After sending Zhang Wanqing back to her room, Zhang Yi left.

Before leaving, I heard the young man next to Zhao Jin ask:

"Mr. Zhao, are we still going to have the video conference later?"

Zhao Jin waved his hand while talking on the phone:

"No, let's postpone it. The main task now is Contact Wanqing's brother and sister, and ask them to come to the hospital for matching. All work will be postponed for the time being! "


Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh:

"Zhang Wanqing's husband is quite good. He still cared for her at the last moment of his life. Choose to stand by her side and accompany her.

Many people say that husband and wife are birds of the same forest, but they fly away when disaster strikes.

When hearing that their partner has a terminal illness and needs money, most people will choose to leave.

Only a few people I will still stick to it. "

So far, Zhang Yi has met two such people.

One is Su Xiaoxiao, this girl is simple-minded and loyal.

Now she has a good future with Liu Luo, which is also her blessing.

The second The first one is Zhao Jin, although we haven’t known each other for long.

But judging from some details, he and Su Xiaoxiao should be the same kind of people.

In short, I hope they can have a good result like Liu Luo and Su Xiaoxiao.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Yi was seeing patients in the clinic, and WeChat was I received a message from Wang Haiqing, asking me to go to dinner in the evening, saying that several classmates from the class would also come.

Zhang Yi didn't want to go at first, but Wang Haiqing insisted that the seats were already reserved.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yi agreed.

After all We had said in the group before that we would get together after coming to the capital.

In the evening, before leaving get off work, the results of Zhang Wanqing's bone marrow biopsy came out.

Zhang Yi looked at the pictures on the computer and got up to go to the VIP ward. Fibrous hay, this is the final word.

It's myelosclerosis.

Fortunately, it's not in the acute stage, which can easily develop into leukemia.

But the situation is not optimistic now.

Zhang Yi walked to the door of the ward and knocked. As soon as I came in, I felt that the atmosphere in the ward was a little strange.

Zhang Wanqing and Zhao Jin's faces seemed to be lifeless?

"What's wrong? Although the results have confirmed that it is myelofibrosis, it can still be treated, and she is still Do you have a brother or sister?

Compared to other patients who also need transplants, your situation is much better. "

Zhang Yi said as he walked in.

But after he finished speaking, the couple in the ward did not speak.

Zhang Yi was a little I was confused. What happened?

What happened?

Did the couple quarrel?

After a moment of silence, Zhao Jin said in a low voice:

"Her elder brother was unwilling to donate in the late Qing Dynasty, and her younger sister also didn't want to donate..."

"Ah? ..."

This made Zhang Yi not know how to start comforting him.

The hope that he had waited for so long was gone again?

Zhang Yi thought for a moment and said, "Your elder brother and sister don't even want to come to the hospital? What about your parents? Ask your parents to help persuade them?

We are all brothers and sisters from the same family, born from the same mother, donating bone marrow is not a big deal. It's a life-threatening matter, why don't you let them come to the hospital and try?"

Zhang Wanqing was silent, unwilling to say a word.

Zhao Jin shook his head and said:

"Her parents died when she was a child, and her brother has been raising her. She grew up with her sister.

I spent the whole afternoon on the phone, and her brother thought about it for several hours before saying he didn’t want to donate, fearing that it would affect his health.

Her sister hesitated for a while and also said she didn’t want to donate…”

“ Donating bone marrow has no side effects! It will not harm his own health, so what is there to be afraid of?

And you are siblings, this is really..."

Hearing Zhao Jin say this, Zhang Yi also felt chilled.

All Brothers and sisters, donating bone marrow is not a scary thing.

Everyone's bone marrow has the ability to regenerate.

Just like donating blood, the donated blood will automatically regenerate in the body after half a year.

The same is true for bone marrow, except that the former donates blood, while the latter donates hematopoietic cells that produce blood.

Zhao Jin suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Yi and said:

"How about Doctor Zhang, can you help me talk to her eldest brother? Even if we come to the hospital You can read about the late Qing Dynasty.

You are a doctor, so you must know more about these professional knowledge than me.

You go and explain it to her elder brother, maybe he will be willing to listen? "

"Okay, I'll try. "

Soon, the phone Dial.

Zhang Yi pressed the hands-free key and as soon as the call was connected, he heard a voice from the other end.

A helpless and somewhat impatient voice:

"Oh Wanqing, don't call me anymore. I won't donate. I can't donate.

I still have a family to support. What will happen to my children if I get sick after donating?

Please think about it for me. It's not that I am cruel as the eldest brother.

I have my own difficulties!"

After saying that, the other party wanted to hang up the phone.

Zhang Yi quickly said:

"Wait! Hello, I am Zhang Wanqing's attending physician. My name is Zhang Yi.

Don't hang up yet. I want to tell you that this bone marrow donation actually has no side effects at all.

It's just drawing your blood, and then taking out the hematopoietic cells in it and transplanting them into your sister's body.

In this way, she can survive. It's that simple, so don't worry, there's no problem!"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Wanqing's eldest brother hesitated.

Zhang Yi quickly struck while the iron was hot:

"Don't worry, I'm a doctor at Union Hospital, I won't lie.

If you don't believe me, why don't you come to Union Hospital to see your sister?"

"I... this..."

Just as Zhang Wanqing's elder brother was about to speak, the phone was snatched away by someone.

Soon, a noisy female voice rang out:

"No donation! I don't believe it! Such a serious disease can be cured by donating blood?? There may be some big problem!

You doctors must have been paid to do the job! We don't donate!"

Beep beep beep...

The phone was hung up the next second.

Zhang Yi raised his head and looked at Zhao Jin and Zhang Wanqing and asked: "This woman... is your sister-in-law?"

Zhang Wanqing nodded with tears in his eyes: "Yes..."

"Well, what should I do? Call your sister again?"

Aside, Zhao Jin quickly found Zhang Wanqing's sister's phone number.

After a busy tone, the call was connected.


The girl on the other end of the phone spoke cautiously, as if she felt a little guilty.

"Hello, I am Zhang Wanqing's attending physician, my name is Zhang Yi.

Your sister has now been diagnosed with myelofibrosis, also known as myelosclerosis.

This disease will cause the hematopoietic function to disappear as the cells in the bone marrow mutate.

The only way to cure it is through bone marrow transplantation.

But don't worry, bone marrow transplantation is not that scary, just draw blood.

After the blood is drawn, the hospital will transfuse it into your sister's body, and she will be saved!"

After waiting for a while, a weak question came from the phone:

"Really...really? Is it really that simple? This is a bone marrow transplant..."

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