The archers of the God Arm Team were indeed elite. It took them only a few moments to clear out the [Level 3 Bandit Archers] on the wall.

During this process, Zhou Yuan received two experience tips, and the second assist in killing earned him 20 experience points.

"Ten steps to the right, clear the archers on the arrow tower."

Military Sima Cai Cheng pointed his spear, and the Black Armor Team immediately moved with the God Arm Team.

There were two [Level 3 Bandit Archers] on each of the two wooden arrow towers. They were high above and fired at the shield formation. The terrifying force made the arrows almost pierce the leather shield.

If it was just a counter-shooting, the God Arm Team would not be suppressed even if they shot low and high.

The key is that there are shooting holes on the arrow tower, and the rest of the place is hard logs.

Therefore, the God Arm Team could not kill the opponent in a short time, and could only hold their breath and look for opportunities.

But this situation is not a problem for Zhou Yuan. The blessing of skill makes him shoot very accurately, and the shooting effect will not be affected by the tight shield formation.

He found an opportunity and shot two arrows through the arms of two archers, greatly relieving the output pressure of the God Arm Team.

"Good shooting, the rest of you surround the left arrow tower and shoot, and the newcomer will deal with the archer with an injured arm."

The archer with an injured arm did not dodge, but drew out a short knife and prepared to climb down the arrow tower to continue fighting.

Zhou Yuan stared at the direction of the wooden ladder, waiting and killing the two injured archers.

[Ding, kill 2 level 3 village bandit archers, experience +60]

On the other side, the archers in the left arrow tower also died one after another under the siege of four God Arms.

"The Black Armor Team adjusted its formation and prepared to meet the enemy in close combat, and the God Arm Team went up the hillside and scattered from a high position."

No one explained or raised any questions.

The veterans were skilled in turning, and the new recruits of the Black Armor Team did not need to turn at all, just cooperate with their comrades around them.

Only Zhou Yuan followed the actions of the veterans and climbed up the steep hillside on the side.


Not long after, with the friction of wooden stakes, the gate of the village wall was opened from the inside.

More than 20 melee bandits roared and rushed out of the village quickly.

Zhou Yuan found that the veterans around him all changed their bows to shoot quickly, and they also changed to the two-stone bow with a faster shooting speed.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Continuous arrows poured towards the bandits, and the defending Xuanjia team also relied on large shields and long spears to resist the enemy.

Ding ding ding, the sound of gaining experience continued to sound.

There were armored soldiers protecting in front and teammates assisting in the back.

This team of soldiers was like a professional power player, allowing Zhou Yuan to experience the fun of rapid upgrades.

As the bandits fell one by one, Zhou Yuan saw several white light balls falling to the ground.

The satisfaction of gaining experience and the expectation of dropping items made him extremely excited, and the bow and arrow in his hand subconsciously sped up by two points.

"Stop shooting, Xuanjia advances to seize the gate."

After clearing out the melee bandits, the military commander Cai Cheng did not order a rest, but instead ordered a quick seizure of the gate regardless of the injured team members.

Compared with the Xuanjia team standing in the front line, the safety of the God Arm Hand is undoubtedly much higher.

When passing the previous battle site, Zhou Yuan deliberately lowered his head to observe, as if he was looking at the difference between the secret realm monsters and humans.

In fact, he stepped on the light balls one by one and picked up the explosives.

[Ding, get long swords*3, long spears*2, rice balls*8, golden wound medicine*2]

The number of explosives in each light ball is different, some are only one, and some are multiple. Among them, rice balls are the most, and golden wound medicine is the best.

Rice balls are a kind of food that continues to restore blood in small amounts after use, and golden wound medicine is a medicine that quickly restores blood.

Zhou Yuan did not look at the information of other explosives in detail. He walked a few steps beside the corpse of the village bandit and quickly caught up with his teammates.

"It's strange, isn't it? The demons in the secret realm of heaven and earth are actually human beings."

"Well, it's a bit unbelievable. I just thought we were attacking ordinary bandits."

"Hehe, you'll get used to it. When you come again, you'll see them resurrected as usual, and you won't think they are human beings."

The old soldier wanted to show off in front of Zhou Yuan, the newcomer, and Zhou Yuan also cooperated and pretended to be confused.

When the few people walked to the gate, the soldiers of the Xuanjia team had already set up a defensive shield formation, and it seemed that they were planning to rely on the passage of the village gate to reduce the contact area.

"Two steps forward, defend the passage of the village gate, and the Shenbi team will scatter freely."

The Xuanjia team advanced two steps, just providing a shooting angle for the Shenbi team.

At this time, the bandits in the village had already swarmed in, and the next step was still the Xuanjia team desperately deploying defenses, and the Shenbi team stood still and shot at the target.

Because the distance was too close, the power of the Ershi step bow in the passage was also sufficient.

In addition, Zhou Yuan shot steadily and accurately, all aiming at the face and neck, making it possible to shoot one arrow at a time.

However, his output space was gained by the Xuanjia team. Even if the men who were at the front had large shields and iron armor to protect them, they would inevitably bleed and get injured.

After the cleanup was completed again, the military commander Cai Cheng ordered a rest, let the injured apply medicine to stop bleeding, exit the dungeon, and let another batch of Xuanjia team come in.

Zhou Yuan took the opportunity to pick up new dropped objects and got 6 swords and guns, 12 rice balls, and 3 golden wound medicines.

"Change to bows, we will face powerful monsters next."

While waiting for the arrival of new teammates, Zhou Yuan silently calculated the previous kills and found that after two battles, they had killed about 60 village bandits.

He glanced at his attribute panel and found that the experience value had reached 320 points.

In view of the current situation, he gave priority to the experience to the skill "control the string".

With so much experience, his skill of ‘controlling the string’ instantly reached level 8, and he was only two levels away from reaching the maximum level.

(Controlling the string skill, level 1 10 experience, level 2 20 experience, level 10 100 experience.)

“Sure enough, if you want to gain experience, you still have to brush the dungeon.

I have been practicing hard for so many days, and the skill of controlling the string has only reached level 4, and it has reached level 8 in one wave of killing monsters.”

Looking at the skills that have skyrocketed in level, Zhou Yuan couldn’t help but feel a little excited.

He has quite a few skills, and there are also martial arts such as swordsmanship, spearmanship, and riding that can be learned in the camp.

If he can upgrade all his skills to the maximum level, he will definitely be reborn.

“Military Sima, the fourth team of Xuanjia has arrived.”

The Xuanjia team’s defense change efficiency is very high, and it didn’t take long for the second batch of Xuanjia team to rush to the village gate passage.

This time, their weapons were replaced with sickle spears, and the leather shields in their hands were also replaced with iron tower shields.

Taking advantage of the copy limit, withdrawing some wounded soldiers midway and replacing them with new recruits was very professional in Zhou Yuan's opinion.

This can also be regarded as simulating the rapid recovery ability of normal players from another direction.

"The demon village leader is violent and ferocious, and this battle is still a control battle.

The God Arm Team must use hard bows and shoot quickly to kill the demon village leader as soon as possible."

"How are you, newcomer? Can you still hold on?"

"Don't worry, Sima Jun, I am naturally strong, and I didn't spend too much energy using the bow before."

"Okay, after entering the village, each of you will choose a favorable terrain to shoot, and the Black Armor Team will line up to meet the enemy."

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