The first time, the second time.

Li Xian originally thought that he had seen a lot of the world, and even if the system's rewards were exaggerated, he would not be too excited.

The fact is that he has seen less.

When the rewards are large enough, Li Xian is still very excited at this time.

Fortunately, in front of his classmates, he was excited because he won the championship, and no one thought he was abnormal.

How could he not share such an exciting scene with everyone?

Originally, Li Xian just wanted to take his classmates out for a meal, but the reward he received today really made him feel uncomfortable!

Let me pay for all the consumption tonight! ! !

Li Xian was about to say something, but his mobile phone rang at this time.

Picking up the phone, he found that it was a call from Kyoto.

Based on past experience, Li Xian guessed who the caller was.

So Li Xian decided to speak first, "Hello, I'm Li Xian."

"Hello, Mr. Li. I'm Yiming."

"Oh, Brother Yiming, hello, hello." Li Xian responded enthusiastically, walking in the direction where there was no one.

Sitting in the office and making a phone call, Zhang Yiming looked at the information on the computer, wanting to make sure that he had not called the wrong person. Why is this person so enthusiastic, as if he knows him?

But as a successful entrepreneur, he has seen a lot of people of all kinds, and said with a calm smile, "Haha, hello, Mr. Li."

Zhang Yiming's voice was full of energy and magnetism, which made Li Xian feel that the other party was very approachable.

Before the other party spoke, Li Xian spoke first.

"Brother Yiming, I know what you mean by calling me. But don't worry, I am just investing. I am very optimistic about your company and think it has great potential in the future. You can also check it out. I also own shares of DJI, Dami and Penguin, but I will not participate in the operation of the company."

Listening to Li Xian's talk, Zhang Yiming was a little surprised. Before the information was announced, many overseas institutions had invested in him. As a result, it was suddenly announced now that all these overseas institutions were named Li Xian or were entrusted by his family.

But with such a large share, they don't participate in the operation of the company?

Zhang Yiming naturally didn't believe it, but his company had only been established for more than a year. In the eyes of ordinary people, it was a big company. But compared with the companies that Li Xian just mentioned, he is now a small Karami.

When the information was announced, he asked his secretary to check it as soon as possible. Then he called.

When talking to Li Xian, his secretary quickly printed out the information he found according to his request.

It was a very simple A4 paper with the information that could be found listed on it. It simply indicated Li Xian's personal information and the industries he owned.

Zhang Yiming ignored the secretary and motioned him to wait for him to finish the call with Li Xian first.

On the other end of the phone, Li Xian continued to talk, "I believe that under the leadership of you, a founder full of great wisdom, ByteDance will get better and better. And I also believe that only under your leadership can ByteDance succeed. I don't care about the operation of Penguin, the operation of Rice, and the operation of ByteDance. My investment behavior is more like an investor than an investment in a company!"

Listening to Li Xian's heartfelt words, Zhang Yiming was stunned, and some surprise rarely appeared on his mature and handsome face.

After taking a look at the A4 paper in his hand and confirming that his new shareholder was really capable, what he originally wanted to say was also said by Li Xian, and then he started to chat about family matters.

"Haha, Mr. Li, you are really good at talking. When you come to Kyoto, I will definitely welcome you!"

"Hahaha, of course!"

The two exchanged pleasantries for a long time before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yiming wanted to say something, but someone knocked on the door again.

The secretary turned around and found that he had just ordered his subordinates to continue collecting information about Li Xian.

Took the second piece of information, which was more detailed.

In fact, it only had a little more content than the first piece of paper.

"Are you sure all the above are this person?" Looking at what was written on it, such as the owner of the hotel in Magic City, Idle Capital, Yangcheng Office Building, etc.

He was a little suspicious. In addition to the Idle Capital, which was a bit similar, were the others also Li Xian's industries?

"This is all the information collected on the Internet

The information is all about a person named Li Xian. As for whether he is our newest shareholder, we need to confirm it. "

Zhang Yiming nodded, "It's okay. From the initial contact, it can be seen that the shareholder named Li Xian is relatively easy to contact."

"Continue to learn about this person, I hope it will not affect our company."

After the secretary went out, Zhang Yiming looked at the information disclosed in the materials.

"Put me in the same group with unicorns such as Penguin and Da Mi Da Jiang? This new shareholder is interesting."

After Li Xian hung up Zhang Yiming's phone, he thought about it and called Lin Leqiao.

"Yes, Sister Qiao. Help me arrange a place. I will treat my classmates to dinner tonight. The venue should be large, preferably for singing and playing, and you can stay directly when you are tired of singing. Then arrange a car to pick up my classmates. "

Lin Leqiao looked at the mobile phone interface that had hung up the phone in a daze, and doubted her life.

"No, I am the CEO of your company, why do you think I am a secretary?"

"Secretary? Yes. I have to hire a secretary for you. "

Lin Leqiao, who was planning the company, was almost stunned by Li Xian's call. After realizing that her boss didn't have a secretary, she decided to hire a personal secretary for him as soon as possible.

Fortunately, she already has employees under her command, and she is no longer a bachelor commander.

Soon, her subordinates found a place.

The weather was slightly cool at this time, and the most comfortable thing was to go to the hot springs.

So the subordinates suggested booking a hot spring hotel in Conghua.

Report this matter to Li Xian, and after confirmation. Lin Leqiao arranged for someone to book two buses.

Then, Li Xian sent the message to the class group.

"Go to Conghua tonight to run a hot spring, I will cover the food, drink, and defecation! Stay for a day and a night! ! ! Come back tomorrow. ”

Not long after Li Xian sent out the message, the group exploded.

There were only a dozen students who came to participate in the school sports meeting today, and most of them didn't want to come.

They were either working or staying in the dormitory. When they saw the message, they were all shocked, and some even tagged him in the group.

"@李闲, oh my god. Rich man. What's going on?"

"That's right, today is not April Fool's Day?"

"Haha, you don't know? Just now Li Xian refreshed the record of 5,000. Someone suggested that Li Xian treat us. I didn't expect this guy to really treat us?"

"Oh my god, how much money did you make? So arrogant? Treat us to food and fun?"

"Boss, I also want to do e-commerce. Can you guide me?"

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