The piercing scream and the gunshot sounded almost at the same time, and the sound of glass breaking came into the ears, but there was no one there.

The father holding the shotgun mustered up his courage, opened the door of the balcony on the second floor, and carefully stuck his head out to look around, but found that there was no one here.

Just as he was about to return, his hair suddenly stood up, and he noticed that someone was staring at him.

Turning his head, he found that the other party had circled to his side without knowing when, and before he could scream, he was grabbed by the neck.

"Hurry, run..."

The father struggled to squeeze out three words from his throat. The mother was in tears when she saw this scene, but she still pushed her son who wanted to rush over to run for his life.

The son held his mother's hand, looked at his father who was being strangled by someone, and cried and shouted, wanting to rush over.

But the father stopped his action with his bloodshot eyes, and his lips kept moving, asking them to run for their lives quickly and not to worry about him.

The mother closed her eyes, pulled her son out of the villa and ran towards the mountain path.

Seeing this, No. 42 also threw away the man in his hand, and looked at the mother and son who were in a dead end leisurely, looking at them expressionlessly.

"You, who are you, and why do you do this kind of thing!!"

The mother used her body to protect her son and asked this question hysterically. She really couldn't understand why the other party wanted to hunt down their family inexplicably.

No. 42 stopped and looked at the panicked mother and son, with a slight smile on his face.

"Because... the more you suffer, the happier I am."

The Black Angel Guarding the Smile: Chapter 70, why, why must it be me!

Looking at the mother and son who were already weak in the legs, the unknown life form No. 42 revealed his true form, which looked like a porcupine.

The mother fainted because of excessive fear when she saw this scene, but even so she still hugged her child behind her.

Porcupine Gurongi grabbed the steel needle and was about to pierce Ikuta Kazuya's brain when Kuuga finally arrived on his motorcycle.

He used the front wheel to hit the opponent several times in a row, successfully keeping Porcupine Gurongi away from the target.

"How dare you interfere with my Kijiru game."

Porcupine Gurongi looked at Kuuga in front of him and knew that such an open and narrow place was not suitable for his fighting style, so he turned around and ran towards the jungle behind him.

Seeing this, Kuuga also drove the motorcycle to chase forward, ready to kill Porcupine Gurongi directly.

But Porcupine Gurongi's speed was too fast, and there were weeds covering the surroundings. Although the performance of the Jumping Tracker was excellent, it still couldn't catch up with the opponent.

Just when he was distressed about this, Porcupine Gurongi suddenly changed the direction of escape and ran towards an open space.

Such a godsend opportunity, Kuuga naturally couldn't let it go, and directly broke the trees around him and began to transform.

"Super Transformation!"

The blue Azure Dragon form appeared, and the speed of the Leaping Pursuer increased a bit.

Seeing that the distance was almost the same, Kuuga jumped up from the motorcycle and stabbed the Azure Dragon Stick in his hand towards the back of the heart of the Porcupine Gurongi.

"Hu Liya——"

But as his Azure Dragon Stick stabbed down, there was no impact.

He looked at the empty ground in some horror. The Porcupine Gurongi was clearly in front of him just now, but just when he jumped and landed, the opponent actually left here like teleporting.

Then, the sound of finger snapping came from all directions in the surrounding grass and woods.

In this situation, even if Kuuga wanted to transform into the Pegasus form to search for the enemy, he had no weapon in his hand, and even if he found it, he would only be passively beaten.

The sound of finger snapping around became clearer and clearer. Kuuga tried to use his ears to listen to the sound to determine the position, but it seemed that there were enemies in every direction.

At this moment, the purpose of the Porcupine Gurongi was finally exposed.

The reason why he deliberately came to this open space was purely because the surrounding weeds and trees could hide his body, while the open space in the center was flat and there was no shelter to hide.

Porcupine Gurongi looked at Kuuga in the open space, covered his mouth and laughed quietly, then pulled out many tiny white thorns from the pendant on his neck.

As he clenched his palms, the originally tiny white thorns instantly turned into sharp steel needles.

A sharp sound of breaking wind sounded, and Kuuga reacted and raised the Qinglong stick in his hand to resist. Although most of it was offset, three sharp thorns still pierced his thigh.

The severe pain slowed his movements, and then dozens of identical steel needles appeared on his back.

[Diluc]: "This guy's fighting style is really vicious."

[Bronya]: "This guy first chose a place without cover, and then set his target on the legs.

Even though the speed and jumping ability of the Blue Dragon form are outstanding, it is basically useless after being hit by this heavy blow."

The fact is just as analyzed, Kuuga is now a fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others.

Facing the overwhelming attack of steel needles, the back of the immobile Kuuga is now like a hedgehog, with dense steel needles all over the body.

He lay on the ground gasping in pain, but even so, he still wanted to judge the enemy's position from the direction of attack.

"'s time for the Kikiru game. If you dare to mess up again, I will kill you."

Hearing the threat from Porcupine Gurungi, Kuuga endured the pain and stood up angrily, but the enemy had already left the woods and left the battlefield unscathed.

He pulled out the steel needles on his body, and thanks to the power of the Yamadam spirit stone, the fine wounds on his body had healed at this moment.

After seeing off the three members of the family who had survived the disaster with Ichijou Xun, Nangong Lin stared blankly at the leaving police officers. Although his voice was small, he showed a sense of determination.

"Next time, I will definitely not let that guy go."

On the other side, Sakurako Sawatari and Miss Tanaka had arrived in Nagano Prefecture, and it was raining heavily.

The two came to the factory where the body was found, and a strong stench hit their nostrils as soon as they entered.

Sawatari Sakurako took out a handkerchief and covered her mouth and nose, but this only slowed down the pain a little.

Looking at the wounded corpses on the ground and the flies flying around, Sakurako Sawatari felt her stomach churn and frowned deeply.

At this moment, Miss Tanaka behind her gave her a gentle push, and then motioned her to look at the wall.

In the dark factory building, two beams of light shone on the wall, and a four-cornered warrior symbol written in blood came into view.

"That is?!"

"Did you know? This symbol is very similar to the ancient writings you studied."

[Himeko]: "Warrior Kuuga's sign?"

[Fa Lushan]: "No, that's not right. There are four horns on it, not Kongwo's symbol."

[March 7]: "Could it be accidentally stained with blood?"

[Zhongli]: "It's intentional, this symbol is four horns, but why did Number Zero write this symbol specifically?"

In the rising smoke, the general suddenly rushed out to Gurungi, who was in charge of counting, and asked the porcupine Gurungi about his progress.

"Is the game of Porcupine's Kikiru almost over?"

"Not yet. One of the 90 people did not die according to the prescribed method, so the porcupine went to give a new target acupuncture."

"Can you make it?"

When the Scorpion woman on the side heard this, she was playing with her nails and fanning her folding fan out of boredom, and said nonchalantly.

"There is no problem at all. That guy is very cautious. After all, he wants to kill 90 people in twelve days."

"That's right, as long as the needle can be inserted today and you will die in four days, then the Twelve Days of Kikilu Game will be completed."

Counting Gurungi raised the abacus in his hand and showed the number of people on it.

But at this moment, the Scorpion woman looked around and suddenly found that the Bat Man was missing. In the past, he would have come here at times like this.

"Where did that guy go?"

The general was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't care too much. After all, to them, the Bat Man was just a slave.

In the Kanagawa Prefecture Police Station, Kazuya Ikuta struggled emotionally in the ward with his head in his hands, and kept asking in panic.

"Why? Why does it have to be me! Why, why does it have to kill me!"

Kazuya Ikuta hid in the corner, hugged his legs and burst into tears.

Big tree? .jpg

ps: The shell-level Kikilu game is completed.

Now I am already a member of the Zi Group!

The black angel guarding the smile: Chapter 71, Kuuga in the four corners (3k)

"Why do we have to be killed by him?"

This question was asked to all the medical staff present. Even Ichijo Kaoru lowered his head in shame, not knowing how to comfort him with words.

The doctor looked at the sobbing Ikuta Kazuya, but did not pull him anymore, and just stood aside silently.

Only Nangong Lin, who was sitting by the bed, stared at the other party seriously and answered in a calm tone.

"There's no reason."

Hearing this, Ichigo Xun looked sideways at Nangong Lin.

"So, we will never let you be killed by that guy."

Kazuya Ikuta stopped crying. He slowly raised his head and looked at Nangong Lin, his eyes revealing his desire for survival.

"We all have this idea to protect you!"

Nangong Lin's words and eyes were very determined, which was no less than a shot in the arm for Kazuya Ikuta.

Upon seeing this, the doctor also helped him back to the hospital bed, and then picked up the needle and prepared to inject a sedative, but Kazuya Ikuta asked in panic.

"What's this?"

"Nutritional solution with a small amount of tranquilizer and sleeping pills added."

"Then if I fall asleep and that guy comes, what should I do?"

Ichijo Kaoru also came over at this time and solemnly assured the senior man in front of him.

"Please believe us."

Ikuta Kazuya glanced at Ichijo Kazuya, and then turned his attention to Nangong Lin aside. After seeing the latter nodding, he stretched out his arm to receive the injection.

After the injection of the medicine was completed, Kazuya Ikuta pursed his lips and said with a trembling voice.

"The unknown life form once said that the more pain we suffered, the happier he would be. It was really scary to see the joy in his eyes at that time, so..."

When he said this, the effect of the medicine had already taken effect, and Kazuya Ikuta also fell asleep on the hospital bed.

When Nangong Lin saw this, he left the ward and went to the public phone to call his sister and ask how the two quarreling children were doing.

After learning that the two of them were still in a cold war and had no intention of reconciliation, he just tried to persuade them.

"It's okay. After all, they are all human beings. They may understand each other."

The sister's face changed slightly when she heard this. Nangong Lin would never say this before, or this sentence itself is very strange.

Nangong Lin didn't say anything more. After hanging up the phone, he came to the corridor in a daze. When he passed an office, he happened to see the TV broadcasting the students who died.

Those slightly immature faces and the average age of 16 or 17 years old made him clench his fists.

"Now it's time for the Kikiru game..."

"The more painful we are, the happier he is..."

But then, he loosened his fists with great effort. His intuition told him that he couldn't fight with hatred. If that happened, terrible things would happen.

His cheeks moved twice, which was the movement that only occurred when he clenched his teeth.

Suppressing the unwillingness and anger in his heart, Nangong Lin took a deep breath and came to the side of Yichi Xun, and spoke slowly.

"I... am very unwilling. Why can't I help at all..."

"Don't blame yourself too much."

Ichijo Xun also leaned against the wall, looked up at the ceiling and spoke to comfort them.

"They have the same appearance as us, and now they have even learned our language, but they don't have our emotions and keep killing people.

Our values ​​are completely different from theirs, but why did such a weirdo appear?

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