When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 907: I'm a little worried about your IQ

The Qingzi ancient beast and the Great Emperor Ping'an met, without the Qingzi ancient beast saying it, other ancient beasts can also guess, but the Qingzi ancient beast said that the Ping An emperor was so weak that he was almost killed by the Qingzi ancient beast. They really couldn't react.

When I heard the news, even though I saw many nine-headed ancient beasts that performed miraculously, they all began to look at the ancient Qingzi beast with strange eyes.

It's not that they don't believe it.

But what Qingzi Ancient Beast said was too unbelievable.

That is the person who stepped on the ground with their nine strongest ancient beasts with one person's strength, is already weak to the point of being almost beheaded by you?

Qingzi ancient beast felt the suspicion of other ancient beasts, and said solemnly: "Do you think I will lie to you?"

He looked at the appearance of these companions, a little anxious.

Now that they go out, they will definitely be able to kill the Great Emperor Ping'an, and they will never be saved!

After all, he can make Emperor Ping'an like that. Nine ancient beasts go out together, and they can't kill each other, that is, they are the ultimate!

The ancient giant beast listened to the questioning words of the Qingzi ancient beast, and said: "Qingzi ancient beast, tell me in detail what you experienced when you went to the Hongmeng Realm."

Qingzi ancient beast looked at the ancient beast with squinting eyes, knowing that it was impossible to convince them in a short time, so he could only be patient and follow the request of the ancient beast and tell everything that happened after he went to Hongmeng Realm .

Of course.

In order to save face, he ignored the fact that he was "strategically" standing on guard for fear of being killed by Emperor Ping An when he left the Hongmeng Realm, and jumped directly to the situation where he followed Ying Le to the platform where the Chaos Bead was located.

Every detail there, he said in great detail.

When it was said that he recognized the Great Ping An, he again "strategically" ignored the fact that he turned around and fled, and directly said that he saw that the situation of the Great Ping An was not right, and that his strength had broken through a bit, so he was able to reconcile with the Great Ping An. dry up.

The content of the fight was his highlight moment. He not only spoke in detail, but also vividly and vividly, how he pressed the Ping An Emperor and beat him until the corner of the opponent's mouth bleeds, and the details of the opponent's inability to perform the formation were all ignored. he said.

Looking back now, he felt that this was a great honor.

Just ask so many ancient beasts, who can let that guy get hurt?

There is only his Qingzi ancient beast!

Of course, when he said later that he was recruited, he showed an angry look, gnashing his teeth and cursing despicableness.

"The general process is like this! The Great Emperor Ping An is no longer a concern! After my consumption, he must not have recovered yet. If you kill him, you will definitely be able to cut off his head! Dominate the human race again!!"

The Qingzi ancient beast shouted loudly, showing a very warm-blooded appearance.

Just like everything he did not long ago was dedicated to the ancient beast, and he became a hero of the ancient beast family.

The other ancient beasts listened carefully to Qingzi ancient beast's speech.

That's right, it's not about what happened not long ago, it's more like a hero's acceptance speech!

Why do they think they don't believe it!

There are so many things that are not right here!

"Qingzi ancient beast, you are definitely lying to us!" At this time, the ancient beast who had quarreled with Qingzi ancient beast not long ago because he wanted to break out of the Primordial Forbidden Territory couldn't help but let out a cry. .

After someone stood up to speak, other doubtful ancient beasts also raised their doubts.

"You said that Emperor Ping An was the ancestor who was trapped in the Chaos Orb. He lost his memory, couldn't remember who he was, etc. Why do I feel so wrong! No matter how weak he is, he can be trapped by a broken Chaos Orb? And you said earlier how strong the blow he made in the Chaos Orb, and later said that you pressed him to fight, which is a bit contradictory, anyway, many things make me feel wrong!"

"That's right, the worst thing is your situation. I don't believe that you didn't show anything after seeing the Great Ping An. I can clearly say that if it was me, after seeing the Great Ping An, I would have fled the first time. !"


Words questioning the ancient Qingzi beast appeared, listening to the ancient Qingzi beast, making him want to spit blood.

He suddenly felt that it was irrational for him to ignore the things he was scared of.

But, who wants to speak out about their own embarrassment?

"You believe me! I swear, Emperor Ping An's current situation is absolutely as I said!! By the way, Yingle and the others may not be dead, just ask them to find out!!" Qingzi Ancient Beast became anxious and began to swear .

The other ancient beasts looked at him like that, and one or two ancient beasts wondered if he had been turned against.

The ancient giant beast said in a deep voice, "All stop!"

The other ancient beasts fell silent.

The ancient giant beast carefully scrutinized the Qingzi ancient beast, and asked in a deep voice: "It's not that we don't believe you, but all of this may be the conspiracy of the Great Emperor Ping An! Because according to what you said, it's too wrong. For example The Great Emperor Ping An lost his memory, and the Great Emperor He Ping An is the so-called invincible ancestor, and he was trapped in the Chaos Pearl for many years, and we just didn't go out to investigate these years! Everything is too coincidental and false! "

After listening to this, the other ancient beasts nodded in agreement.

It's really not right.

They have not dared to go out for so many years, but now they are brave enough to go out and encounter the Great Emperor Ping An coming out of the Chaos Pearl?

Are the days colliding?

Will there be such a coincidence?

almost impossible!

All of this was probably planned by the Great Emperor Ping An. In order to hide them together, he deliberately showed weakness, barely killed the original Qingzi ancient beast, and asked the Qingzi ancient beast to come back and tell them what happened there!

"Could it be that after he sets the barrier, he can't enter the barrier? Or he will be restricted in it, so he wants us to go out?"

"But this is not right. If he wants to kill us, he can kill us before! Why bother us now?"

"I figured it out! Maybe it's because of what he has experienced over the years, his strength is declining, he begins to fear us, and he regrets not killing us before, so he arranged for a group to destroy us!!"

Listening to the speculations of other ancient beasts, Qingzi ancient beast's face is very ugly, I have to say, listening to the speculations of these ancient beasts, he also faintly feels that there is some truth to it...

But if that's the case, wouldn't that make him seem a little redundant?

No, does it look stupid? !

Almost became a sinner of the ancient beast clan? !

Damn, how did this suddenly change from hero to sinner? !

He was dumbfounded, and shook his head quickly, interrupting the other ancient beasts to continue guessing: "You are thinking too much!"

The ancient giant beast looked at the ancient Qingzi beast and said: "The ancient Qingzi beast, it's not that we don't believe you, but your IQ worries us. The description you just said contained the words that the original body said before his death, You actually mentioned the strength of our nine-headed ancient beasts, if Emperor Ping An really lost his memory, what is the difference between you saying that and walking up to him and reporting our information to him respectfully?"

Hearing this, Qingzi Ancient Beast was dumbfounded.

Grandma Li, when you say that, I seem to be really stupid?

However, wasn't that the cruel words he said before he died! !

The Qingzi ancient beast wanted to argue, but was interrupted by the ancient giant beast: "Don't say it, if what you said is true, then we are not in a hurry to attack! Give him another year to live. At that time, I will break through, and he will have to die! And if he really wants to overwhelm us, he will also fail!"

Hearing this, the other ancient beasts agreed.

The corners of the Qingzi ancient beast's mouth twitched wildly.

What if the Great Emperor Ping An also improved rapidly this year? !

"Okay, it's settled like this, let's go back, go back to practice, and a year later, we will dominate the human race again!!" The ancient beast said solemnly.

The Qingzi ancient beast almost spurted blood.


At the center of Hongmeng Realm.

Not long ago, it was the territory of the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Dharma.

Chen Pingan appeared in the air here.

Below, there is a Heavenly Treasure Hall, which was originally the base camp of the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Dharma, but it is unusually quiet at the moment, and people are walking around.

Chen Ping'an flew up to the Tongtian Hall, took out the Chaos Bead, let the Chaos Bead float in the air, and plunged himself into it.

He appeared in his yard for the first time.


Yard here.

The kitchen knives and these tools have all woken up from the coma.

Duan Xinxin, Fan Yixuan, and Su Ling were all sitting on the threshold of the house, waiting for Chen Ping'an to return.

The atmosphere here is very tense and serious.

They are afraid of bad results!

Duan Xinxin bit her lip for this, scolding Chen Ping'an **** in her heart. She didn't take her to fight, so she left her here to wait anxiously.

Until she suddenly saw Chen Pingan appear, she quickly stood up, and her eyes flashed with excitement.

came back! ! !

Duan Xinxin ran over quickly, hugged Chen Ping'an, and hugged him tightly.

She was really afraid that he would not come back!

With a smile on the corner of Chen Ping's mouth, he touched Duan Xinxin's hair and joked softly, "Why, I'm not confident in your husband and my strength, are you afraid that I won't be able to come back?"

Duan Xinxin raised her head resentfully in Chen Ping'an's arms, looked into Chen Ping's eyes, and scolded, "Who asked you to leave me here in the yard!"

She also wanted to help, but if Chen Ping'an wasn't enough for the other ancestors to fight and was killed, she also chose to die with him!

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "No way, it's mainly because you are too good."

Hearing this, Duan Xinxin became angry and slammed Chen Ping'an in the chest.

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