The problem is that the company has been involved in the scandal.

When the staff of the program provided the "door-to-door recycling" service, they also explained the reason to the trainees.

After knowing the whole story, Qiao Sheng and Zhou Cong cooperated to put their mobile phones, tablets and other digital products into a sealed box.

As for the trainees who did not participate in this incident, they naturally complained.

Originally, after the heavy classes and practice every day, the most relaxing way for them was to check their mobile phones before going to bed and check their ranking on the voting list.

As a result, everything changed overnight.

If you want to know the relevant information in the future, you can only go through the staff of the program.

But after this leak, those staff members probably dare not have more contact with the trainees.

Their resentment was not directed at the program team, but at the companies and trainees involved.

These trainees were miserable.

All of a sudden, the "colleagues" who had been chatting and laughing with them no longer paid attention to them.

They felt isolated.

Even if they took the initiative to greet them, they only received cold responses.

But there was one good thing, that is, without mobile phones, all the trainees stayed in the practice room longer at night.

After this incident, the news related to the outside world and the program was temporarily subsided.

Soon, it was the day to record the elimination stage again.

Tonight, another 30 trainees had to say goodbye to everyone.

At dinner, the atmosphere in the entire cafeteria seemed very depressing.

When they arrived in the recording hall, the depression seemed to gather into a dark cloud above everyone's head, and lightning and thunder would flash at any time.

It was still Lin Yixiang who read out the rankings of the trainees.

Although they had already experienced an elimination recording, the nervousness on everyone's face was still very obvious.

Qiao Sheng could feel that the three F-class trainees who had just joined his team were particularly nervous.

The chairs under their buttocks were shaking so much that they almost creaked.

It was not their fault. After all, when the ranking was announced last time, they were on the verge of elimination.

It is very likely that today will be their last recording in the program.

The second performance stage was broadcast a few days ago.

Unfortunately, due to the leak, no trainee knew how the program was received.

No one knew whether their ranking had risen or was surpassed by others.

It was precisely because of this sense of uncertainty that many trainees felt uneasy.

Lin Yixiang began to read out the rankings and votes from the back to the front.

The first name he called out was a new trainee in Qiao Sheng's team.

After hearing his name, the trainee jumped up from his seat excitedly and ran to the position with 50 written on it.

As Lin Yixiang read out the names one by one, the trainees on both sides of Qiao Sheng also sat in their seats one by one.

Qiao Sheng was very pleased that all the team members were relegated.

Zhou Cong's ranking has been rising. Before his mobile phone was confiscated, he was already in the top 20.

Today, he sat in the 19th position.

As for Qiao Sheng himself, he has rushed to the fifth place.

Everyone was not very surprised when they heard this ranking.

They knew very well that if it were not for the fans and companies of the previous trainees who were too spendthrift and opened up too much gap in the first round without limiting the number of votes, the name of the fifth place would definitely not be him.

Based on his strength and talent, the position at the top of the pyramid is the place that truly belongs to him.

But it doesn't matter. From the comparison of the two votes, Qiao Sheng's vote growth momentum has not decreased but increased, while the four people in front have already shown a little fatigue.

When Qiao Sheng's ranking was announced, everyone applauded.

This is the treatment that every trainee will have after his name is announced.

Most of them were clapping out of politeness.

But there were seven people who clapped so hard that they even looked like they wanted to howl.

The others were ready to put their hands down, but they were still clapping crazily, forcing the others to continue clapping.

These seven people were members of Qiao Sheng's team, including Zhou Cong.

Just look at their positions and you will know why they are so excited.

Except for Zhou Cong, all six people

All in the bottom ten.

For some people, being ranked last may be disappointing.

But for them, this is a gift from the captain.

If it weren't for the reward tickets that Qiao Sheng evenly distributed, it is estimated that they would not even be able to sit on the pyramid.

Not to mention that they can record at least one more episode later.

This is a position that many trainees below want to buy with money, but can't buy!

Don't talk about disappointment, they are only grateful now.

I wish I could clap my palms to pieces!

Our applause is the face of big brother Qin Sheng!


This also led to the fact that when the top three started to climb the pyramid, the applause time they received was far less than Qiao Sheng.

Rong Yijiang sat in the eleventh position, with a calm expression, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

After learning that he fell out of the group, he was already a little numb.

And Dai Youjing's heart was not good.

Tianguang Entertainment was also involved in this leak.

After the voting channel was closed, two trainees from their company had been eliminated due to the lack of votes for so many days.

His ranking only dropped by one place, just in time to exchange with the trainee behind him.

But the difference in votes between him and Qiao Sheng was already very close.

Qiao Sheng was clearly sitting next to him, but he always felt that he could hear Qiao Sheng's breathing behind him.

It was as if a voice behind him would say to him at any time, please make way, this is my seat.

He was so scared that he had hallucinations.

Mo Yunchen sat in the first position with a faint smile on his face.

He was a Buddhist person, and his company was also very Buddhist. In addition to normal publicity and promotion, they did not do anything unorthodox.

He was originally the company's key training target, and it would be great if he could debut as a group in the "Tomorrow's Star" program.

If he could not debut as a group, the company would eventually vigorously promote his group.

For him, debuting as a group in the program was not the ultimate goal.

He was more of a competitor with other trainees from other companies.

At this moment, he looked at Qiao Sheng below, and couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

Maybe, next time he will be in this position, looking down at me like this.

He actually admired Qiao Sheng very much, especially Qiao Sheng's talent. Every original stage was memorable for him.

Before today, he had never thought of considering Qiao Sheng as an opponent, but when he thought that Qiao Sheng would replace him, he suddenly wanted to compete with him.

Anyway, he will definitely be able to sit in the first place in the end, so why not compete with him before he sits up?

Mo Yunchen has no psychological burden to lose to him.

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