Everyone turned their eyes to the family member.

He slowly approached Zhang Yi.

"Old Four, what do you want to ask Doctor Zhang?"

The older family members frowned and asked.

The man called Old Four looked Zhang Yi up and down.

Then he stood in front of Zhang Yi and asked:

"Doctor Zhang, we came all the way here not to play house with you. I just want to ask you one question, will my mother's operation be successful?!"

The middle-aged man's attitude was a bit tough.

Obviously, he didn't believe the 99% success rate that Zhang Yi said before.

Maybe he thought Zhang Yi was too young.

Even the doctors in the capital couldn't guarantee the success rate of the operation, but he, a young man in his twenties, could guarantee a success rate close to 100%?

Isn't this bragging!

He suspected that Zhang Yi might have teamed up with the doctors in the capital to cheat people?

Or, by introducing a patient here, the doctors in the capital can get kickbacks? ?

There are many ways to cheat people and make money in this world.

It's better to be careful.

What's more, the patient undergoing the operation is his mother.

Zhang Yi looked at the family member in front of him.

Facing the other party's questioning, Zhang Yi was not annoyed, and just said:

"As a doctor, the answer I can give is that I will try my best to complete the operation, and the success rate of the operation is also very high.

If you don't believe me, it doesn't matter, you can choose other hospitals.

For example, West China Hospital or Union Hospital, the doctors in those hospitals are well-known and have very good skills.

Your mother will definitely be cured."

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, the oldest old man hurried over to smooth things over:

"I'm sorry, Doctor Zhang, our fourth child has this personality, please don't mind.

He is also because of his mother's matter too much I was anxious, so..."

"Brother! Don't rush to talk, I have to let this guy sign a guarantee for me!

You have to guarantee that my mother can be cured and the operation will be successful!

Otherwise... I will make you unable to be a doctor in the whole Tianhe or even Yun Province!"

"He Biao! What are you talking about! Doctor Zhang, I'm sorry, he was just joking, don't take it seriously, we will do the operation, we will definitely do it."

Other family members nearby were also busy coming over to smooth things over:

"Yes, we will definitely do this operation, he is indeed a bit irritable, please don't mind it."

Zhang Yi didn't say anything.

But he knew that this family member named He Biao should be able to do what he said.

It's not easy for a rich and powerful boss to get a small doctor these days.

But Zhang Yi will not sign this guarantee.

Zhang Yi looked at several family members and said:

"In that case, I will say it straight. I can do this operation.

But if you don't believe me, then ask someone else!

Also, I won't sign this guarantee, because our hospital doesn't have this rule.

Doctors are not omnipotent.

It is our duty to treat diseases and save lives, but many times, even if we try our best, we may not be able to save a life.

Since you insist on finding a doctor who can guarantee that the operation will be 100% successful.

I'm sorry, it's not me."

It's not that Zhang Yi can't make this guarantee. After all, he has practiced it so many times in the operating room, and the score can get 100 points.

It's that the family members' arrogant and aggressive attitude makes Zhang Yi feel very depressed.

So Zhang Yi's attitude now is, if you believe me, you can do it, if you don't believe me, you can ask someone else.


"Doctor Zhang, my brother is a bit aggressive, please don't mind, he is just too worried about my mother.

Your 99% success rate is what we are looking for!

Originally, we came all the way to find you. Since you can do it, let's do the operation quickly!"

The noise in the office also attracted many emergency doctors and nurses.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jing also stood up and said:

"Doctor Zhang is the youngest assistant director in the history of our hospital.

He has superb medical skills and is a role model for many young doctors to learn from.

If you are willing to trust him, then do the operation.

If you don't want to trust him, then you can transfer to a better hospital for treatment."

When several family members saw that even the department director came out to speak, they could only apologize for a while.

"Okay, okay, you doctors will try your best to arrange it, as long as...Doctor Zhang can guarantee a 99% success rate."

The older family member also knew that once

Once in the operating room, there is no 100% success rate of surgery.

Any surgery has risks.

They know it in their hearts.

And the mother is old, the risk will only be greater.

But since the young man in front of them can guarantee such a high success rate, and it is a non-open-chest surgery.

With such a low risk, they are definitely willing to give it a try!

At this time, the family member named He Biao wanted to say something, but was yelled back by the eldest brother among these people.

"He Biao, don't make trouble here! I'll sign for this surgery!"

"Brother, you... I'm also doing this for my mother's good!"

"I know, but is there any other way now? Director Wang of Ping An Hospital said that the surgery is difficult, and you may not be able to come down if you go up!

Only this doctor Zhang said that it can be successful, and the success rate is so high!

Besides, where can you find such a doctor?!

Stop making trouble! If you keep making trouble, you will wake up my mother!"

When it comes to his old mother, He Biao swallows his temper no matter how big it is.

Looking back at the old lady lying on the bed, He Biao's eyes actually flashed a little.

"Mom, you will be fine, dear, just have a good sleep." He Biao walked to the bedside and gently held the old lady's hand.

Zhang Yi looked at it and thought that although this man spoke harshly.

But the old lady lying on the bed was innocent.

If I don't save her, who else can save her now?

Even if what He Biao said did make Zhang Yi angry, he couldn't forget that he was a doctor.

Doctors are kind-hearted, and everything must be based on the patient's life and health.

So for the sake of the patient's life, we can't waste any more time now.

"Since you agree, let's arrange for hospitalization quickly. The operation can't be delayed. The longer it is delayed, the more dangerous it will be." Zhang Yi looked at the oldest family member and said.

"Okay, okay, I'll go to arrange for hospitalization right away. Laiyun, you and Dr. Zhang go to sign first."


Several family members divided the work and were very efficient.

After the basic examination, we waited for the call from the operating room.

Two hours later, the old lady was sent to the operating room.

But the family member named He Biao still didn't believe Zhang Yi.

Before entering the operating room, he insisted on going into the operating room to watch the operation.

Lu Jing told him no, the operating room has regulations.

Unless there are special circumstances, family members cannot go in.

Unexpectedly, He Biao took out his mobile phone and called someone.

Qian Zhenggang came soon and directly agreed to let the family members go in to watch the operation.

But they can only be in the observation room next to them, not in the operating room, so as not to disturb the operation process.

This He Biao agreed.

Zhang Yi and Lu Jing didn't expect that He Biao seemed to have some connections.

But it didn't matter whether he watched the operation or not.

Anyway, his skills were there, as long as this person didn't rush into the operating room and make a scene, Zhang Yi was still very confident in this operation.

Soon, the old lady was sent to the operating room.

Several family members entered the observation room next to the operating room.

In addition to the surveillance in the observation room, there is only a glass window between it and the operating room.

Through the display screen and the glass window, you can see the real scene in the operating room at the first time.

In the hospital group.

As soon as they heard that Zhang Yi was going to have a coronary artery bypass surgery with a beating heart under thoracoscopic surgery.

They were like crazy, madly squeezing into the observation room next to the operating room.

They definitely couldn't get into the operating room.

The assistants in the operating room had long been firmly occupied by the director of the emergency department and the director of the cardiac surgery department.

Even Chen Fang could only occupy a corner in the operating room.

Seeing more and more doctors in the observation room, these family members were a little confused.

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