In the end, this unlucky guy was used by Qiao Sheng three times until he was picked by Dai Youjing.

There was no other way. If he was not picked again, Qiao Sheng felt that he would cry.

Facing Qiao Sheng who begged him hard but failed, the unlucky guy was almost moved by his persistence.

Unfortunately, although he was the first in the "first public", he was the captain of his own company.

Qin Sheng, you don't want me to have a hard time after I go back, right?

When the unlucky guy walked behind Dai Youjing, he looked at Qiao Sheng with a little apology.

Unfortunately, Qiao Sheng didn't even look at him.

Fortunately, each captain has made his own selection plan.

And the other people all maintained a tacit understanding - not to choose teammates from the same company as others.

Dai Youjing did not choose the unlucky guy immediately, but followed the plan in an orderly manner, and only after choosing the top-ranked and relatively strong ones, it was his turn.

This also puzzled others. Qiao Sheng valued your teammates so much, and you were still "flirting" outside?

In fact, Dai Youjing was also sweating in his heart. Although he had winked at the unlucky guy before choosing teammates, it was hard to guarantee that he would be moved by Qiao Sheng's sincerity like three visits to the thatched cottage.

What can move people most these days is sincerity.

However, this person is still mine after all!

After Dai Youjing put down his hanging heart, he couldn't help but look at Qiao Sheng with some pride, wanting to see his lost look.

Unfortunately, he only saw Qiao Sheng as if he had completed a task, and he let out a sigh and showed a satisfied smile.

However, the slap in the face came quickly.

Qiao Sheng's plan was to complete the second performance with his own lineup of five people, but unfortunately, the program team disagreed.

After all the captains had chosen their players, there were only three trainees left on the field that no one wanted.

The team host Yu Tong looked at the situation of each team. The other eight teams all had 9 people standing in a row, neatly.

Qiao Sheng's place was empty.

The other captains said that their teams were full, implying that they didn't want any.

When it was Qiao Sheng's turn to choose, he looked at the three trainees from Class F.

The three of them also looked at him cautiously, with hope in their eyes.

Qiao Sheng looked at the captains behind him again, and they also shook their heads obviously.

He sighed and could only wave to them and take the three happy people under his command.

Thinking of his previous behavior of deliberately giving up the round, Qiao Sheng sighed.

I am so stupid, this is not just shooting myself in the foot!

Unlike Qiao Sheng's depression, the three trainees who failed to be selected were very happy.

Qiao Sheng's creative ability is obvious to all, and he is also very good to his teammates. Being able to come to his team, the three of them swept away the haze of being unwanted in their hearts, and happily chatted with the others.

After the division of teams was completed, the next step was to choose the stage for each team.

The program team gave the trainees ten minutes to discuss.

The other teams were whispering together, only the members of Qiao Sheng's team were as quiet as chickens, and Qiao Sheng yawned out of boredom.

This scene was all captured by the camera.

"Brother Sheng, don't we discuss it?" Zhou Cong patted Qiao Sheng on the shoulder and said.

Others did not dare to come up, but Zhou Cong had no scruples.

Qiao Sheng turned around and glanced at the members of his team. Seeing that they wanted to speak but did not dare to speak, he smiled and said, "Sure, you discuss it and tell me the result."

Zhou Cong and the seven people immediately gathered in a circle and discussed enthusiastically.

A few minutes later, Zhou Cong leaned over to Qiao Sheng's ear and said, "Brother Sheng, based on the strengths reported by others and after our unanimous discussion, we think we can choose the singing stage."

Qiao Sheng nodded and said yes with a smile.

Seeing that his opinion was adopted, the seven people smiled, and the three newcomers were also very happy.

It is said that Qin Sheng has the final say in the team, and now it seems that he is also very democratic.

The order of selecting the stage is still the same as before.

After playing the songs that can be selected, the captains began to make their choices.

When it was Qiao Sheng's turn, two songs for the singing stage had been selected, and there were two positions left for the singing and dancing stage and the original stage.

Under the gaze of the team members, Qiao Sheng walked to the selection table leisurely and placed the team's logo directly under the original stage.

He wants to be original again? !

The other captains looked at Qiao Sheng in surprise, especially the former A class member.

The members were even more puzzled.

You have hardly attended the original class since the first performance, and you actually chose original?

The expressions on the faces of the members of Qiao Sheng's team were even more exciting.

They didn't come back to their senses until Qiao Sheng returned to the front of the team.

"Brother Sheng, didn't you say that you would choose the singing stage?"

Zhou Cong didn't understand, but he also believed that Qiao Sheng would never do it without a purpose.

Qiao Sheng smiled faintly and said, "The remaining song is not good."

Zhou Cong said, "Oh," and told the others the reason.

Several trainees showed an understanding look, but they still had doubts in their hearts. I think this song is actually good.

However, they did not say what they thought in their hearts. Three of them can still stand here, all thanks to Qiao Sheng.

They are very grateful to be able to stay in the show for a while longer.

The three new members saw that the "predecessors" accepted the arrangement with peace of mind, and they dared not speak.

After the songs were chosen, the next step was to choose the C position in the team.

The other teams were still the same, some PKed, some played the victim, and some even cried while talking.

In short, for a C position, in addition to fighting each other under the camera, it can be said that everyone showed their skills.

On the other hand, Qiao Sheng's side was still quiet.

No one was fighting, everyone was looking at Qiao Sheng eagerly.

In the first performance, Qiao Sheng gave the C position to Zhou Cong, letting him ascend on the spot.

This time, each of them held hope, hoping that what Qiao Sheng said was their own name.

Unfortunately, they were disappointed after all.

"I will be the C position in this performance." Qiao Sheng said lightly.

The reason why he wanted the C position was actually very simple. He only planned to sing this person's song for himself.

Although the others were slightly disappointed, they quickly adjusted their mindsets and accepted the result with pleasure.

It's okay not to be the C position. Judging from Qiao Sheng's behavior of evenly dividing the votes, he is a fair person.

Even if they can't eat meat in this performance, it's good to drink some soup.

Moreover, they saw other teams fighting for the top spot, and they also felt good about the peaceful atmosphere of their own team.

How does the saying go, rap should be love and peace!

Look at them, there is no peace at all.

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