After all, only a few people find fault with the song.

The majority of people like the song "Elimination".

The well-known faceless music critic Erdong once again praised it.

"Once again, I am impressed by the combination of Laoban and 'Death Knight'. In the song 'Eliminated', Laoban presents the ups and downs of a relationship like a canvas in front of us through simple melody and simple lyrics."

"'Death Knight's performance is still stable. If you have been watching the show since the first episode, you must know his singing skills and strength. To be honest, I think his high notes in this song are a bit suppressed."

"I am not criticizing. On the contrary, I think this is a good treatment. He interprets the loss of a person after being rejected. The singing of 'Death Knight' shows a person who wants to shout loudly but doesn't know how to sing. Say something and sing it out. "

"Because he knows and understands, he has already prepared for rejection. Since the ending is already expected, the final result may have been played out many times in his heart. "

"Even so, he still holds on to a hope, and flies towards the person he likes like a moth to a flame. "

"The melody of the song and the emotional transmission in it make people feel heartbroken from the beginning, and it makes people feel even more emotional after listening to it. "

"After watching the performance of the "Death Knight", I felt as if I was abandoned on an isolated island, and could only watch the sunrise and sunset in frustration and helplessness. "


What is even more unexpected to everyone is that this song has become a confession song.

At first, a girl commented in the comment area of ​​the song.

"Your anxiety wins your trust, but I get your comforting elimination. The person who has been ambiguous for half a year officially announced yesterday that the heroine is not me."

Afterwards, people with the same situation posted comments below.

"I've been playing this song on repeat since I was rejected yesterday. We've known each other for three years, and I like her very much. Maybe we're more suitable to be friends. Our memories are wrinkle-free, but you left me with a period."

"After listening to the song, I thought about it all night. It's a knife to stick your head out, and it's also a knife to hide your head. I confessed to the person I like this morning, but he said he has a girlfriend. It can be considered a consolation elimination."

"I said I like her, but she thought I was joking."

"WeChat has taken up almost 20G of my storage space, but I still don't dare to clean up the cache. What if, what if my chat history with her is gone, what should I do!"

"I know she doesn't like me, but I don't dare to confess, not even jokingly. What if she deletes me after rejecting me, I can only hear her voice in voice messages again."

. . . . . . .

Some sweet songs are all about sweet love, but when it comes to "Elimination", the most common ones are about failed confessions or fear of failed confessions!

Of course, some people succeeded, but when they came to fulfill their vows, they immediately stopped when they saw the comment section that was about to burst into tears.

If I say this, I'm afraid I'll be drowned by everyone's saliva, so I can only secretly rejoice.

The turmoil in the song comment section also spread to Weibo, and an entry called "I just secretly love you by your side in the name of a friend" secretly climbed into the top ten hot searches.

Soon, this trend also swept Weibo.

As a songwriter, Qiao Sheng had no idea about this matter. He was sitting in the makeup room of the crew putting on makeup.

Qiao Sheng has a good appearance. In the past few days in the crew, he was recognized as an actor by unfamiliar staff several times.

While Ji Zheng taught him everything he knew, he also had an idea for him - come on, junior, I'll give you a small role to play.

At first, Qiao Sheng refused, but later Ji Zheng's words moved him.

"If you just want to be an ordinary director, that's fine. But if you want to be a good director, you can't do it if you don't know the psychological state of the actors when they are acting."

Qiao Sheng felt that what Ji Zheng said made sense, and at the same time, he also thought of Bai Shu's rejection of the script for him.

Otherwise, give it a try, maybe he really has talent?

So, Qiao Sheng was taken away by the makeup artist called by the deputy director.

After the makeup was done and the costume was put on, a handsome guard with a straight figure appeared in the mirror.

"Alas." The makeup artist sighed while looking at Qiao Sheng in the mirror while making the final fine-tuning for him.

"What's wrong, teacher?" Qiao Sheng looked at the makeup artist in confusion.

"Look at this look, look at this face value, you deserve to be an actor, why do you want to be a screenwriter."

Faced with the compliments of strangers, Qiao Sheng could only smile embarrassedly.

When he was ready and walked out of the dressing room, he attracted a whisper from the female staff.

"Damn, so handsome!"

"Who is this? Why didn't I see him a few days ago?"

"It's the screenwriter who has been following Director Ji these days."

"Damn, he looks so handsome in ancient costumes?!"

When Ji Zheng saw Qiao Sheng walking in with big strides, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Not bad, junior brother, your outfit is very suitable for ancient costumes!"

Qiao Sheng has a very good-looking face, good facial features, and a good face shape. He is a standard handsome face.

Usually he wears modern clothes, and he is an outstanding handsome guy. Now after putting on the makeup of a costume drama, he directly turns into a handsome man in a costume drama.

And it is a type that has been in great demand in the market in recent years.

Before Qiao Sheng could speak, Ji Zheng had already circled around him and finally stared at his face and pondered.

"Not bad, if the shadow here is a little more, he can also play a role that is both good and evil. Not bad, not bad."

He was originally a big director who directed costume dramas. After seeing Qiao Sheng, he was also excited and analyzed what roles he could play.

Finally, he made the same sigh as the makeup artist: "You, don't be a screenwriter anymore. Do you want to sign with us Chengtian Entertainment to be an actor?"

Qiao Sheng laughed dumbly and thought to himself, how come the people in Chengtian Entertainment are all the same, they want to sign handsome guys back when they see them, Xiao Nan was like this before, and you are the same.

Lin Moxue was also amazed at the side. After hearing Ji Zheng's persuasion, the whole person tensed up, and looked at Ji Zheng with a bit of unkindness.

He actually dared to poach people in front of her!

Qiao Sheng's part was very simple, with only a few lines and a salute, but he had several opportunities to appear on stage.

More than two hours later, after finishing two scenes today, Qiao Sheng changed back into his own clothes and sat next to Ji Zheng to watch again.

After such a small acting experience, he sat back in this position, and his mentality did change as Ji Zheng said.

While he had a deeper understanding, a small sapling was quietly sprouting in his heart.

Acting is really interesting!

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