After a long time, the weather was very good.

After returning home, Li Xian was no longer sleepy, so he simply went for a run to sign in.

Since the things he signed in for the past few days were almost all medicinal materials, such as 100-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, 100-year-old ginseng, and deer antlers, which are precious medicinal materials.

Therefore, Li Xian was not very interested in the rewards for signing in, and he was busy for almost two and a half hours, and it was almost 11 o'clock at this time.

After Li Xian finished running, he could have lunch, so he didn't plan to run for a long time.

He just ran a basic number of laps and stopped.

"System, sign in."

[Sign in completed]

[Basic reward: 16,000 yuan]

[Sign in reward: 22% of Bilibili stock, worth 1 million gold melon seeds, can only be consumed in Bilibili live broadcast room]

Looking at this news, Li Xian was stunned at first, and felt that the system's broadcast was a bit speechless.

Can I still get the gold melon seeds from Bilibili to reward on Shark?

But does Bilibili have a live broadcast room now?

Li Xian took out his mobile phone to search and found that it is now in the internal testing stage and will not be officially launched until next year. (In fact, it was officially launched in August 2014, half a year earlier in the book)

He waited in the gym for a while, and sure enough, a call from Shanghai came in soon.

Picking up the phone, it was indeed a call from his uncle.

After arguing with his uncle for a while and saying that he would try it in December, Li Xian took out his mobile phone and downloaded Bilibili's live broadcast room.

As a result, when he opened it, the system had already registered an account for him considerately, and the 1 million gold melon seeds on it lay quietly there.

If I remember correctly, 2014 can be said to be the first year of live broadcasting. Next year, two other live broadcasting companies, Tiger and Fish, will be established.

At that time, a large number of anchors will start to settle in those two companies.

Should I take this opportunity to let Lin Leqiao get involved and invest in them?

Thinking of this, Li Xian directly sent a message to Lin Leqiao, asking her to pay attention to whether these two companies need investment, and after this year, she can try to contact them.

After sending the message to Lin Leqiao, Li Xian picked up his mobile phone and observed the live broadcast room above.

At this time, since the live broadcast of B station is still in the internal testing stage, it is the kind that has already started to push the stream in B station, and the anchor is also the UP host in the station.

Therefore, most of the anchors are some cos, or some game anchors.

Li Xian also found that among these anchors, there are people explaining advanced mathematics.

Otherwise, they would just play a movie in the live broadcast room, a big movie.

Although it was a live broadcast room, the atmosphere still continued the style of Bilibili. The current style of Bilibili is not as smoky as in the future, after all, the uncle has not lowered the difficulty of answering questions.

With this threshold, Bilibili is still a good place for the second dimension and learning.

At this time, the Mongolian top laner has not yet greeted the uncle cordially, and the uncle has not thought about eating.

Li Xian clicked on some live broadcast rooms casually, and after watching, he finally saw a female anchor who showed her face.

"It's really not easy. Now there are not many female anchors on Bilibili who show their faces, let alone wipe. It's really boring to watch."

As he said, he clicked on the live broadcast of this female anchor, and saw a girl wearing Asuna's cosplay, sitting on the table and crying blankly.

"Is this a crying broadcast?" Looking at the crying girl with pear blossoms in the rain, Li Xian was a little puzzled for a while.

"Xixi, be good and stop crying."

"Yeah, yeah, those people don't understand the importance of dogs. They are so hateful. The dogs didn't provoke them. How could they do this!"

"That's right, Xixi, move out of that place quickly. If they dare to poison dogs today, they will dare to poison people tomorrow!!!"

"It's better to move out of that community. Poor dog, meeting such hateful humans!!!"

"It's mainly because Xixi lives in a place where there are office workers. There are many people and it's complicated. Some work night shifts, and some work day shifts. I guess the person who poisoned the dog is working night shifts, and the dog disturbed them."

"Indeed, Xixi should find a community where dogs can be raised next time."

"There are still too few communities where dogs can be raised. Why are big cities so intolerant? Alas, ε=(´ο`*))) Alas."

After looking around, Li Xian understood. It is estimated that the anchor's dog was poisoned to death, and then he couldn't hold it back during the live broadcast and cried.

Seeing people constantly comforting her in the comments and sending her some small gifts from time to time, Li Xian was a little suspicious whether this female anchor was deliberately doing this for popularity.

A story that was deliberately woven by the anchor.

Out of curiosity, he clicked on the female anchor's homepage.

After looking at her updates, he found that she actually had a dog, and it was a golden retriever.

The latest update was the news that the dog was poisoned to death.

"Tsk tsk, the dog that had been with her for two and a half years was poisoned to death. No wonder this girl is so sad."

Li Xian didn't plan to change the live broadcast room, definitely not because this anchor trembled when she cried, and his heart almost hardened when he saw it.

Sure enough, the live broadcast room was full of old perverts!

Li Xian found the most expensive gift in it, a small TV, anyway, it was a system reward, Li Xian directly swiped it.

"Oh my god, brother Meng, did I see it wrong? I actually saw a small TV?"

"Hiss~ Did I drink fake wine just now?"

"Xixi, look, there is a rich man!!!"

"It must be Xianren who saw Xixi crying and felt sorry for her, so touching."

Lin Xi, who was still tearful, had almost cried and was ready to end the broadcast and find a place to cry.

As a result, she glanced at the computer screen and found that this person called Xianren had given her a TV.

You should know that it is still in the internal testing stage. Those who invite to become anchors are all up masters in Bilibili. In order to attract them to join, during the internal testing period, Bilibili will not collect any share of all gifts. After paying taxes, all gifts will be given to the anchors.

And the price of a small TV is 1,245 yuan! After paying taxes, there will be more than 1,000 yuan in her hands, which is her living expenses for a month!

Although Lin Xi felt very uncomfortable, she wiped her tears when she saw others gave her such an expensive gift, and said softly, "Thank you, Xianren B friend, thank you for the gift. I... I'm going to get off the air now. Thank you for your comfort."

B friend? Damn, this ancient name! Is this an insult or is it called this on Bilibili now?

After sending the small TV, people began to pour into the live broadcast room.

"What's going on? Didn't you say it was an internal test? Why are there people giving gifts?"

"The person above is new, right? It's just that the host invited the UP host in the station, and there is no restriction on the audience."

"Hey, this Asuna is really beautiful, but her figure is not restored?"

"Just ask if you like it?"

"The person above should be more careful, Xixi is almost heartbroken, and you are still talking about this and that!"

It has been half a month since Lin Xi started broadcasting. Even the UP host with 200,000 fans only has dozens of people when he starts broadcasting, and sometimes only a dozen or even a few people.

As a result, because of the small TV, hundreds of people have entered her live broadcast room, and the number is still rising.

Just when Lin Xi was about to thank everyone and then go off the air, the special effects of the small TV came from the computer again.

"Fuck, fuck, it's coming again!"

"The second one, no, the third one, oh my god, four. Damn it!!! Ten!"

"Xixi, the boss gave you 10 TVs!!!"

"Damn, a TV costs 1245 yuan, and the boss spent more than 10,000 yuan at once!!"

"Where did the rich man come from?!!!"

"Boss, I also have a big thunder, I can broadcast it to you privately."

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