Just then, Sheng Zhangren, who came to support, said that he also got the power of light, raised the victory stick and began to transform.

Sheng Zhangren's strange reaction finally made Jing Jianjieming realize that something was wrong. She hurriedly took Sheng Zhangren back to the command room and found that everyone looked listless.

Fortunately, Ignis appeared at this time and said that they were all under illusion. Jing Jianjieming woke everyone up after hearing it.

Such a big gap made everyone feel sad and angry, and the situation became more serious.

Seeing that Triga was suppressed, Carmilla took the initiative to transform to help him get out of trouble, and Triga nodded to thank him. The two fought side by side as if they had been fighting for 30 million years.

After the two of them worked together to eliminate Gorba, Carmilla also returned to the bottom of the sea to ask Hitram and others why they acted without authorization.

All of this was seen by a man in a cloak on the overpass...

The ancient light that illuminates the smile of the universe: Chapter 29, the qualification of the savior

"In other words, everything we see is an illusion?"

According to the information sent from the TPU headquarters, the location of the Nastis was disturbed by unknown cosmic rays, which can stimulate people's desires and make people hallucinate.

And the range of this cosmic ray has covered part of the city. People on the street have been immersed in the illusion and have fought unconsciously.

The situation of the people's riot is very serious, so the elite victory team, except for Sheng Zhang and Marulu, went out to find a way to find the source of the emission.

But unfortunately, everyone did not find any useful clues, but looked at the people rioting on the street in confusion.

In desperation, everyone could only return to the command room again. Facing the situation in front of them, they did not even have enough people to maintain order, after all, the ground troops were also affected.

"Team Zhang Ren, haven't you developed a device that can interfere with cosmic rays?"

"It's not that simple. If you have this thing, you will fall into the illusion again if you are not careful."

While Sheng Zhang Ren said this, he still held a blank secret key in his hand, and his mind was full of thoughts.

After hearing Sheng Zhang Ren's words, the command room fell into a strange silence. At this time, Marulu suddenly spoke.

"Alas, if it is really like in the illusion, how nice it would be to have a house with a small coffee table and rented to aliens."

Everyone looked in the direction of Marulu, which made him feel a little overwhelmed and apologized hurriedly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't say such things."

"It doesn't matter. After all, this kind of ray is designed to stir up our inner desires."

Captain Tatsumi Makoto comforted him, but his face was not as serious as before. Instead, he looked at the physical examination report in his hand with regret.

"I also want to be the promotional ambassador of TUP. The feeling at that time was really intoxicating."

"Right, I am also looking forward to a game co-branded with Falcon, but that can only happen in the illusion."

The words of Sakuma Tiexin and Nanase Hikaru made Nangong Lin and Jingjian Yuming look at each other, especially when they talked about the illusion, they all smiled.

Even the people of Shengzhang in the corner nodded unconsciously. Although the illusion was broken at a critical moment, it was this feeling of being close at hand but not getting it that made people feel itchy.

This feeling is like you just saved enough for the big guarantee, but the card pool was updated. The beauty of regret is like the art in the Louvre.

"That... Could it be that everyone is enjoying the feeling of being in the illusion?"

Jingjian Yuming's words startled the others, and their expressions became tangled. Sakuma Tiexin also spoke in a low voice at this time.

"It's normal to like the feeling of dreams coming true."

"It's okay to hope that dreams come true, but that's just a false illusion."

Faced with what Jingjian Yuming said, everyone present, except Nangong Lin, all looked worried and shook their heads, hoping to awaken their fighting spirit, but the effect was not very obvious.

"Really! How did everyone become like this? Nangong, let's go outside to investigate!"


Looking at Jingjian Yuming running out, Nangong Lin also said goodbye to the captain with an apologetic smile, and the other party nodded and spoke.

"Be careful. Although we know it's just an illusion, the feeling is still too attractive. We will also help develop interference devices here."

"Understood, Captain."

[Firefly]: "The world in dreams... You can do everything you want there, and you can satisfy all your fantasies. It's really fascinating."

[Himeko]: "This situation is more like the lax control of Pinocchio."

[Sunday]: "It's a bit similar, but the dreamland Pinocchio is managed by major families, and there will definitely be no dangerous things. After all, even death does not exist here."

[Robin]: "Everyone is also welcome to visit Pinocchio."

[March 7]: "Ms. Robin, I'm your fan!"

[Murata Himeko]: "Something is wrong this time. Everyone is not in a good mood."

[Black Tower]: "Interesting, let people indulge in illusions, and then easily fool everyone?"

On the overpass in the city, a mysterious figure in a cloak overlooked the chaotic crowd below, showing a weird smile, then put his hands together to pray, and then opened his arms as if embracing the sky.

At this moment, the sound of bullets being loaded sounded, which made the mysterious man in the cloak slightly stunned and turned his head to stare fiercely at the young man holding a gun behind him.

"You are, Kirielod, right? What is your purpose?"

Facing the questioning of the young man behind him, the mysterious man in the cloak raised his hand and shot a telekinetic ball. The other party also rolled to avoid the attack, raised the Hyper gun and pulled the trigger.

But the cloaked figure in front of him disappeared, leaving only the young man in red and white uniforms, looking around with a confused face.

After the Kirielod disappeared, the people who were originally immersed in the illusion suddenly woke up, stared at their hands blankly, and then wailed.

The young man on the overpass wanted to go down to help, but he found Nangong Lin and Jingjian Jieming who arrived in time. Looking at the scene in front of him, the young man nodded and looked at the two people below with encouragement.

"Come on."

[March Seven]: "Who is this person? He looks so gentle."

[Star]: "Although people usually describe appearance as beautiful or handsome, this person is also very handsome, but people can't help but describe him as gentle."

[Murata Himeko]: "Why is this person's uniform so similar to the uniform of the Elite Victory Team."

[Kiana]: "It's GUTS, and it has the logo of the Elite Victory Team."

[Bronya Rand]: "No, there are big problems with the style and logo of this uniform."

[Black Swan]: "Is it possible that this is not the uniform of the Elite Victory Team but... the uniform of the Victory Team mentioned by President Shizuma Kouki."

[Himeko]: "Another time traveler? It seems that he came here to track down that Kirielod."

Facing the depressed masses, Shizuma Yumei and Nangong Lin were both very confused. Looking at the groaning people, Nangong Lin also fell into self-doubt for a while.

After all, he had also experienced the beauty of the illusion, where everyone laughed happily and enthusiastically helped him take care of Luluye. Like him, they firmly believed that Luluye could smile after it bloomed.

He wanted everyone to smile, but now this dream has been realized in a weird way, but he couldn't be happy.

"Please, let me dream again, let me dream again!!"

"I can't do it anymore, why do you want me to wake up!"

"Let me dream, let me dream--"

The pleading of the crowd made Nangong Lin's will a little depressed. Shouldn't the cosmic rays be eliminated?

"Nangong, the situation is much worse than we thought. Everyone relies on dreams."

"Jie Ming..."

"What's wrong?"

Jing Jian Jie Ming was also shocked when he saw him like this. Could it be that the only two comrades who were not obsessed with dreams were also turned against by the weird cosmic rays?

"Nangong, you must not give up."

"But... everyone seems to be very happy in the dream, but it's painful to return to the real world. Is it really okay to just destroy the cosmic ray?

My dream is to make everyone smile, but now I am breaking my dream with my own hands. Are we really right?"

Faced with his question, Shizuma Yukina was also slightly stunned, lowered his head and pursed his lips, and grasped the ring on his chest with his hand.

"Sorry, I said something strange."

After hearing his apology, Shizuma Yukina shook his head, took a deep breath, and raised his head to ask seriously.

"Nangong, do you really think that's a smile from the heart? Is the so-called dream just deceiving yourself like this?"

"But everyone was really in pain after walking out of the illusion, and everyone's face was very sad."

"Humans are not so weak!"


Jingjian Yuming looked at the confused Nangong Lin with a burning gaze, and said solemnly: "Although the real world is very cruel, that is not a reason for us to escape.

What does it matter if it's imperfect? ​​I just hope for this imperfect world. It is because of imperfection that we will continue to work hard!

If you give up like this, go back to the command room first, and let me investigate here by myself."

After leaving this, Jingjian Yuming turned around and ran alone in the dark, while Nangong Lin seemed to have some enlightenment.

Just when he was thinking, he suddenly felt the danger, and subconsciously turned around and raised his arms to make a defensive posture.

The translucent telekinetic ball knocked Nangong Lin down, and the cloaked Kirielod appeared in front of him, speaking in a cold tone.

"Ultraman Triga, you are not qualified to be the savior of this world."

"Who are you?"

He staggered to his feet and fought with the attacking Kirieloid, but was easily captured by the other side.

"Submit to our great Kirieloid, only we Kirieloid are the saviors of this world."

"What a joke!"

Nangong Lin wanted to struggle and resist, but was kicked to the ground by the other party. Just as the Kirieloid was about to chase, a warm and angry voice accompanied by gunshots rang out.


The Super Ancient Light that Illuminates the Universe's Smile: Chapter 30, Eternal Core Rampage!

"Tsk, it's you again, annoying guy!"

Kirieloid looked at the young man who came over, and rolled sideways to avoid the flying bullet, looking at the other party fiercely.

The two of them confronted each other, and then they fought at the same time. Both sides were afraid of each other, so they kept a certain distance, just fists and feet collided with each other.

Finally, the two jumped back at the same time to distance themselves, and the Kirieloid also opened his arms and flew into the sky, using the telekinesis ball to attack again.

After a burst of explosions, the Kirieloid looked down at the two people and spoke very proudly.

"You came too late. Now the whole earth will be ruled by us, the Kirieloids.

And you, the giants of light, can't change anything!"

After leaving these words, a lot of flames came out of the man's body, and then he flew to the city to complete his giantization.

"People on the earth, come to me and respect the great Kirieloids. Only the Kirieloids can save this planet!"

As he said, the Flame Demon Warrior Kirieloid stretched out his palm and released cosmic rays again to make people fall into an illusion. In this way, everyone smiled foolishly and slowly approached the Kirieloids.

"Wait, you can't go over!"

Nangong Lin looked at the people on the street and wanted to stop the flow of people, but he was trampled under the feet of the people and crushed. The young man behind him also pulled him up and asked about his injuries.

"Damn... I'm too stupid."

"It doesn't matter. Humans are not that weak."

After the young man pulled him up, he also comforted him with a gentle smile on his face and encouraged him.

"It's not too late now. Think about what you should do now."

"Things you should do..."

He covered his wound and looked at the people who were bewitched by the Kirieloids. His eyes gradually became firm and his fists clenched.

"Yes, that's not a real smile. The world I dream of is not like this. Thank you, that..."

The young man in the Victory Team uniform smiled slightly, then scratched his hair shyly and said apologetically.

"My name is Yuan Dagu, and I am a member of the Victory Team of the TPC Peace Organization. Leave the safety of these people to me. I will protect them. You can go to fight with confidence."

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