After the wedding, Li Xian was very happy.

Thinking that Han Cuiting and others had been really hard during this period, and the second day after coming to Shanghai, Li Xian signed for several houses in Tomson Yipin.

Thinking of the embarrassment with Jiang Youyun that day, Li Xian simply moved out of the presidential suite and moved to Tomson Yipin's house.

As a result, he signed for two more houses in Gubei No. 1 the next day, but they were still in the decoration stage, so Li Xian stayed in Tomson Yipin.

Back home, Li Xian called the staff of luxury stores such as LV and Gucci and asked them to bring all styles of clothes and jewelry bags to the door.

Then Li Xian called Han Cuiting again and asked them to come over early after get off work.

Now they are still using an office in the Peninsula Hotel for work.

Han Cuiting and the others came very quickly, and soon they arrived at the downstairs of Tomson Yipin.

"Did you take a ride?" At the door, Li Xian looked at Han Cuiting and the others who were full of resentment.

"No, we took the bus! Our work is almost done. What are you talking about? Why are you rushing us here?"

Among the people who came from Xianren Capital this time, in addition to Han Cuiting and the other three executives, there were also several people in charge of research.

Lin Weixing and the other two people under Fu Shuheng came a week earlier to check the operation of the Peninsula Hotel.

The financial staff under Li Youshan followed up on the audit issues.

Now the work is almost finished, and we can go home after it is done.

It has been a week since she came to Shanghai. Thinking of how much she has fallen behind in her studies, she has long been angry with Li Xian.

Although she didn't know what the use of Li Xian joining in was, he was slacking off, and Han Cuiting just couldn't stand him.

Seeing Han Cuiting coming and making a lot of noise, she caught Li Xian and scolded him.

Everyone who followed looked at the surrounding scenery.

Excuse me, the second-in-command of the company grabbed the chairman of the company and scolded him, what should we do?

"It seems that you have been under a lot of work pressure during this period~" Li Xian felt a little embarrassed after being scolded by Han Cuiting for no reason.

"Okay, brother Han Cuiting, you are our league secretary after all, play a leading role. Don't lose your temper~"

Li Xian said with a smile, "I called you here to take you to visit the house I just bought."

"House?" Hearing that the boss was selling a house, everyone looked at the community behind Li Xian curiously.

No wonder the boss asked them to come here, it turned out that the boss bought this house in Shanghai. He has only been in Shanghai for a few days, and he bought a house in just one week? So casual?

Fu Shuheng and Li Youshan looked at each other. Could the boss also want to settle in Shanghai?

When can I buy a house anytime and anywhere like the boss? Let alone other things, even buying a house in Shanghai would be good?

Only Han Cuiting, seeing that Li Xian asked them to come and see his newly bought house, fell in expression.

But she did not speak, but followed quietly.

When they went up in the elevator, Han Cuiting said quietly, "Boss, the work will be done in two days. Then we can go back to Guangzhou."

It's over, is he angry?

Li Xian thought about it from a different angle. If his good friend and boss left him without working and let him deal with the work, he would still feel a little resentful.

What if his boss bought a house at the place of business trip while he was working on a business trip, and then found him to show off his work while he was working.


It's really annoying, haha.

Li Xian laughed awkwardly and came to the 16th floor.

As soon as they opened the door, Han Cuiting and others found that there were several staff members in suits waiting for them.

In their surprised expressions, Li Xian touched his nose and said, "You have worked hard this week. In the morning, I went to B station to find Chen Ru, one of their department heads, and said that he would treat us to dinner in the evening. I wanted to take you to the appointment, but you came here to work, and most of the clothes you brought were formal clothes."

At this point, Li Xian deliberately glanced at Fu Shuheng and Li Youshan.

It has been a week since they came to Shanghai, and their clothes are either formal or formal.

Noticing the boss's eyes, Fu Shuheng smiled embarrassedly.

"This...Is this Gucci and LV?! And Chanel?!" The speaker was a financial lady, a little fat, wearing frog glasses, a girl named Hong Lanyue.

As a girl, although you can't afford branded clothes now, you can still get to know them. Now

The company's salary, if you keep working, you will definitely be able to earn it!

"You didn't use the rent from the Jinmao Tower to buy a house and buy these clothes?" Seeing Li Xian's lavish spending, Han Cuiting felt a little distressed.

The money had just been received and it hadn't even warmed up yet, but Li Xian was spending it lavishly. How could this be possible?

As a result, Li Xian just laughed, "The rent of tens of millions may not be enough to buy a house here, and the money is directly deposited into the company's account. If I want to use it, I have to use the public account."

That's right. Thinking that Li Xian hadn't contacted them during this period of time, the money should not be from the company's account, so did Li Xian buy it himself?

Seeing that Han Cuiting's face looked much better, Li Xian felt a little proud.

Sure enough, as long as they are women, when they are in a bad mood, giving them some small gifts of clothes will make them feel much better.

Li Xian continued, "Everyone has worked hard. Each person can pick two sets of clothes, a bag and a piece of jewelry. The three of you in the management team also get two sets of clothes, two bags and two pieces of jewelry."

"Wow! Thank you, boss!" Tu Naixin and other girls heard this and hugged each other excitedly and screamed.

You know, LV, Gucci, Chanel and other brands of clothes cost thousands or even tens of thousands, not to mention bags and jewelry.

This is a bonus of almost 10,000 or 20,000 for a business trip with the boss! Although it is a physical reward like clothes, it costs money to buy them! How can I not be excited?

Hearing Li Xian's words, Han Cuiting couldn't help but smile, but soon suppressed the smile.

During this period, in order to maintain her dignity, she has been suppressing herself. Otherwise, at her age, the employees below may not listen to her!

In order to maintain her dignity, she first painted herself an old-looking makeup, and then learned from her cousin who was a teacher, so that she established her dignity in front of Lin Weixing and others.

Seeing that they noticed her smile, Han Cuiting quickly said, "So stingy? Just two sets of clothes."

It was originally a joke, but Li Xian thought about it.

"Indeed, your President Han is right. How about this, on this basis, change it to each brand. Everyone, two sets of clothes and one bag of each brand, how about it?"

"Wow~" Several people's eyes were full of stars, even Li Youshan was a little excited. With this change, each person would have to spend almost 100,000!

"Thank you, Mr. Li, thank you, President Han!!!"

Han Cuiting looked at Li Xian in disbelief, and the latter secretly winked (^_-).

Is this to establish my prestige?

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