In the evening.

Zhang Yi returned home after get off work.

It was not until around eight o'clock that Director Huang sent another message.

"Doctor Zhang, are you off work? Can we talk about it now?"

Zhang Yi had just cleaned up the dishes and was lying on the sofa watching TV when he heard the notification sound of his mobile phone.


"Then...what do you think? If you agree, you can come to our TV station to participate in the recording this Thursday."

"No problem, tell me in advance what specific interviews and popular science you want to do, so that I can prepare."

"That's great! I will send you the process in the form of a document tomorrow morning!

Thank you so much, Dr. Zhang, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in the recording of our program. Thank you very much!"

Zhang Yi also replied politely:

"It doesn't matter. Treating patients and saving lives in the hospital is work, but being on a TV show to popularize some first aid knowledge is also a good thing. The two are not contradictory."

After finalizing the cooperation with the director Huang, Zhang Yi concentrated on watching TV.

The quadrennial World Cup has begun!

A football carnival party all over the world!

Although Zhang Yi is not a professional player, he used to play football with his classmates occasionally in school.

Although he is not good at it, it does not prevent him from liking it at all~!

Of course, you can also take the opportunity to bet openly.

If you bet right, the bicycle will become a sea view room in seconds.

I lost the bet, let's meet on the rooftop~

Early the next morning, Zhang Yi came to the emergency office with a somewhat listless look.

Li Yong glanced at him and asked:

"What's wrong with you today? Why do you look a little tired? Did you stay up late to watch the game last night?"

Zhang Yi took out a pack of coffee from the drawer of his desk and said while flushing the water:

"That's right! Last night, Agendin VS Saudi Arabia, I bet on Agendin, but... I actually lost!"

Last night, Zhang Yi bought some gambling toys for fun without the help of the system.

As a result, he lost two thousand yuan the first time.

Hearing Zhang Yi say this, Li Yong burst out laughing:

"Hahaha, I know, many people bet on Agentin, who would have thought, how much money did you lose?"

"Two thousand."

"Haha, you bet two thousand on Agentin?! Tsk tsk, you didn't expect that a team as strong as Agentin would unexpectedly lose to Saudi Arabia."

Several doctors who had just entered the office also started chatting enthusiastically when they heard Zhang Yi and Li Yong talking about football.

"Fuck, you also bought it? I also bought Agentin yesterday! Oh, I'm so angry! I lost 500 yuan!"

"Me too!! But I lost less, I only bought 100 yuan for fun."

"Don't you have any one to buy against it? All bet on Agentin?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Agentin has Messi, the big guy, and the world ranking is so high, who would have thought that he could still lose to Saudi Arabia.

"Oh, forget it, it seems that what they said about football players buying villas near the sea is true."

Several doctors in the department chatted for a while, and soon, Kang Yanming came.


Every morning handover is a must-do process for every department.

"Zhang Yi, today is your first time to go out with an ambulance after returning from emergency training. Are you confident?"

After handing over the shift, Kang Yanming asked kindly.

Zhang Yi nodded:

"Don't worry, Director Kang, I won the first place, are you still worried?"

Kang Yanming laughed:

"By the way, have you thought about the interview that old man Tian Feilong mentioned yesterday? Do you want to go?"

"Well, the director also talked to me, just simply wanting to do a popular science of emergency knowledge. I think this kind of interview is still very meaningful, so I decided to go.

He said that if I agree, I can go to participate in the recording on Thursday."

The implication is that if it is Thursday, I have to take a leave.

"Okay, no problem, I'll arrange for you to rest."

"Thank you, Director Kang."

Soon, a busy day began.

Zhang Yi had just changed to the emergency doctor when the emergency department received a call for rescue dispatch.

"No. 370 Wutong Road, right? Xingfu Garden? Building 3, Unit 1? Okay, which floor?"

"Seventh floor? Room 702? Okay, it's abdominal pain, sweating a lot, right?"

"Okay, we'll send a car right away."

"Doctor Zhang, there's an old lady in Xingfu Garden who's in a coma with abdominal pain. She may not be in good condition.

Okay, you guys go quickly. "

After receiving the notice, Zhang Yi, Pu Ling and the ambulance driver quickly got in the car with a special phone.

The phone has the number of the injured person who just called the emergency number.

If there is an emergency on the road, it will be convenient for the doctor in the ambulance to contact the injured person directly.

"Abdominal pain? Coma? How old is the old lady?" Zhang Yi asked in the car.


"75? That's a bit old. ”

Generally speaking, there are many possible causes of abdominal pain in the elderly. The most obvious one is cancer, such as intestinal cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc.

Of course, excluding these serious diseases, the most common abdominal pain is definitely gastroenteritis.

A rarer case is that a blood clot breaks off and blocks the intestinal blood vessels, causing intestinal obstruction and abdominal pain.

In short, Zhang Yi went through all the common and rare causes of abdominal pain in his mind.

Yiwu yiwu yiwu~

Union Hospital is relatively close to this community, and the car drove for a long time. It took ten minutes to get there.

Xingfu Garden Community is an old community, and the houses are more than 20 years old.

The highest building is seven stories high, and I didn't expect that this family just lived on the seventh floor.

It was really hard to climb.

The community environment is not very good, and most of the residents are elderly.

As soon as the ambulance stopped at the door, a group of elderly people gathered there to watch.


Zhang Yi and Pu Ling got off the car, and Zhang Yi, carrying a stretcher, asked for directions first:

"Hello, how do I get to Unit 1, Building 3?"

"Over there, go straight and turn right."

"Okay, thank you."

The community looks very old, and there is a row of trash cans on one side of the gate.

The street environment of the imperial capital is still good. The area next to the trash cans is clean, but you can still smell the stench of garbage from a distance.

"Let's go and find the patient first. "

Zhang Yi led the team, followed by Pu Ling and the driver.

Soon, they looked up and saw a building with the words 'Unit 1' written on it.

"This should be it?" Zhang Yi said, and walked in first.

The concrete corridor was narrow, only wide enough for an adult man.

Swish, swish, swish!

Zhang Yi didn't hesitate, and climbed up to the seventh floor in a few steps without taking a breath.

Pu Ling had received first aid training, and her physical fitness had improved a lot.

It was just that the driver who was following at the end felt a little uncomfortable.

"Hello? 120 emergency? Is anyone home? "

Zhang Yi knocked on the door only once, and it opened.

Then he saw an old man in his seventies sticking his head out from inside.

As soon as he saw the doctor coming, he quickly opened the door wide and said anxiously:

"Oh, you are finally here, doctor, please help me take care of my old lady. She had stomach pain last night and diarrhea. She took anti-inflammatory drugs but it didn't help. I called people this morning but no one responded. "

The old man said as he pulled Zhang Yi towards the bedroom.

The further he walked in, the deeper Zhang Yi's frown became.


The closer he got, the stronger the smell of shit in the air became...

Oh my god...

Does this old woman really have diarrhea?

She didn't poop on the bed or pants, did she?

Otherwise, why is there such a strong smell of shit in the room??

Zhang Yi quickly took out a mask from his bag and put it on.

Behind him, Pu Ling also noticed something unusual and almost vomited. Come.

No, no, it stinks!

Hurry up and put on a mask!

Where the elderly live, the house is always filled with some unnecessary bottles and cans, miscellaneous plastic bags and cardboard boxes.

Zhang Yi glanced at the balcony, which was full of stacked cardboard boxes.

Elderly people are like this, they always like to pick up some cardboard boxes or plastic bottles outside to sell for money.

In the house, the old man pushed the door open and pointed at his pale wife lying on the bed and said:

"Doctor, it's her stomach that hurts, you guys help to see! I've been a little bit unable to respond to her since I called the emergency number."

Zhang Yi set his eyes on the 75-year-old man.

Pale face, unresponsive, weak and rapid pulse, night sweats, fever.

"It looks like an infection. Do you know how many times she has had diarrhea since yesterday?"

Zhang Yi turned around and asked the old man after checking.

" many times has she had diarrhea? seems to be seven or eight times. "

The old man thought for a while before answering.

But Zhang Yi didn't dare to believe that it was seven or eight times. After all, she was an old man. What if her memory was wrong?

And now, the back of the old lady's crotch was already wet.

When she lifted the quilt, she saw that the old-fashioned pink bed sheet with peony flowers was covered with a yellow liquid.

The body is soaked.

What else is this but feces? ?

And it is loose feces!!

The old man panicked and said quickly:

"Oh, how did I poop on this old woman? I'm so sorry, I... I'll change it right away."

Zhang Yi turned his head and looked at Pu Ling:

"How about... you help? Change the pants and send it to the hospital quickly. This old lady pooped too hard. She needs to be given an IV immediately, otherwise she will be dehydrated.

By the way, when you change the pants, remember to take a plastic bag to collect some feces and take it back to the hospital for examination."


Pu Ling was reluctant.

Oh my gosh...

Let me help change the feces and diapers? ? And I have to catch the feces? ?

Woo woo woo... I haven't even served my own grandma like this!

"Oh... okay..."

Although she was reluctant, Pu Ling had to bite the bullet.

Who made her the only woman among the three people...

A few minutes later, the two changed the old lady's pants and took her downstairs immediately.

The corridor was too narrow and the stretcher was difficult to transport, so Zhang Yi simply carried the old lady downstairs.

After getting in the car, the two hurriedly gave the old lady fluids.

If the diarrhea really happened six or seven times, then dehydration is not far away, especially for a 75-year-old.

In addition, gastroenteritis must be caused by infection, and it must be quickly anti-inflammatory.

After oxygen, monitoring, and fluids were all transfused, Zhang Yi began to ask about the condition.

"What did the old lady eat before she had diarrhea?"

Diarrhea must be caused by unhygienic food.

The old man thought for a while and said:

"I didn't eat anything, just normal meals at home, millet porridge, stewed potatoes and beans."

The elderly do eat meals at home, unlike young people who go out to eat and drink a lot and cause diarrhea and pancreatitis.

Moreover, Zhang Yi also looked at the old lady's body, and there was nothing else except diarrhea.

She was a little fat, so she had mild fatty liver.

There was also a small part of fibrosis in both lungs, but it was very small, which should be the sequelae of pneumonia in the past.

There were no other problems.

There were only two medical histories, and they were not related to diarrhea.

So the reason for her diarrhea now must be related to the food she ate.

"Stewed potatoes with beans? Are the potatoes and beans cooked?" Zhang Yi asked again.

The old man spread his hands and said, "It must be cooked. The potatoes are all stewed soft and mushy. Our teeth are not good, they are all dentures, and we can't chew them too hard."

"You only ate potatoes and beans? No other dishes? What about the day before yesterday? What did you eat the day before yesterday?"

"The day before yesterday, the day before yesterday was also potatoes stewed with beans."

"Ah? You eat the same dish every day?"

The old man shook his head and said:

"No, we often cook three days of dishes and rice, and then put them in the refrigerator for preparation. When we want to eat them the next day, we just take them out and heat them up.

There is no need to start the stove again to cook, and it can save some trouble and gas bills."

"Three days? Cook three days of meals at a time?" Zhang Yi and Pu Ling were both stunned.

Is there such an operation?

You... you are too frugal? ?

The old man seemed shocked to see the doctors' expressions and asked hurriedly:

"What's wrong? Did she have diarrhea because of leftovers?"

Zhang Yi sighed helplessly and asked him:

"Uncle, how long have you been living like this? Did she have abdominal pain before she had diarrhea today? How about you? Do you have diarrhea occasionally?"

"I'm fine. I'm in good health. This old woman is really hypocritical. She ate some potatoes and beans and ended up in the hospital??

As for her, I remember she seemed to have said before that her stomach was a little uncomfortable...but..."

The old man paused.

"But what?"

"But...she took some medicine for stomach pain by herself, and it was fine after taking it."

After listening to this, Zhang Yi felt a headache!

I didn't know what to say!

Long-term abdominal pain and diarrhea, but she still took medicine at the age of over 70!

Some diseases cannot be treated with random medicine!

"Don't take medicine randomly, uncle. What medicine is she taking for stomachache? Do you know? Tell me quickly."

The old man was also a little confused by the question. He lowered his head and thought for a while before he hurriedly said:

"It seems to be called... something called Amoxicillin?"

Zhang Yi set his eyes on the old lady on the cart.

Take Amoxicillin for a stomachache? ?

"Do you know how long she has been taking this medicine?"

"Well... at least... half a year?"

"What?? She has been taking Amoxicillin for almost half a year

? ? ! "

Immediately, Zhang Yi felt that this old lady was a bit tricky!

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