dream was shattered. She couldn't imagine a strong giant rabbit pounding medicine with a big pestle.

"Haha..., it's a good thing you didn't bring back the Moon Rabbit, otherwise Que'er wouldn't dare to celebrate the Water Moon Festival in the future."

After Lieutenant Jing'an handed his daughter to his concubine, he asked Zhou Yuan if he could share the Moon Palace's gains.

Zhou Yuan took these to share, so he naturally said he could distribute them generously.

This move caused a round of applause from the warriors, and they promised to give Zhou Yuan gifts in return, and they would not let him down.

"Is this jade-like liquid the Jade Rabbit Medicine Liquid?"

"Yes, I tried it. It can not only heal injuries, but also replenish qi. You can let each injured brother drink some to make his body healthy."

"I didn't expect that the Jade Rabbit is good at medicine and the Golden Toad is good at wealth. It's a pity that we have no chance to see it.

I wonder if those who are destined to see it can all return with a full load."

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