After the black fog dissipated, the figure of Fangweixiang also disappeared from the sky island, and the wolf ghost turned around and prepared to leave.

But Fangweihong crawled to his feet, grabbed his ankle with his hand, and said weakly.

"Wait, give Bai's orb back to her!"

The wolf ghost directly pinched Fangweihong's neck and lifted him up, and then a large number of sparks exploded on Fangweihong's body. After the flames dissipated, the other party also lifted the transformation.

"Don't rush to die, it's not the time to get rid of you now. The hatred of a thousand years is not so easy to repay."

After leaving the lion behind, the wolf ghost played with the orb of Fangweixiang in his hand, and then turned and disappeared into the depths of the jungle, leaving only the fluttering skirt to make people afraid.

This battle made Orugu and the Fangwei Rangers realize the power of the wolf ghost, and also realized the other party's arrogant and cruel character.

Seeing this scene, Winro also laughed, secretly glad that he had found a powerful subordinate, and slowly spoke.

"That's right, Wolf Ghost, Marou's favorite is the shiny Fangwei Orb."

It was not until noon the next day that everyone woke up from their coma and dragged their seriously injured bodies back to Fangwei Rock, telling Didom what happened last night

And Didom frowned and spoke as he listened to everyone talking about the Wolf-faced Orugu and the place name Guizuka Mountain.

"Guizuka Mountain and Wolf-faced Orugu, I remember Granny Zi once told me about related things, but that was when I was a child, and I can't remember it now."

Everyone felt sorry after hearing this, but they still took advantage of this time to have a good rest, strive to recover from the injury as soon as possible and prepare to fight Wolf Ghost again.

At this time, Wolf Ghost was sitting on a tree branch looking at the grassland in the distance, playing with the Fangwei Elephant Orb he had just won in his hand. At this time, the orb had returned to normal, but the color had turned dark green.

Not long after, Wen Luo came to Wolf Ghost, and Wolf Ghost also took the initiative to jump down from the tree.

"Langgui, can you give the Fanghui Orb in your hand to Marou?"

"This one?"

Langgui took out the Fanghui Elephant Orb, and just when Wen Luo wanted to take it away, he suddenly threw it into the air, then caught it again and came directly behind Wen Luo.

"I won't give you this thing."

"Oh, don't you want to please Marou?"

"Don't get me wrong, although I am very grateful to you for unsealing me, but this does not mean that I will become your subordinate. I only have revenge in my heart, and let the Fanghui Rangers pay the price for their actions a thousand years ago."

Wen Luo sneered when he heard this, and then suddenly turned around and stabbed with a folding fan with a sharp blade. The target was very obvious, which was the back of Langgui's heart.

A crisp metal collision sound rang out, and the black crescent blade was placed in front of Wen Luo, and the folding fan originally held in his hand was also picked up and flew into the air.

The actions of both people were very sinister, and almost no force could be seen, just like a poisonous snake hidden in the bushes.

But it was obvious that Wen Luo was not the opponent of Lang Gui, and he also knew that it was not the time to tear each other apart.

"Oh, as long as we both have the common goal of killing Fanghuranger, it will be fine."

Wen Luo turned around and his meaning was very clear, and Lang Gui naturally did not press him, after all, the other party was also the benefactor who rescued him.

"Then I will leave first, as for the Fanghu Orb... I will let you keep it for me for the time being."

When Wen Luo mentioned the Fanghu Orb, his tone was no longer humble and polite, but very vicious, but this emotion was only fleeting.

Lang Gui did not stay here for long, but turned around and left here, preparing to cross the jungle to the temple not far away.

But Yabaiba and Jiaojiao in the dark were worried that their status as Duke Orugu would decline, so they attacked secretly, and the result was naturally easily blocked by Lang Gui.

And he used the short blade that looked like an ornament. After shocking Abaiba and Jiaojiao, the wolf ghost said that he had no interest in the position of Duke Orugu and asked them not to bother him.

On the other side, Didom tried to recall his past memories and finally remembered that the previous witch, Granny Purple, had said that Wolf-faced Orugu was a very powerful existence.

At this time, Shishizou and others recovered from their injuries with Didom's herbs, but found that Ohkawa Sae left alone.

Everyone speculated that Ohkawa Sae should go to find the wolf ghost alone to take back the orb of Fangwangxiang.

Because they were worried about her safety, everyone immediately headed towards Onitsukayama, but Ohkawa Sae heard a flute sound in the jungle.

The flute sound was very beautiful, but it gave people a breathtaking sense of bewitching, and it seemed to be mixed with gusts of cold wind, making people feel like the background music in a horror movie.

The one playing the flute was none other than the wolf ghost. At this moment, he was sitting on a boulder on the shore, gently blowing the short-bladed magic flute, and the scene from a thousand years ago also emerged in his mind.

It was near this temple that he was chopped by the beast king sword of the thousand-year-old Fanghuranger, and finally sealed up with a formation.

Thinking of the pain of being burned by the fire, the wolf ghost could not help but feel resentful in his heart, and his mood became more and more irritable, and his memories stopped abruptly.

‘Only resentment lingered in my heart, but I could never remember the specific details about what happened at that time. ’

He put away his magic flute, came to the clear river and squatted down, looking at the ugly wolf-faced one-horned face on the water, and he immediately felt disgust and even hatred from the bottom of his heart.

"This face... Is this my face?!"

Suddenly, the wolf ghost punched the water heavily to disperse the reflection, and then there was a sharp tingling sensation in the brain.

He held his head and screamed, and staggered towards the river. His figure was very strange, as if he could not control his body according to his consciousness.

On the other side, Ohkawa Sae was attacked by Yabaiba and Jiaojiao while looking for the wolf ghost. The two took advantage of her inattention and launched a sneak attack, directly blowing up the defenseless Ohkawa Sae.

The blown Ohkawa Sae happened to fall near the wolf ghost. He suddenly woke up after hearing the explosion, and looked at the unconscious Ohkawa Sae and picked her up by magic.

Langgui laid Ohkawa Sae flat on the shore, took out the magic flute that looked like a short blade, and placed it on Ohkawa Sae's snow-white neck.

Just press it lightly, and Ohkawa Sae will be directly cut off from the aorta and throat and die.

[Kamisato Ayaka]: "I, is this the end!"

[Kamisato Ayato]: "This guy Langgui... is really a scary guy."

[March Seven]: "It's over, the protagonist group is going to be killed by the villain, don't let this happen!"

[Himeko]: "Hurry up, other Fanghou warriors."

[Ara Taki Ichito]: "Damn it, the other one, come quickly, use the Black Bull Battle Axe to teach Langgui a lesson!"

At this critical moment, Langgui took back the magic flute, turned around, tore off a piece of cloth from his skirt, and then took out a herb wrapped in oil paper from his arms.

After pinching a handful of herbs and placing them on the black cloth, the wolf ghost also wrapped Ohkawa Sae's injured knee, then tore off a piece of cloth, dipped it in river water, wiped her cheek and put it on her forehead to cool it down.

"In this case, it should be fine."

[Hanabi]: "No, buddy, are you fascinated by those big white legs?"

[Kamisato Ayaka]: "Well, so shy, how could it be this reason, because the legs are beautiful or something..."

[Kamisato Ayato]: "Anyway, the life of the other little sister is saved."

[Star]: "This is really unexpected, the wolf ghost who looks cold on the surface is actually a warm man!"

[Yae Shenzi]: "Could it be that this guy is a tsundere from the evil camp, the kind that jumps back and forth at any time!"

[Ruan Mei]: "This wolf ghost... has a big problem, I want to ask Nangong."

[Nangong Lin]: "Stop it, no spoilers, just watch it slowly."

[Gui Naifen]: "Wuwuwuwu, family, you Finally online, what did that woman do to you! "

[Black Tower]: "Hehehe, guess what Ruan Mei did."

[Walnut]: "Oh, so exciting, can I listen to it?"

[Funina]: "Boring, I just want to see the next story development, especially about that purple grandma."

[That Violet]: "Well... looks very similar to you, Funina, but there are some differences."

[Funina]: "Don't guess blindly, this may be another relative of mine!"

After the wolf ghost settled Ohgawa Sae, he suddenly heard the sound of the lion walking, but the wolf ghost did not pick up the knife to kill him. Instead, he turned away in panic and hid in the dark to watch the two leave here.

And after the other party disappeared from his sight, he followed behind and observed secretly...

The love of the wolf ghost a thousand years ago: Chapter 15, I will use my dark gem to execute you!

After Shizizou carried her away, Langgui followed them and secretly observed. He hated Fangbarger so much, but he saved him.

This contradictory behavior and impulse in his heart made Langgui feel very tormented, and at this time, Ohkawa Sae also woke up from a coma.

When Shizizou asked who bandaged her wound, Ohkawa Sae shook her head in confusion. She saw a figure vaguely and couldn't be sure who the other person was.

After watching the two leave the jungle and come to the road, Langgui wanted to turn around and leave, but heard the voices of Jiaojiao and Yabaiba behind him.

After being taught a lesson by Langgui, the two did not leave, but hid in the dark and waited for an opportunity to execute Fangbarger, and then took away all the Fangbarger Orbs and gave them to Wen Luo.

Thinking of this, Langgui couldn't help but feel a nameless anger in his heart, picked up the magic flute and put it to his mouth and started playing.

The enchanting music echoed in the jungle, and the figure of the wolf ghost slowly emerged, like a ghost, flickering and approaching rapidly.

"Who is this voice?!"

"Wolf ghost!"

Jiao Jiao and Ya Baiba quickly locked the direction of the sound. After seeing the aggressive wolf ghost, they instantly withered, and no longer looked arrogant.

"This is my territory, and those guys are my prey."

Such an obvious threat, Jiao Jiao and Ya Baiba could only snort in dissatisfaction, and then turned around and ran away.

"Wolf ghost, who are you!"

"Yahoo Ranger, didn't I tell you not to rush to die?"

The wolf ghost did not answer the question, but summoned his weapon, a wide crescent-shaped blade.

"Three-day Moon Sword - Moonlight Sonic."

The golden crescent blade flew out from the black blade, and Shishizou and others also dodged sideways, but were still blown to another place by the aftermath of the energy explosion.

The people who fell to the ground quickly got up, took out their Yawei phones and pressed the buttons to complete the transformation, and then began to call out the names.

"Wherever there is life, there will be the roar of justice! The Beast Squadron, the Yawei Rangers!"


When he heard this, the wolf ghost suddenly couldn't help laughing, and the laughter was full of arrogance, resentment and sarcasm.

"What justice do you have!"

"What did you say?!"

Yaweibai was very angry when he heard this, but he felt a little confused. In the past, Orugu would only say that he was evil, but he never denied the justice of the Yawei Rangers.

But the battle situation was very tense at the moment, so Yaweibai didn't take it to heart, not to mention that the other party had robbed her Yawei elephant orb.

In this way, the five people took out the Beast King Sword and rushed forward. However, facing their tactical coordination, the wolf ghost in front of them seemed to have expected it and saw through their offensive intentions at a glance.

The wolf ghost first aimed his spear at Yawen Huang, directly chopped his weapon on the opponent's body, then rushed out of the encirclement with the opponent, and then chopped down heavily to injure the opponent.

The other four people were a little shocked by this scene. The opponent actually saw through the weakness of their tactical coordination directly, and could intercept any of their attacks.

In desperation, Yawen Hong, the strongest one, directly chose to fight with the wolf ghost. In this way, two figures, one red and one purple, moved around on the hill.

As the sound of metal collisions rang out one after another, of course, when the two figures appeared again, the wolf ghost pinched Yawen Hong's neck with one hand and threw him out heavily with a look of disdain.

"It's useless. No matter how hard you try, I can see through all your moves."

[Murata Himeko]: "A complete crush. Even when facing the combined forces of the five Fang-barking Warriors, he is still at ease."

[Arata Ichito]: "What a joke, he is so strong that even the High Duke is no match for him."

[Kamiri Ayaka]: "The Wolf Ghost knows everyone's moves and coordination very well."

[Black Tower]: "It's like a fighting machine that keeps calculating, predicting everyone's attack direction and intercepting them in advance."

[Funina]: "It should be said that he is worthy of being left in the story as Orugu."

[March Seven]: "The Wolf Ghost is so complicated. He saves people and kills people, and he wakes up from the seal himself. , but only remember a little bit of memory and it's still vague. ”

[Ji Zi]: "So familiar."

[Xing]: "Waking up from the seal, losing memory, except for the personality and combat power, it's just a copy of Zhao Yiqi."

[March Seven]: "Don't call me by my screen name in front of so many people."

[Hua Huo]: "The little pink-haired girl cried and made a fuss after losing her screen name."

[Su Shang]: "No, Nangong became a bad guy or something, this kind of thing will at least happen after I die for hundreds of years. TAT"

[Shen He]: "Could it be... because of my fate."

[Nangong Lin]: "Don't think too much, just continue to watch patiently."

After the two sides charged several times again, the Fang Rangers were also intimidated by the terrifying power of the wolf ghost, and for a while they were timid and dared not move forward.

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