The more you know about this, the more you will be rewarded.

Zhang Yi was quite touched when he heard this.

Although this child is only in high school, he seems to be much more sensible than other students of the same age.

Well, that's right, which child from a poor family doesn't become the head of the family early on?

Zhang Yi walked up to the boy and pulled him up and said:

"Kid, we doctors don't need you to give us gifts, you know?

It is our duty to treat illnesses and save lives, and we don't need you to provide any additional conditions.

If you really want to thank me, you should study hard and get into the best university. Having a good future is the best way for you to repay me.

Think about your dad working on the construction site all day, dirty and tired, isn't it all for you?

So, study hard, kid, and getting into a good university is the best gift you can give me."

The boy raised his head, with stars twinkling in his eyes.

"I... I will! Thank you, doctor, please make sure to cure my dad."

"Don't worry, I will."

Zhang Yi gave an affirmative answer.

In the operating room, disinfection, skin preparation, and surgical towel laying.

Chen Fang and Zhang Yi were the main surgeons.

The other two doctors in the operating room were assistants.

Deng Wei and Xiao Zhiwen were spectators on the side.

For Deng Wei, this was the first time he had been a spectator in the operating room in all these years, except for the first few years after he started working.

It was a long-lost feeling!

The operation was performed in a minimally invasive way, that is, two holes were made in the abdomen.

The laparoscope was placed on one side, and the operating tools were placed on the other side.

Inhalation anesthesia, general anesthesia, the patient closed his eyes soon.

Chen Fang helped to clamp the skin with round forceps, and Zhang Yi took the scalpel to make an incision around the hole.

After the incision was made, a multi-channel single-hole PORT was placed.

Chen Fang helped Zhang Yi hold the camera, and when the camera just entered the abdominal cavity, the position of the pancreas was not completely exposed.

But part of the abscess tissue could be seen.

The liver and stomach were pulled to the side, and the entire pancreas was completely exposed to everyone.

"The necrosis area accounts for more than half."

Chen Fang sighed and put the flushing tube in.

First flush and suction to clean the surgical field for easy operation.

Zhang Yi held the bipolar electrocoagulation forceps and began to perform blunt separation.

When the bipolar electrocoagulation forceps are clamped, they can be regarded as a blunt knife with electricity.

When they are opened, they are electric scissors.

It is a very commonly used surgical instrument in clinical medicine.




The operating room is very quiet, and the sound of the electrocoagulation forceps working can be faintly heard.

Zhang Yi first clamped the large blood vessels of the pancreas.

Then he began to remove the necrotic parts of the abscess one by one.

The treatment of suppurative pancreatitis is mainly anti-inflammatory, drainage, and removal of abscesses.

In the sight of others, Zhang Yi held the electrocoagulation forceps and separated the abscess tissue very cleanly.

A lot of blood also flowed where he passed.

Chen Fang also attracted it in time and always maintained a relatively clear surgical field of view.

After the separation is completed, the necrotic part of the abscess is clamped out.

Stop bleeding and open the pancreatic blood vessels.

Clean the entire abdominal cavity again and clean the purulent fluid.

Place a drainage tube in the other laparoscopic hole.

Drain the remaining blood to the body in time.

The whole operation took less than 30 minutes.

The operation took only 20 minutes.

It's over.

Deng Wei couldn't believe it when he saw Zhang Yi taking off his gloves and instructing the nurse.

Is this guy really an uncertified doctor? ? ?

How come he looks more calm than a certified doctor?

It's really eye-opening!

It's hard for Huaxi Hospital to produce such a powerful and steady young doctor!

"Okay, it's over. Pay attention to the patient's drainage volume and be careful of secondary infection."

"Okay, I got it, Doctor Zhang."

Then, Zhang Yi walked up to Deng Wei and Xiao Zhiwen and asked:

"Professor Deng, Doctor Xiao, the operation is over. Let's go out?"

Deng Wei nodded.

Xiao Zhiwen looked at Zhang Yi meaningfully for several times.

This young man is neither a returned overseas student nor an experienced old doctor, and he does not work in a large hospital with abundant medical resources.

But his skills are so good!

Xiao Zhiwen is really envious and curious.

Who did Zhang Yi learn this skill from? ?

"Wait, Doctor Zhang!"

Zhang Yi was walking in front and washing his hands in the disinfection room when he heard Deng Wei call him.

"What's wrong? Professor Deng?"

"Doctor Zhang, I have an idea... I don't know if you

Would you like to listen?"

Looking at Deng Wei's ambiguous smile, Zhang Yi probably guessed what it was.

He smiled and said, "Professor Deng, just say it, don't be so polite."

"I want to ask you, are you interested in our West China?"

As soon as this was said, Xiao Zhiwen next to him exclaimed in surprise!

No way?

Zhang Yi seems to have graduated from undergraduate school. How can he go to a place like West China where there are so many masters and doctors??

Isn't this breaking the rules of West China?

Ignoring Xiao Zhiwen's expression, Deng Wei just stared at Zhang Yi.

Wanted to wait for Zhang Yi's answer.

Zhang Yi always had a faint smile on his face.

Poach me?

There are many people who want to poach me, but no one has poached me yet.

In fact, Zhang Yi is not unwilling to change jobs.

It mainly depends on the other party's sincerity and his Will it help my future career?

West China Hospital is the best hospital in the entire southwest.

It is also a top hospital that often ranks in the top three in the national hospital rankings.

For a young doctor, the medical equipment and academic atmosphere of such a top hospital are much better than those of ordinary hospitals.

To say that I am not interested at all, that is not the case.

I am still interested, mainly depending on the other party's sincerity.

Zhang Yi thought about it and replied:

"It would be a lie to say that I am not interested in such a good hospital as West China Hospital, but what do you mean by this, Professor Deng?"

"Haha, isn't my meaning obvious? If you are interested in our West China, why not... come to work in our West China?"

Zhang Yi immediately smiled and refused:

"I am really sorry, I have no plans to change hospitals at the moment."

The smile on Deng Wei's face suddenly stopped, and was stained with a touch of loss.


However, Deng Wei soon continued:

"How about this, let's leave contact information first?"

"Okay. "

Leaving contact information is fine.

But you want me to change jobs just by saying one sentence?

That's not possible.

When he came out of the operating room, two family members were waiting outside with nervous expressions.

When he heard that the operation was successful, the boy hurried to Zhang Yi and kept bowing.

If Zhang Yi hadn't held him back, he would have almost knelt down.

"Kid, remember, you must study hard, okay?"

Before leaving, Zhang Yi once again reminded and encouraged the boy.

With their family conditions, studying is really the only way out.

The boy also nodded very affirmatively and said that he would definitely get into a good university.

After sending the patient back to the ward, Deng Wei and Xiao Zhiwen were about to leave.

I came to Tianhe City Hospital today and gained a lot.

In the future, we really can't underestimate doctors in these small places.

Maybe there is a big boss like Zhang Yi hidden in it~

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