The first time, the last word was a joke.

Everyone could only use two words to describe their feelings.

That is, WTF!

Qiao Sheng had no time to watch the audience's reaction, as he was fighting with Qiao Rong.

The fierce dragon band, with four people against seven people, was also in a fierce battle.

From the stage, their fight was fist-to-fist and the movements were clean and neat, as if watching an action movie again.

It was very exciting.

This was their secret training during this period.

When Qiao Sheng thought of using the song "Dragon Fist" as the second performance stage performance song, this idea popped up in his mind.

However, he was not sure at first whether his team could complete such a performance.

Qiao Sheng called Qiao Rong.

In terms of learning cultural subjects, Qiao Rong can be said to be only six out of seven - nothing.

However, after learning martial arts from the old man, his comprehension and hard work made the old man praise him endlessly.

In addition, he worked hard in the crew and learned a lot from the martial arts instructor.

It may be beyond his ability to arrange the action scenes of a whole film and television drama, but it is still very simple to guide a few minutes of fighting.

On the phone, Qiao Rong patted his chest and promised Qiao Sheng that he would arrange a wonderful fight for him.

Qiao Rong arrived the next day. After Qiao Sheng introduced himself to everyone, he let Qiao Rong go.

Qiao Sheng's requirements were not high. He could do anything else. He just needed to ensure that he could achieve three words.

Handsome, cool, and dazzling.

Qiao Sheng had seen similar stage fighting scenes in many places, but when those people performed, they could only be described in one word, that is, awkward.

In order to strive for realism, many of their movements are real, but they are all restrained.

It hurts, but it won't hurt.

That's why everyone has bruises on their bodies.

If it were just like this, it would only take two or three days to complete.

It was mainly because Qiao Sheng suddenly thought of the wire at the end of the rehearsal.

If the wire is added, many movements will be more graceful.

Just like now, Qiao Sheng is fighting with Qiao Rong.

After being hung up by the wire, Qiao Sheng performed a Foshan shadowless kick in the air and directly knocked Qiao Rong out of the field.

So handsome!

Then, Wang Liang and his men who had defeated the others rushed towards Qiao Sheng.

After another wonderful fight, Qiao Sheng solved the four people cleanly.

The originally passionate battle music slowed down, and the accompaniment of "Dragon Fist" was connected silkily, and Qiao Sheng picked up the microphone and sang again.

"Longing for blood connection,

Infinite millions of brothers,

I will unseal the world,

Empty the water of the Yangtze River,

People are transforming the ancient riverbed!"

After the "battle" just now, the team members on the stage were all excited.

When it came to the chorus of the chorus, almost everyone was shouting.

They didn't have to worry about breaking their voices, because with the voices of Qiao Sheng and Zhou Cong, even if they broke, it would be hard to hear.

Especially when the audience was going crazy, no one would care about these small details.

They were also infected by the atmosphere on the scene. During the rehearsal, they all sang in a disciplined manner. After all, there were no enthusiastic audiences off the stage at that time.

And now... . . . . . .

Just shout and it's done!

After singing a song, the whole team gathered at the front of the stage.

Including Qiao Sheng, the eight people were still breathing a little fast.

The feeling just now was so exciting that they haven't recovered yet.

This is normal. A good enough performer, in order to present a wonderful stage, must mobilize the enthusiasm of the audience, and he himself must first mobilize the emotions.

Therefore, in the second half of this song, not only the whole team was excited, but also the audience below cheered wildly.

Fortunately, everyone did not make any mistakes in their respective parts, and the whole stage was almost perfect.

The only flaw was that when the four members of the Raptors were besieging Qiao Sheng, they were always screaming.

When they were knocked down, their expressions and screams were even more exaggerated.

I don't know if it will be picked up by the radio equipment.

"Qin Sheng!"

"Qin Sheng!"

"Qin Sheng!"

The audience at the scene were shouting Qiao Sheng's name in unison.

There was no way. Qiao Sheng, as the C position in today's performance, was really

It is too prominent.

Not only in the lyrics distribution, but also in the opening and middle performances, he, the eldest brother, is the main one.

As the C position, he naturally has to be treated like this.

Moreover, during the practice during this period, whether it is lion dance or martial arts movements, Qiao Sheng has completed the best and practiced the hardest.

The most terrifying thing is that after a day of classes and rehearsals, he has to get up early to accept Lin Yixiang's whip.

He has the brilliance now, which is all the hard work behind the scenes.

Does Qiao Sheng feel hardship himself?

Of course!

But when I think of such hard work, in exchange for the huge progress that can be felt every day, then everything is worth it.

Listening to the whole audience shouting his name, Qiao Sheng looked at the team members standing on both sides.

"Tomorrow's Star" is essentially a talent show. What is it selecting? It is a boy group.

Not a band, not a group, but an idol boy group.

As an idol boy group, there is bound to be a division of labor.

Just like Korean boy and girl groups, some are responsible for rap, some are mainly responsible for dancing, some are responsible for singing, and some are responsible for appearance.

That's why idol groups on the market will say "Hello everyone, I am the dance leader in XXX", "I am the appearance leader", "I am the rap leader", etc. when introducing themselves.

Qiao Sheng really wants to be responsible for the appearance.

In various activities, he only needs to sell his "appearance" and just pass the singing.

Maybe he doesn't even need to pass the exam, just shout in the middle: "Burn my calories!"

How cool!

No matter what he thinks, Qiao Sheng, as the big brother in the team, naturally has to take on the responsibility of the big brother.

Amid the shouts of the audience, he took the microphone handed over by the staff and shouted loudly: "Hello everyone, we are the Qinsheng team, and I am the captain Qinsheng!"

The audience below the stage burst into warm cheers.

After speaking, he walked to the far right and handed the microphone to Zhou Cong's mouth.

Zhou Cong was stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted and shouted into the microphone: "Hello everyone, I am Zhou Cong from Qin Sheng's team!"

Zhou Cong was responded to by equally enthusiastic shouts.

Just as Qiao Sheng was about to leave, Zhou Cong grabbed the microphone and added: "I am still Qin Sheng's roommate."

The audience shouted even louder when they heard this.

Qiao Sheng could even hear a loud-voiced girl in the first row, screaming at the top of her lungs: "Zhou Cong! Help me steal Qin Sheng's underwear!"

Qiao Sheng shook his finger at the beauty speechlessly, turned back and glared at Zhou Cong, and walked to the next team member.

There was no such link in the performance process arranged by the program, because all of them had been introduced once when the VCR was played at the beginning.

The reason why Qiao Sheng personally held the microphone and introduced them one by one was to allow the camera lens to bring more to other team members and ensure that they would not be edited out.

Xie Haoran would definitely keep this link.

Isn’t this the love between brothers? Fujoshi love to watch it.

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