[Murata Himeko]: "The enemy will definitely not miss such a good opportunity. It is estimated that even if they feed the Orug seeds to the miscellaneous soldiers such as Orugate, they will force the Fangrangers to combine and fight."

After the battle, Shizizou also came to the Sky Island to visit the weak Fangshio. The other party was very happy to see Shizizou.

Although Fangshio was very weak, he still pulled out a human smile and growled to show that he was fine.

The Fangbear and Fangbear White Bear on the side also roared apologetically, but Fangshio just growled twice to show that he was fine, and then quietly lay on the ground to rest.

After some recollections, Didom had only two options to save Fangshio. The first was to strengthen the Fangsoul on which the Powermon depended for survival, but this method was currently unrealistic.

Then there was only the second option left, which was to find the shining mushrooms in the sacred forest, but that kind of mushroom was very rare.

Didom manipulated Yaweiyan to the vicinity of the sacred forest in his memory, but when Shizizou and others arrived at the scene, they found that it was already a road full of asphalt and a city of reinforced concrete.

Just as everyone sighed, the moon above shone a ray of light, teleporting Shizizou and others to a place that had never been.

And as soon as they appeared, several warriors in armor appeared and attacked them.

But the warriors did not use weapons, and they were very measured in their attacks, as if it was just a simple test.

On the other side, Shizizou and others also held back everywhere, and did not rush to take their lives, and easily subdued all the warriors who attacked them.

The subdued warriors immediately got off their seats and called them God Warriors, and what surprised everyone was that the leading warrior was actually a beautiful girl.

After following the girl to a torii, she retreated to her house and changed into a kimono, came to a secluded place, spread her hair, carefully took out a wooden comb, and combed her hair.

After understanding the situation, Jiao Jinhai ran to the girl, shyly talked to her and extended his hand to express his goodwill.

But the girl in front of him was stunned, and shyly lowered her head and told her her name was Ji Dai.

The two of them didn't know that Shizizou and others were hiding behind the bamboo forest nearby, and they couldn't help but tease him when they saw him chatting.

However, when Jiao Jinhai asked about the retro clothing, Ji Dai in front of him smiled and said that their clothes were obviously more strange.

[March Seven]: "Love Detective March Seven, go!"

[Tingyun]: "Hahaha, there's no need for Miss March this time. Isn't this a very obvious flirtation?"

[Murata Himeko]: "Love between young men and women is so good."

[Esda]: "Wow."

[Sushang]: "Hehehe, speaking of which, when Xiao Guizi and Nangong were together, they got along very well."

[Guinaifen]: "Shangshang, you're the same, too. And Nangong sometimes favors you."

[Hanabi]: "Hehe, why are you jealous of a stupid person?"

[Ruanmei]: "Well... love is such a troublesome emotion."

[Funingna]: "Can't we have some lively scenes? This kind of love story is okay, but it's too bland."

[Liuying]: "Battle and love are actually... a good match."

As the two were talking, they accidentally mentioned the topic of shining mushrooms, and Jidai immediately said that he knew about the existence of this kind of mushroom.

This time, Lion Walk could not sit still and rushed out directly from the back. After getting the exact location, he returned to the jungle.

At this time in the jungle, Jiao Jiao and others also met Bulldozer Orugu. This Orugu was very keen on cutting down trees, which was very consistent with the ghost in steel armor mentioned by Ji Dai.

Jiao Jiao and Yabaiba looked at each other and directly fed the seeds of Orugu to the bulldozer Orugu in front of them, making the other party huge.

This movement naturally attracted the attention of Lion Walk and others, but because Fang Barking Lion was injured, Fang Barking Red had always opposed summoning the Power Beast to fight.

But facing the giant enemy in front of them, everyone was no match at all, but Fang Barking Lion roared on the Sky Island and conveyed his meaning to Fang Barking Red.

"Fang Barking Lion, do you mean that if it is to protect nature, you have to fight even if you risk your life?!"

The red Fang Barking Orb flashed twice, and Fang Barking Red no longer insisted and decided to respect the will of his good partner, the king of the jungle.

This call beyond time and space made the five power beasts rush to the sacred forest, and merged into the giant elf king - Fangwang!


ps: Hehehe, back to the Sun Wanjing!

Wolf Ghost Love Thousand Years Ago: Chapter 11, Love Across Time and Space (Remember to refresh!)

Bulldozer Orugu's defense is very outstanding, even if Fangwang used all his strength, he could not break the opponent's defense.

The same is true for sword and shield and spear weapons. The only hope at the moment can only be placed on the two new power beasts that have just been obtained, Fangwang Bear and Fangwang White Bear.

But the power of these two power beasts is too strong, and this power is no longer enough for Fangwang Lion to bear.

Just when Yawenhong was struggling, Yawenshi also conveyed his meaning to Yawenhong, telling him not to worry so much.

Seeing that Yawenshi agreed to this decision, everyone also summoned Yawenxiong and Yawenbaixiong to fight back with strong force, and used their strong power to beat Bulldozer Orugu step by step.

"Everyone, get rid of him in one go, don't add burden to Yawenshi!"


After hearing this, everyone worked together and prepared to release the ultimate move, but Yawenshi suddenly let out a painful wail, and then the huge Yawenwang robot disintegrated directly.

Yawenhong and others fell to the ground, and before they got up, they heard the angry roar of Yawenshi, and then rushed towards Bulldozer Orugu alone.

"Come back, Yawenshi, don't do stupid things!"

Faced with Yawenhong's call, Yawenshi ignored it and stubbornly challenged Bulldozer Orugu alone. As the king of powerful beasts, it has its own pride.

Now, because of it, the battle failed. How could Fang Barking Lion not blame himself? That's why he wanted to make up for his mistake, even if it cost him his life.

"With your own strength, you are no match for me!"

Bulldozer Orugu directly knocked Fang Barking Lion away, and then released a golden strange light, and an explosion suddenly appeared on Fang Barking Lion's body.

Fang Barking Lion fell in the smoke and let out an unwilling low roar, staring at the approaching Bulldozer Orugu, even if he was seriously injured and dying, he would not show any cowardice.

"Fang Barking Lion! Damn it, stop it!!"

Just when Bulldozer Orugu was about to get rid of Fang Barking Lion, Fang Barking Tiger and Fang Barking Bull appeared and rushed over, knocking him away.

The Fang Barking Shark behind him also opened his mouth to bite Bulldozer Orugu, and the Fang Barking Eagle in the air also continuously released feather blades to interfere with the opponent's actions.

The black and white bears also released freezing rays and jet flames, but this attack had no significant effect on the existence of Bulldozer Orugu, who had outstanding defense.

Just when everyone was in a desperate situation, Ji Dai, who was watching the battle in the jungle, turned around and ran to the Torii Gate, knelt down and prayed in a low voice.

"Guardian of the jungle, please save the great God Warrior!"

The stone ball under the Torii Gate suddenly glowed, and in a dim space, a pair of scarlet animal eyes slowly opened, and a large amount of steam was sprayed out of the thick nostrils.

And the Yawang Bear and Yawang White Bear on the battlefield also felt something, stopped the attack and let out a long howl to the sky, as if calling for something.

Yawanghong looked at the scene in front of him powerlessly, knelt on the ground in pain, and spoke with self-blame.

"What should I do? I am no match for Orugu in a one-on-one fight. What should I do?"

Tears dripped onto the back of his hand through the mask. Emerald green light lit up on the stone ball enshrined in the Torii Gate. A wild roar sounded in the mountain behind him.

The same light appeared on Yaweihong's palm, and the last emerald green Yawei Orb appeared in front of him.

"Is this...Yawei Orb? Is it a gorilla?"

The ground suddenly shook at this time, and a huge green figure rushed out of the cave. The target was very clear, which was the bulldozer Orugu who was showing off in front of him.

When the tenth Yawei Orb shines, the new powerful beast will wake up from its slumber, the guardian of the sacred forest-Yawei Orangutan!

Looking at the bulldozer Orugu in front of him, Yawei Orangutan angrily knocked on his chest, then stretched out his broad palm to pinch the opponent's arm and crotch, and threw it directly over his head.

Then his eyes shot two beams of light towards the open space, and a banana forest grew in an instant. The barking gorilla climbed to the top of the banana tree, pulled off the bananas on it and threw them towards the bulldozer Orugu.

The moment the banana hit the opponent, it exploded like a cannonball, and the bulldozer Orugu was in great pain.

"Okay, barking gorilla, I will need your power next!"

[When the new power beast merged with the warriors' hearts, the huge elf king was reborn! ]

"Born, the barking gorilla!"

The barking gorilla replaced the barking lion as the trunk of the body, and it was very easy to control this pair of powerful punches, or it could be said that this was the specialty of the barking gorilla.

The barking gorilla posed in a bodybuilding posture, looking down at the bulldozer Orugu in front of him with a fierce look.

That's right, looking down, the height of the Yaw King is the same as that of Bulldozer Orugu, but the height of a Yaw gorilla is already the same as that of Bulldozer Orugu.

In order to avoid the Yaw Power King who is half a body taller than him, Bulldozer Orugu also realized the difference in strength, but still rushed towards the Yaw Power King with a fierce word.

With the harsh sound of metal collision, the Yaw Power King did not move at all like a mountain, but Bulldozer Orugu was directly bounced away by the recoil force.

"Such a strong force, it actually bounced the opponent back!"

"So powerful, it's really too strong, Yaw Power King."

Yaw Power King raised his hand and grabbed Bulldozer Orugu's arm, and then attacked with the gun barrel on his shoulder, directly beating the opponent without any chance to fight back.

Seeing that the time was almost right, everyone also controlled Yaw Power King to use his ultimate move, ready to end the opponent.

"Unparalleled strength, King of Power set punch!"

The black and white fist winds crossed and hit the body of Bulldozer Orugu, and with his painful screams, they finally turned into an exploding mushroom cloud.

When Ji Dai and others saw this scene, they also knelt down happily, happily celebrating that King Yaweili defeated his opponent.

"Miss Ji Dai, the crisis of the sacred forest has been resolved!"

"Thank you, Lord God Warrior."

Hearing Ji Dai's thanks, Yaweilan smiled embarrassedly. Just when everyone was about to dissolve the fusion, the moon suddenly emitted light and enveloped King Yaweili.

Ji Dai below saw this scene and suddenly understood something. He looked at the disappearing King Yaweili reluctantly.


After the light dissipated, everyone returned to the steel city. Yaweihong was about to celebrate that they had returned to the original time, but he remembered that the shining mushroom had not been found yet.

Yaweilan also lowered his head in disappointment. He also knew that he might never see Miss Ji Dai again.

At this moment, Yaweilan suddenly caught a glimpse of a tattered shrine. He immediately untransformed and came to the front of the shrine, and his eyes suddenly became a little moist.

Others followed, and when they saw the tattered shrine, they were all shocked.

"Is this the shrine in the sacred forest?!"

Jiao Jinhai squatted down and opened the tattered shrine in front of him, but found a brand new cloth bag, which was the cloth bag that Ji Dai used to store the wooden comb.

He excitedly untied the bag in his hand and found that it was written "Gift for the God Warrior" and the signature was Ji Dai himself.

After opening the wooden box, it was the shining mushroom that everyone had no time to find, but what Jiao Jinhai cared about was the wooden comb and a letter in the bag.

[Zhongli]: "A love that transcends time and space."

[Xianyun]: "Alas... It's this kind of thing again. They clearly know the difference in life spans, but they still stay with each other regardless. They are all like this."

[Yanfei]: "Hehehe, feelings are not like laws."

[Ganyu]: "Although the time may be short, it is also an irreplaceable memory."

[Shenhe]: "Even if it's just a few decades, I am willing to be with him."

[Lei Movie]: "Watching the people you love disappear one by one, that's what it means to be together. More cruel and ruthless things, this is definitely not a good thing. "

[Funina]: "Love-brain is a taboo, can't you learn from this god?"

[Kamisato Ayaka]: "But sometimes being willful is not all bad, at least you have had it before."

[Murata Himeko]: "Sometimes you don't need to think so much, at least you should not regret it."

In this way, everyone returned to the Fangwei Rock with the Shining Mushroom, and Didom also explained to everyone the real power of the Shining Mushroom, which is actually to nurture Fangwei Eggs.

As long as there are Fangwei Eggs, the concentration of Fangwei Soul can be increased, so that Fangwei Lion can recover quickly, which is a compromise. In the final analysis, it is still related to Fangwei Soul.

On the other side, Shuten was also angry because of the failure of Abaiba and Kakukao, and punished them, and then sent them to find powerful things.

While Abaiba and Kaku were looking around, Ohkawa Sae received a call from her father, saying that her father was on a business trip and happened to pass by here, and came to see how she was doing recently.

Helplessly, Ohkawa Sae could only pack up and return to her house in Tokyo to greet her father.

The others went out for a walk, but they didn't expect that Abaiba and Kaku discovered them, eavesdropped on their conversation, and took the powerful warrior puppet in the store back.

Shuten used the bodies of Abaiba and Kaku as a medium to gather all the wandering Orugu energy on the warrior puppet, created the warrior puppet Orugu, and challenged the Fangranger.

Ohkawa Sae, who was cooking, heard the news and had no choice but to seal the prepared food with plastic wrap, and went to the open space with everyone to start the battle.

Since the warrior puppet Orugu was proficient in swordsmanship, the people who had no martial arts skills were beaten back step by step. Thanks to Yaweibai who stepped forward and used his bare-handed attack to turn the situation around.

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