Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

"Isn't this good? Let everyone in Guangzhou remember our school, and more students will come to register next year."

"That's during the summer vacation. Now I go back to report on my work, education The leaders of the bureau all asked me where the money came from to set off the fireworks. You don’t know, you donated 20 million to our school, others are so jealous, humph, now some of the necessary funds for our school have been postponed to the last minute! ! ”

“Oh, it’s just a little late, it’s okay. I still have the money I gave you.”

“You little brat!” Fu Guohua scolded with a smile, “Okay, I’ll take care of it for you.”

“Thank you, Principal. , let's have dinner together later."

"Okay, okay, when I really invite you to dinner, you'll be gone."


Cai Xukun has been doing well in the past two years, and has made achievements in his work. His wife gave birth to a pair of lovely twin daughters. He heard that during the principal's tenure, an alumnus of their school donated 30 million yuan to them. It was a foregone conclusion that he would be transferred to the Education Bureau.

Once he made a move, basically everyone below him would move.

And he heard that the one who donated 20 million was a student in their department.

Then the vice president was very It is very likely that he will become the department director. If he moves, won't my position be reduced by one word, from deputy director to director?

If I am a little luckier, maybe the director behind the deputy director will become the vice dean? !

Everything is It's possible, isn't it?

In this critical period of promotion, he decided to find something to do. If he had some achievements, he would have a reason to run for vice president, right?

So as soon as the final exam was over, he started to check various The progress of students in the class.

After checking, it turned out that many students failed the exam. One of them, Li Xian, was even worse. He failed all the exams except the main subject!

This made him grit his teeth in anger!

So many students took the exam. If I fail and the deans of other departments know about it, not to mention becoming the vice dean, even the position of deputy director will be at risk.

Now is a critical period, and people from other departments must be keeping an eye on the Finance Department.

Therefore, Cai Xukun decided to make sure all students passed the exam before going back for the New Year!

He urgently issued a notice, asking the counselors of the Finance Department to contact the Students, go back after you finish your exams!

Cai Xukun came to the office and decided to supervise the counselors in person.

"Director, you are here."


This title made Cai Xukun very happy. I can hardly suppress my smile. But I said modestly, "Hahaha, I'm the deputy director. Don't call me the wrong name."

"By the way, Counselor Zuo, it is said that many students in your department I'm a businessman, but the students who fail the most courses are also students in your department. Can't you just keep a close eye on them? Young people at this stage should still focus on studying. How much money can they make by buying a few clothes? "

They can Earn your annual salary!

Zuo You complained about Cai Xukun in his heart, but smiled and said that he would definitely take good care of the students.

After chatting with several young counselors for a while, he asked them to arrange the exam questions as soon as possible and let them go home after the exam.

Just then, a phone call came in.

Cai Xukun saw that it was the principal's call and hurried out. Office, answering the phone, "Hello, principal, what instructions do you have?"

"Xiao Cai, you've done an excellent job. You've been very strict with students failing the exams, which is a good thing."

"Hey Hehe, it's my duty. It's my duty. "When Cai Xukun heard the principal praising him, his face was full of smiles.

He didn't expect that the principal would come to him at noon for what he just announced in the morning.

It seems that the principal must be watching It seems that I have done a very good job in my department, so should I apply again to let those students who failed the course make up for it?

Anyway, there is injustice... No, caring alumni donated money, and I applied for funds to give students extra lessons. It is reasonable. At most, I will eat a little bit..

"But! Xiao Cai. Sometimes, haste makes waste. Do you know?"

Fu Guohua changed the subject, causing cold sweat to appear on Cai Xukun's forehead.

Is there something wrong with what he did? Or was it that the principal knew about his petty greed?

Cai Xukun began to think frantically, what did he do? What is given

The principal knows.

Did he apply for office supplies last time when he went to the logistics department, took two boxes of pens, and then took one box home?

Or did he put it on the expense report when he bought night supplies for his wife?

"Xiao Cai, the New Year is coming soon. Some students who travel far away have grabbed train tickets early. If they change the date, they will not only waste money, but also have to grab tickets again. How troublesome it is."

"Yes, yes, you are right, principal. I still don't see the problem as far as you do, and I have to learn from you."

Cai Xukun didn't know why the principal said this to him, obviously his starting point was good. He didn't believe that it was simply because of the difficulty of students grabbing tickets.

Students all have student ID cards, so it is much faster to grab tickets, and the refund and exchange of tickets is free. Besides, if some students really don't have tickets to go home because of this, now the school has money, the worst thing is to apply for it yourself and pay for the students to buy tickets.

Then you can take advantage of it a little bit....

It makes sense, right?

"Also, Xiao Cai, especially some students. They are usually busy with work, so it's understandable that they work and study. Do you understand?"

"I understand, principal."

"Well, I understand. Then you can continue to be busy. I'll hang up first."


After hanging up the phone, Cai Xukun was thinking carefully, could it be that among those students who failed the course, there are relatives of the principal?

When Cai Xukun was puzzled, his phone rang again.

Looking at the caller ID above, it was his immediate boss Yang Xuelin.

"Director Yang..."

"Cai Xukun, are you a fool?"

"Ah?" Cai Xukun was a little confused when he was suddenly scolded.

No, although you are the director, it is unreasonable to scold me, a deputy director, like this?

"Director Yang, we are all educated people. You are so uneducated. I don't know how you got the position of director?"

"It's none of your business how I got the position! You are always dishonest. Don't think I don't know!"

"Ahem!" Damn it, how did Yang Xuelin know that?

Knowing that the other party had his own handle, Cai Xukun said with a smile, "Oh, leader. Thank you for pointing out my mistakes. I will definitely change them, I will definitely change them..."

"Change your mother! Others donated nearly 30 million to the school, and you turned around and asked others to come back to take the make-up exam. Did a donkey step on your brain?"


Is it because of this that the principal called me?

After being the deputy director for so many years, he still has some brains in it, and he immediately thought of the possibility.

"Deal with it immediately!"

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Cai Xukun hung up Yang Xuelin's phone and came to the office.

"Well, counselors, considering that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, let's let the students have a good year first. Then, uh, come back next semester to take the make-up exam. Send me the exam content and I'll take care of it."

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