The first time she saw the red envelope was in a mess.

Looking at the screen on the LED, Wen Xiaoping was surprised.

No, I was in prison for the third time today, right?

120,000, did I really get 120,000?

She looked at the work number and photo displayed on it in disbelief. She smiled foolishly, "Xinxin, look, the person on it looks like me."

It's over, my bestie is stupid.

Tu Naixin kept stroking Wen Xiaoping's back to comfort her, fearing that she couldn't stand the blow and became stupid.

"Silly girl, that's you! Hurry up and go up to receive the award!"

At Tu Naixin's urging, Wen Xiaoping walked onto the stage melancholy.

"I didn't expect you to be so lucky!" This reward was relatively special. Li Xian transferred it directly.

This made everyone below envious.

This is more than 120,000 yuan. It was transferred directly. This luck is unmatched.

Looking at the extra 120,000 yuan on the phone, Wen Xiaoping couldn't hold back her smile.

She kept laughing and hugged Li Xian hard in excitement.

My God, how did you hit someone with the ball?

Li Xian pushed Wen Xiaoping away with some embarrassment. He didn't expect the employees below to have such a good figure. You really can't tell from her clothes.

After leaving the stage, Mao Bin livened up the atmosphere again.

"Oh, what a lucky girl. So, who will be the next lucky person?"

At this point, Mao Bin deliberately paused for a while, and waited for them to calm down before continuing to speak.

"Now, let's look at the big screen again!!!"

"The winner of the Rolex watch is! Worker No. 019, Li Meixian!!!"

Seeing that it was the customer service manager who won the watch, everyone was relieved for some reason.

Even Qiu Hongyuan secretly touched his chest.

If the last reward was given to Wen Xiaoping, he would think that there was something wrong with the program he wrote, not to mention others.

What should be done with the reward at that time? Should it be returned?

Wen Xiaoping sat back in her seat and saw that the last reward was not hers. She felt a little disappointed, but then she quickly adjusted herself.

Tonight, she has already won three rewards, all of which are good rewards, and she has long been satisfied.

She decided to take her parents out for a 7-day tour across the country, and to take her best friend Tu Naixin to Milk Tea Lun's concert. She would keep the 120,000 bonus for herself and give the 100,000 year-end bonus to her parents.

Although they are sometimes biased, they are always good to themselves.

After all the gifts were distributed, the first annual meeting of Xianren Capital also ushered in the final stage.

This time, Li Xian did not go up to speak, he pushed Lin Leqiao up.

Lin Leqiao, dressed in formal clothes, walked onto the stage. She was a mature and intellectual beauty, which made many people present feel a little moved.

Many people knew that she was a single mother, but in the eyes of some people, this seemed to be a plus.

Lin Leqiao took the microphone and looked at everyone with a smile. "First of all, thank you all for joining Xianren Capital. In the past year, everyone has also completed a lot of work. This is the starting point of the company. The progress of the company depends on the joint efforts of everyone present. I hope that everyone will get better and better in the new year."

The employees below saw Lin Leqiao pause and applauded.

When they quieted down, Lin Leqiao continued, "Then there is another job next, that is, to leave people on duty, and each department can leave two to three people, and the managers of each department can recommend them by themselves."

"Finally, I will tell you another good news."

Hmm? There is another good news?

Hearing Lin Leqiao's words, some people who were eager to go home pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what good things Lin Leqiao said.

In their expectant eyes, Lin Leqiao said, "Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the company will start a two-day team building, and the team building location will be Changlong Amusement Park and the Zoo. Then, it will be officially a holiday!"

"Wow! Changlong Amusement Park?!

"There is such a good thing! Hehe, I have decided. I will take my son there tomorrow. I will buy a ticket at my own expense at that time."

"I decided to take my brother's girlfriend there. She has wanted to go there for a long time."

"Damn, I just booked a train ticket to go back to my hometown tomorrow when I was having dinner! I want to refund it"

No one expected that there would be such a good benefit when the New Year is coming soon.

And many college students have already started to think about inviting good roommates to come and play together. After all, they just got the year-end bonus. Wouldn't it be great to treat them to a meal?

In this way, Li Xian let all employees play for two

On the day, the company officially started the holiday.

It is worth mentioning that most of the people who stayed to work overtime were employees who had worked for a long time. Only a small number of college students whose girlfriends or boyfriends were still working chose to stay to work overtime.

Wen Xiaoping did not choose to stay to work overtime. Although the double salary was high, she had already received a reward of 120,000 yuan. It would be unreasonable to compete with colleagues in the same department for the double overtime pay.

Therefore, she chose to return to her hometown in advance.

After getting off the high-speed rail, she directly called a ride at the high-speed rail station and asked him to take her back to her hometown.

After all, she not only had her own luggage, but also brought the New Year's goods issued by the company.

In comparison, the New Year's goods are large in quantity, that is, two barrels of cooking oil, a bag of rice, dried mushrooms, and Yangcheng specialty sausages, as well as a lot of snacks and dried fruits, and a New Year's red envelope of 200 yuan. It is a standard configuration for Yangcheng companies.

Anyway, she didn't cook much in Yangcheng, so Wen Xiaoping packed everything and took it home.

No matter how well they live outside, the joy of returning home is the most anticipated part of the year for all migrant workers.

Returning to a familiar hometown and familiar people seems to have the atmosphere of the New Year.

Wen Xiaoping is the same.

When she was about to get home, she called her parents.

"Mom and Dad, I'm almost home. Come over and help me move some things later."

"What? You're back?"

Wen Xiaoping didn't tell her parents just to give them a surprise.

And Wen Xiaoping's parents were indeed frightened by her.

"Xiaoping, that girl, how did she come back without a car?"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xiufen was very confused.

"How do I know?" Wen Haifu replied unhappily.

"Do you think your daughter will bring a boyfriend back?"

"She has only been working for more than two months. She didn't have a relationship for four years in college. Can she fall in love so quickly after working?" Wen Haifu refuted again unhappily.

"I say one thing, you refute one thing, Wen Haifu, what do you mean?!!"

"I mean it normally, you ask and I answer, isn't that normal?!"

The two went downstairs while arguing.

Soon, they saw a white local car parked at their door.

And Wen Xiaoping had already got out of the car from the back.

"Mom and Dad, come and help me move my things."

The driver also got out of the car at this time, came to the trunk, and helped move the things to the side.

Wen Haifu and Wang Xiufen did not move, and looked straight at the driver.

The latter was a little scared by being looked at, and quickly moved all the things down.

At this time, Wang Xiufen spoke, "Xiaoping, your boyfriend?!"

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