When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 927: In a year, can he cultivate thousands of ancestors?

But at this point, Wujie Zunzu thought of another question that had troubled him for two days.

Invincible Zunzu is so powerful in the Chaos Orb, and the beam of light that goes straight to the sky can properly open their imprisonment, then he can escape the Chaos Orb very early!

"Could it be that he chose to produce the Chaos Orb at that time?"

If this is the case, then the information that my brother-in-law is saying now is very likely to be true!

The Invincible Zunzu was in the layout, and he was trapped in the past because of his intention!

But this is too unbelievable!

Wujie Zunzu touched his chin, thinking about the problem, and now he still feels that he has to find a piece of evidence that fully proves his guess.

Otherwise, it's all self-inflicted.

"As soon as the invincible ancestor came out, he encountered ancient beasts that wanted to attack our human race. If he had a layout, it should have something to do with the ancient beasts? Then he came out of the Chaos Pearl at that time, and it should also be with the ancient beasts... .."

Wujie Zunzu murmured and tried to straighten out what had happened recently, but while he was talking, he suddenly stopped.

He showed a stunned expression.

Isn't this proof!

Invincible Zunzu just walked out of the Chaos Pearl, and just confronted the Qingzi ancient beast! !

Thinking of this, it was as if he suddenly had an epiphany, and everything found his way.

"That powerful ancient beast appeared because of Ying Le and them. Ying Le and them appeared because of the Zun Zun Formation, and the Zun Zun Formation appeared because of the Invincible Zun Ancestor!!"

"This is a ring!!"

Wujie Zunzu took a deep breath.

Sure enough, all this was under the control of the invincible ancestor!

Then he is really the big guy above the Hongmeng Realm! !

It turns out that there is really a stronger world above the Hongmeng world? !

However, Zunzu's strength has clearly reached its peak! !

Wujie Zunzu swallowed.

The younger brother-in-law looked at his brother-in-law's appearance and listened to his muttering, and he swallowed his saliva desperately, as if he wanted to understand.

It seems that the news he heard is indeed true! !

Just when Wujie Zunzu was still in shock, at this time, he found that the baby message that was in contact with Wanfa Zunzu rang.

Looking at this messenger baby, he began to fall into contemplation.

I was thinking about whether to tell the Ancestor Wanfa the important information that the two of them knew.

"I can't tell him! I'm taking advantage of this time to find a way to please the Invincible Ancestor!"

But after thinking about it like this, he felt that it was not right.

Because of their current situation, they have to try their best to please the invincible ancestor...

Moreover, the Ancestor Wanfa has always been trying to please him as he competes.

"Can you tell him, and then we all unite?" Competing in some things makes things more difficult, but if you unite and become one, it will be easier to achieve your goals when you work together.

And if he told this information to the Ancestor Wanfa, it would be considered a huge sincerity before the cooperation!

"Maybe if I don't say it, he might know it later!" After thinking for a moment, Zunzu Wujie decided to get through to the messenger baby.

"Wujie Zunzu, where is it? I have something to discuss with you. I think we should join forces." The voice of Wanfa Zunzu sounded first.

Hearing this, Wujie Zunzu's mouth curled up and said: "Just right, I also have such thoughts, but I have a huge message to tell you, which will definitely subvert your cognition!"

Listening to this, the voice of the ancestor of the ten thousand Dharma suddenly did not continue, and after a while of silence, the voice of the ancestor of the ten thousand Dharma sounded.

"Where are you?"

Wujie Zunzu said his position.

Not long after, Wanfa Zunzu found Wujie Zunzu and listened carefully to Wujie Zunzu's narration.

After listening to what Wujie Zunzu said, he stayed silent for a long time.

His face was full of shock, and he finally asked, "Really?!"

Wujie Zunzu nodded seriously.


Deep in the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng.

At this moment, a group of the strongest ancient beasts gathered together again.

It is the Qingzi ancient beast that gathers all the ancient beasts together.

The ancient giant beast frowned and looked at the Qingzi ancient beast, and said, "What's wrong?"

He is cultivating seriously, so being interrupted all the time is somewhat affected, just because of the time that comes out now, I am afraid it will take a few more days to break through!

The Qingzi ancient beast looked at its companions with a puzzled expression, causing it to look shocked: "After the appearance of the Great Emperor Ping'an, you didn't set eyeliners in the Hongmeng Realm?"

After he returned from the Hongmeng Realm, he began to set his sights in the Hongmeng Realm, monitoring the situation in the Hongmeng Realm, and reporting back if there was a major situation.

He believes that the human race will definitely prepare to deal with them. If they know what the human race does, they can be considered to know themselves and the enemy, and they will be able to cope better in a year!

Hearing the words of Qingzi Ancient Beast, many ancient beasts shook their heads.

The ancient beast, who has always had a bad relationship with the Qingzi ancient beast, said: "Can the human race be turned upside down now? What they do is useless. After the ancient beast breaks through, they can only die! After all, a year Time to prepare for what?"

The other ancient beast also said: "Yes, as you said, if the Great Emperor Ping An is as strong as that, then we should care what they do? Wouldn't it be better to work hard to improve ourselves? Except for the Great Emperor Ping An, other human races are garbage!"

"I think so too, but it's not good for us to keep listening to the news of the human race. Maybe they just thought that we might be able to listen to their news, so they planned to spread some fake news that we were afraid of, so that we were afraid and afraid, So I couldn't help but send people out to check, and then, solve us one by one!!"


After listening to his companion's words, Qingzi Ancient Beast was dumbfounded.

Does this work too? !

Qingzi Ancient Beast said bitterly: "There is a saying in the human race that if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be able to fight a hundred battles. We should learn from them! And you all think too much. I still think it is better to keep an eye on their affairs!"

Listening to the words of the ancient beast Qingzi, the ancient beast said with an impatient look: "Qingzi, stop talking nonsense, what is the main reason for you to call us? What news did you hear about the human race?"

The Qingzi ancient beast nodded and said gloomily: "The eyeliner I sent back said that Emperor Ping'an has collected 80-90% of the resources of the Hongmeng Realm, and wants to build a strong treasure realm, so that the human race can be quickly improved within a year! So as to deal with our invasion!!"

Hearing this, some ancient beasts instantly groaned.

One of the ancient beasts asked decisively, "How did Emperor Ping An know when the war broke out?!"

After that, the surroundings were silent.

The ancient beasts looked at each other in dismay.

The ancient giant beast snorted: "It seems that he feels that the crisis will appear in a year, but he still has some ability, but this also shows that after my promotion, I can make him have a crisis!!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the other ancient beast lanterns lit up.

"Haha! So it is!"

"Very good! Emperor Ping An also has this day!"

"A year later, I'll see how he died!!"

Arrogant laughter continued all around.

They can sometimes sense the crisis, indicating that some bad things will happen. Now that the Great Emperor Ping An is like this, it is very likely that after the breakthrough of the ancient giant beast, the Great Ping An will be helpless!

Qingzi Ancient Beast blinked when he listened to the words of the other companions.

The time after this year is important, but our focus is not, how to deal with their training!

"Everyone, what we shouldn't be more concerned about is preventing them from cultivating other human races?!" Qingzi Ancient Beast said quickly.

Hearing this, the ancient beasts who were still smiling stopped and looked towards the Qingzi ancient beast.

Qingzi ancient beast, you were beaten in the head last time.

Except for the Great Emperor Ping An, aren't the other ancestors just trash!

How much can they improve in a year? !

Can hundreds of thousands of ancestors appear at once? ? ?

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