The winner of the second performance is no longer so important.

In the minds of many audiences, the victory or defeat of the original stage in the second performance is no longer so important.

Several mentors rushed to ask Qiao Sheng to sing, and the news that Bai Shu got there first made them beat their chests and stamp their feet.

In this scene, winning or losing is really not important.

The olive branch that the mentors threw to Qin Sheng has already shown that Qiao Sheng is the biggest winner among all the trainees.

Rong Yijiang, who was waiting at the back of the stage, had a full view of everything that happened on the stage.

Before their team went on stage, everyone's morale had already hit the bottom.

One effort, then decline, then exhaustion.

The scene of several people cheering together before was still vivid in my mind, but it only lasted for a few minutes.

After Qiao Sheng's team bowed to the audience again, they left from the back of the stage.

As soon as they left the stage, several people including Zhou Cong cheered and danced wildly.

Then, they saw Rong Yijiang's team on the side.

Compared with the ease of their performance, everyone on Rong Yijiang's side looked solemn.

Without waiting to greet each other, Qiao Sheng saw Rong Yijiang turn his head and take his team members to the stage.

However, the back figure looked a little bleak.

When Qiao Sheng and others returned to the waiting room, Rong Yijiang's team had already started performing.

I don't know if it was because the song "Dragon Fist" was too explosive, or maybe because the audience's appetite had been cultivated by Qiao Sheng, the atmosphere on the scene was not so warm when their team was performing.

The most intuitive feeling is the number of fluorescent sticks.

Except for the die-hard fans of Rong Yijiang, the group of trainees, who were still waving vigorously, the rest of the audience seemed to have used up all their strength, and only a few people were holding up their hands sparsely.

Through the big screen in front of the waiting room, Qiao Sheng clearly saw that Rong Yijiang's face was not very good.

Although he tried his best to manage his expression, it was too stiff to laugh.

The imbalance of mentality can easily be reflected in the performance.

In the second half of the song, Rong Yijiang rushed to the beat when he started singing, and entered several seconds early.

Fortunately, he had experience and stretched a certain word in the next sentence, and adjusted back narrowly.

Rong Yijiang, the captain, was like this, not to mention the other trainees.

The song was barely completed well, but in the dance, several trainees made the wrong moves in the middle.

In the group dance on the singing and dancing stage, once one person makes a mistake, it will be particularly obvious and prominent.

It was okay once, but the mistakes made several times in a row made everyone in the mentor seat frown.

After the song ended, Rong Yijiang knew that this performance was over.

After the whole performance, compared with their rehearsal, it was many levels lower.

He originally had the mentality of getting second place, but now, he was also blown up.

In the director's room, Xie Haoran couldn't help but frown slightly after watching Rong Yijiang's team's poor performance.

You know, there are several members in Rong Yijiang's team who are ranked in the top 30.

Especially himself, who is a contestant in Class A.

In the voting rankings, he has always been in the group formation order.

To a certain extent, his personal performance basically represents the basic level of the final group trainees.

And their team performance can also represent the average level of the "Tomorrow's Star" program.

Xie Haoran is considering whether to reduce some of Rong Yijiang's shots in the program and allocate time to trainees with better performance.

For example, Zhou Cong and others in Qiao Sheng's team are pretty good.

Rong Yijiang's team's poor performance also made Xie Haoran think of a question.

What if there are trainees who are really talented, but they always perform poorly on stage, and finally they are pushed to the debut position by the audience for other reasons? What should we do then?

Just like Rong Yijiang, he usually performs well in practice and rehearsal, but every time he goes on stage, there are always some moles.

Distressed, distressed.

Xie Haoran stroked his sparse hair on both sides of his Mediterranean, feeling a little difficult.

Rong Yijiang didn't know that his performance had caused the director's few hairs to suffer. At this time, he was gloomy, waiting for Lin Yixiang to announce the votes and rankings.

Maybe he felt that the trainees were not excited enough to listen to the results in the waiting room during the first performance.

This time, before Lin Yixiang announced the results, all 80 trainees stood on the stage.

The meaning of the program team doing this is actually easy to understand.

Let the good results be allowed to win.

At the same time, they received cheers from the audience.

Those with poor performances were also asked to face their "breadwinners" in person to see how embarrassing it was.

It felt like a parent-teacher meeting.

As for the trainees, they just stood on the stage and looked at the huge audience below.

Those who performed well on stage would wave and smile at the fans below.

The trainees who failed to perform were so nervous that they glanced around the audience and did not dare to look at the fans holding their name signs.

Lin Yixiang took the data handed over by the staff and began to announce the rankings of each group.

He was not a person who liked to keep people in suspense. He reported from the first to the third place on each stage.

The first place on the singing stage was Mo Yunchen, the first place on the singing and dancing stage was Dai Youjing, and the first place on the original stage was undoubtedly Qiao Sheng.

After the votes were all announced, everyone looked at the screen behind them.

Although the PK was conducted on different stages, the audience votes can still be used to rank the teams from high to low, from one to nine.

Looking at the votes and rankings on the big screen behind them, the three captains who ranked first had different expressions.

Mo Yunchen had a smile on his face, Dai Youjing was a little gloomy, and Qiao Sheng had a calm face.

There were 800 audience members in this performance, and the mentors did not participate in the voting, so the full vote was 800 points.

The third place was Mo Yunchen's team, which received 679 votes.

The second place was Dai Youjing's team, which received 703 votes.

The first place was Qin Sheng's team, which received 747 votes!

The team led by Qiao Sheng once again took the lead and won the first place in the whole audience!

Previously, Dai Youjing had been suppressed by Mo Yunchen on the voting list.

Logically speaking, he should be happy to win over Mo Yunchen this time, but unfortunately, Mo Yunchen didn't suppress him, and Qiao Sheng rode on him again!

Dai Youjing's face turned from gloomy to very ugly.

From joining Tianguang Entertainment as a trainee, he has been smooth sailing all the way to now.

He has never suffered any setbacks and always feels that he is a person who eats the bowl of idol.

Especially after coming to the "Star of Tomorrow" program, he practices longer every day than in the company.

In his eyes, sweating more when dancing and singing a few more sentences when practicing songs are already 99% of the effort.

So he never thought he would lose.

Just yesterday, he received a call from a senior executive of the company, who clearly told them to work hard and win all the way.

Maybe in the eyes of the company's leaders, these trainees of Tianguang Entertainment already have a considerable popularity base before participating in the program.

With such favorable innate conditions, it would be easy to win over some trainees whose fans are not even a fraction of theirs.

For this reason, the company has already made plans and is ready to spend money madly on marketing when the show is broadcast.

Unfortunately, the sudden appearance of Qiao Sheng disrupted all their plans.

You can't even get the first place, what should the company do?

How can you ask the company to spend money on marketing?

It can still be done, but it can't be done in a big way, otherwise it will be a wedding dress for Qiao Sheng who is the first.

Tianguang Entertainment itself didn't expect that the original plan to spend money madly would only become "spending money" because the protagonist is not strong enough.

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