The old man was very happy.


In the observation room on the second floor, a Chinese doctor in the crowd said these two words in broken Chinese.

Everyone nodded immediately!

Yes, yes, yes!

That's the word!

When the Chinese express that a person is very powerful and powerful, they use this word, awesome!




Soon, a burst of awesome sounds rang out in the observation room.

On the operating table on the first floor.

Looking at the deformed heart that had just been taken out, Bob suddenly had an idea.

After thinking for a while, he looked up and said to Zhang Yi:

"Doctor Zhang, can I ask you for a favor?"

Zhang Yi looked up in confusion, signaling Bob to speak directly.

"I want to...can you talk to the girl's father, Mr. Yi.

I want to keep this deformed heart in the hospital as a specimen, or dissect it for medical students to teach. Do you think it's okay?"

Bob knew that Zhang Yi was the chief surgeon specially invited by President Yi from China.

If Zhang Yi asked this, President Yi would definitely agree, right?

Zhang Yi was slightly surprised after hearing this, not because he was surprised by Bob's request.

But he was worried that President Yi would not agree.

But thinking about it, this matter was also for the development of medicine, so Zhang Yi nodded and agreed.

Not to mention that this heart was deformed, it was more than twice as large as an ordinary heart.

It is indeed very suitable for anatomical teaching.

The next second, Jin Zhenglun took the heart that had been washed and prepared.

This heart is a standard normal heart, which is very different from the little girl's original heart.

Even the blood vessels of the pulmonary artery have expanded more than twice along with the heart due to the disease.

The reason why I can hold on until now for the surgery is because of the money.

After taking over the heart, I began to confirm the size and position of the heart and the length of the connection of each blood vessel.

Then I began to trim the blood vessels to prepare for the connection.

At this step, Zhang Yi has not used a ruler to measure.

This time, the people around were just surprised, but no one asked again.

Because Jin Zhenglun said: Zhang Yi's eyes are rulers~!


But Bob didn't believe it, he took the ruler quietly while Zhang Yi was cutting.

I plan to measure it with the ruler later to see if Zhang Yi is really that amazing!

Can you accurately control the length just by the naked eye? !

Soon, each blood vessel was cut in Zhang Yi's hands to the length that just matched the size of the little girl's chest.

The next step is to start suturing!

"5-0 suture."

Zhang Yi quickly connected the two broken superior vena cava segments. It looked like a perfect suture!

Seeing this, several assistants around him could not help but nod.

The doctors watching on the second floor almost reached out to applaud.

Zhang Yi's movements were so fast!

Really too fast!

Usually, things will go wrong if they are too fast, but Zhang Yi's hands are so steady!

It's really awesome!

At this time, the ruler in Bob's hand was completely a joke...

Good guy!

There is no need to measure the length again...

Zhang Yi's eyes are really like a ruler!

"Inferior vena cava, give me the thread."

"Oh... OK, OK!"

Bob was almost stunned by what he saw, and nodded and handed the things over.

Inferior vena cava, aorta, pulmonary artery, and several small veins.

It took less than ten minutes to sew up the strange yet familiar blood vessels.

This little heart officially became the new "family" of this little master.

Zhang Yi's hands quickly shuttled through the little girl's chest.

He tried hard to stitch together a broken body and a cold heart, so that they became a complete person.

Life can continue again.

"It's too fast! Zhang Yi is really great!"

"God... It's done in ten minutes?? My God! It's worthy of Zhang Yi! I admire you!"

"My God, Professor Phipps, did you see it? Zhang Yi's movements are so fast! Did you see it?? Can we dig Zhang Yi to our hospital?"

A little apprentice looked at Phipps excitedly and said.

At this moment, Phipps's slightly trembling eyes were also filled with deep shock?

Too awesome!

Zhang Yi is too awesome!

Such a great young man, the future is limitless!

If we don't dig this guy over here, he's Phipps.

Write the name backwards!!

To be honest, experienced doctors know that the suturing step of heart transplantation is also very critical.

Once a mistake is made or the suture is too loose or too tight, and the aseptic operation during the suture process is not up to standard, the complications will be quite serious.

For example, the most common infection, sepsis or bleeding can cause heart failure, chronic renal failure, etc.

Each one can directly kill the little girl.

But Phipps saw Zhang Yi's technique and remembered it in his heart.

The awesome thing about this person is... it is true that experts of Phipps' status can't find any problems with him.


Even from Zhang Yi's suturing technique, he can learn a little bit of techniques and experience that he has never had before?

So, Phipps's idea is getting stronger and stronger.

In any case, he must take Zhang Yi down while he is still in the United States!

Operating room on the first floor.

All blood vessels have been connected and the pericardium has been sutured.

Next... is to remove the extracorporeal circulation machine and restore autonomous heartbeat!

This step is particularly important!

No matter how well all the sutures were done, if the heart does not resume beating autonomously after the cardiopulmonary bypass machine is removed, then everything done before is in vain.

All the previous work depends on the doctor.

But this step can only rely on this little heart!

Can the salvation of two strangers produce a miracle?

After Zhang Yi and other assistants removed the ligature on the catheter, the little girl's blood instantly began to flow into this strange heart.

Soon, the heart turned from pink to bright red!

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

Four seconds...

Five seconds...

It was extremely quiet around!

It was so quiet that Zhang Yi could hear the extremely heavy breathing of several people around him.

It seemed that everyone was very nervous. If this last step failed, the operation would fail.

Zhang Yi looked at the little heart and couldn't help but silently said in his heart:

"Come on, little heart, your original owner has gone to a very beautiful new world, he is very happy there, he left you here because he hopes you can experience the beauty of this world again with his regrets.

Your new owner is a very cute little girl, she has a good family, a loving father and mother, and endless snacks and bread every day, and she doesn't need to beg for money.

Don't worry, your new owner must be the happiest person in the world.

So you have to come on too! Survive! Give her some hope!"

Ten seconds...

Eleven seconds...

Twelve seconds...

The situation is very bad!

The heart didn't show any signs of beating, and even the blood pressure on the monitor had begun to drop!

At this time, everyone in the operating room was a little panicked!

What to do? !

Will this operation fail? !

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