The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Oh, oh, haha." Guo Yulong came over and put his hand on Huang Feiwen's shoulder, like a good buddy.

"Feiwen, many people here are watching me. Some work is really hard to carry out."

Although Guo Yulong was hooking up with Huang Feiwen, he was actually looking at Li Xian's expression.

Seeing that he was not unusual, Guo Yulong continued to speak, "If he is transferred back, it is indeed a bit difficult..."

"Uncle, let's go..."

"But!!! But!!" Seeing Li Xian coming over and dragging Huang Feiwen to leave, he hurriedly said, "Last year, the country began to vigorously carry out poverty alleviation work."

"Then what? What does this have to do with my uncle's work?"

Guo Yulong grinned and said, "It's like this. As a national institution, we naturally have to do our part. Our bank is helping the local area, which is Yicheng Sanhua Li Town. In this way, Huang Feiwen will work there for two years. After he comes back, I will let him work in the bank in the city. How about it?"

Li Xian smiled coldly. Even a normal adult would not believe this kind of verbal promise, not to mention that he did this in his previous life. He knew that this kind of people said all kinds of nonsense. If they really want to implement it, they will have a lot of reasons.

"I'm paying 200 million, but my uncle can't even be the president of a branch in the city, so why should I deposit money in? It will take several years for me to spend 200 million directly, and you just say you will get a promotion and salary increase in two years. President Guo, do you think I'm a three-year-old child who can be fooled?"

Guo Yulong wiped the sweat from his forehead awkwardly and smiled apologetically, "Mr. Li, it's mainly about this matter, it's so difficult to handle."

"Difficult? Then let's not do it. We won't make it difficult for you, and I guess you don't think much of my money, right?" Li Xian naturally knew that even in a county-level city, the total deposit of a bank would definitely start at more than 10 or 20 billion, but he didn't believe that Guo Yulong would not be tempted by the nature of a private deposit of 200 million.

If he really wasn't tempted, it could only be said that Yicheng was comparable to first-tier cities.

Seeing that Li Xian and the others were about to leave, Guo Yulong could no longer sit still and said quickly, "Wait a minute, this matter is really difficult to handle. How about this, I will have a meeting with them tomorrow and mention it to them?"

"It's okay, you can have the meeting slowly, it doesn't matter how long it takes. Uncle, let's go home."

"This..." Seeing that Li Xian insisted on pulling him away, Huang Feiwen secretly leaned over and said, "I'm still at work, it will be bad if I leave now?"

"Guo Xing, I will take my uncle out to run some business first, it will probably take two or three days, is that okay?"

"No problem, no problem, Mr. Li, don't worry, I will definitely strive for the greatest efforts for Xiao Huang!" Guo Yulong smiled.

Unconsciously, he no longer called Li Xian "Xiao Li".

Huang Feiwen was a little dazed after sitting in Li Xian's car.

Was he absent from work?

"Li Xian, am I sure there is no problem? If Guo Xing is embarrassed, it will be difficult to deal with it in the future."

Huang Feiwen was a little anxious when he thought of Li Xian's aggressive look just now. But he didn't show it just now. After all, Li Xian came to help him. How could he tear down his own people? It's just that the method was a bit radical.

"If I transfer back to the city to be the president, the competition pressure is still very high. We have 15 branches in the town. I have just been working for two and a half years. I can't compete with them."

In fact, Huang Feiwen himself knew that his resume was not enough. When Guo Yulong just said that he would go to the village to help the poor and get promoted when he came back, he was very tempted.

Even if he came back, it would not be his turn, but he had a resume, and he would have a chance next time.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Li Xian did not refute his uncle's words. After all, he looked at the problem from his own perspective.

"Uncle, what you said makes sense. You haven't been in the job as long as those old hands. But to get out there, you need to have strength and background."

Li Xian turned his head and looked at his uncle sitting in the passenger seat. At this time, his uncle was only in his early 24s and still very young.

It was the achievement of his grandparents in middle age. He was only four years younger than his sister Li Jiaxin.

"At that time, you were able to go to the Agricultural Bank and become the deputy president of the town as soon as you entered. Wasn't it because your grandfather asked someone to help you?"

Huang Feiwen smiled and did not deny it. When he graduated and came back, his family found him a job through connections.

"It's a bit embarrassing to say it. I'm

I was able to become a bank president by relying on family talents, and now I have to rely on connections to work in the city. It's embarrassing. "

"Only those with strength and background can do great things. If Guo Yulong asks you to help the poor later, you must be the bank president in the city before going. Compared with other people, if you go there, I can also invest money in the local area, invest one or two million to build a basketball court, build a few cement roads, and repair the local primary school. Can other bank presidents pull such political achievements? Uncle, if you have strength, you should use it, right?"

Huang Feiwen was silent for a moment, looking through the car window, staring at the scenery on the street. He knew that what Li Xian said was right. In fact, this society is a society of human relations. Those who have strength but no background will never make progress.

If you have background but no strength, then you can just eat and wait for death.

"Use this springboard to see if you can get one step closer." Huang Feiwen turned his head and looked at Li Xian, "I've decided, Li Xian. If I can go to the village to help the poor, I will continue to do it. I have been working for two and a half years. It's nothing to leave like this. Come back, I want to fight for it. "

"What do you want to fight for?" Li Xian had a question mark in his head.

"Of course, it's the president of the branch in the city."

"It's too small, the pattern is small. Uncle. If you really want to fight for it, you come back to join the head office, then it's my incompetence."

"How can it be attributed to you?" Huang Feiwen looked at Li Xian with some displeasure. "This makes it seem like I have no ability."

Li Xian smiled, and could only say that he was worthy of being born in the same family as his mother, and his temper was stubborn.

But Li Xian also understood that they were all young people in their twenties, and they still had some anger in their hearts, and they wanted to rely on themselves for everything.

"Uncle, the power of the family is actually one of the personal abilities. Those who understand the truth that a good cook cannot cook without rice will understand it."

Li Xian began to slow down the car and glanced at his uncle, "I have resources here, which can completely broaden your network of people and put your perspective a little longer. "

Huang Feiwen took a deep breath and nodded, "I understand the reason, it's okay."

"Don't worry about spending money, okay?"

Li Xian didn't say anything to Huang Feiwen. His company didn't have any connections.

He was still a little worried that after it grew bigger, a grandson would ask his grandfather to come to his company to gain experience. At that time, he would be like Dong Ge, crying and having nowhere to go.

Anyway, he had too much money now, so Li Xian didn't feel bad about spending it.

Guo Yulong's words just now also reminded him that according to the current rate of asset increase, Li Xian planned to invest the 3 billion in his account into the poverty alleviation industry.

He didn't believe it. If he invested this money, would anyone dare to touch him?

With 3 billion in political achievements, the bigwigs of the whole province would stand by him.

"Uncle, be more open-minded. I plan to invest 3 billion in poverty alleviation."

"What? !!! "

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