Officer Sakurai swallowed the food in his mouth, looked at his colleagues behind him warily, and suddenly lowered his voice and came closer.

"By the way, isn't it time for you to let us get to know each other?"


"Number Four, he should have a human body."

Kaoru Ichijo was stunned at first, and then he thought of Nangong Lin's smiling face, and imagined the expressions of everyone after learning the truth, and couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh.

Officer Sakurai also laughed. He wanted to get to know Number Four for only two reasons. The first was to see his comrade-in-arms, and the other was to apologize for shooting on the spot.

Although the Metropolitan Police Department and the coffee shop were all happy, everyone felt that there were still many normal people in the world.

But the next second, the scene switched to Gurongi.

Rose Girl still brought Bat Man to a dimly lit room and asked the dark room.

"Are you ready?" (Gurongi)

She was answered by the crisp sound of coin tossing. Locust Gurongi walked out of the darkness, followed by the counting man, and finally the general.

The counting man raised the abacus in his hand and moved the beads to give a number.

"Kill 99 people in 7 hours." (Gurongi)

Locust Gurongi held the coin in the air, turned his face away and said disdainfully: "A piece of cake" (Gurongi)

As he said that, he threw out a piece of paper with a strange shape from his pocket, with three different symbols drawn on it.

The counting man reached out to catch it, looked at the pattern on it, and slowly spoke.

"Pull the opponent off the iron warhorse, and then crush and kill him?" (Gurongi)

Locust Gurongi transformed into a weirdo, asked Rose Girl to set a time limit with a ring, and then went straight to his motorcycle.

"It has been debugged to the best state." (Gurongi's words)

He glanced at the Salamander Gurongi who was responsible for making and maintaining weapons, raised his legs and sat on the motorcycle, and slowly spoke to Rose Girl and the General.

"I will successfully complete the Gou-level Kijiru game, and then enter the next stage." (Gurongi's words)

The general's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he looked at the other party's back without saying a word, but turned around and left silently.

In the coffee shop, Nangong Lin waited for Zedu Sakurako, and after drinking coffee, the other party also took the initiative to stay to help.

When the things in the store were almost done, Zedu Sakurako suddenly spoke and asked him.

"Nangong, did you turn into gold by your own will?"

"Eh? Well... almost. If you want to jump higher, it turns blue. If you want to find invisible enemies, it turns green. It's about like this.

Why did you suddenly ask this? Did the inscription translate something new?"

"No... well..."

Sawatari Sakurako hesitated and didn't know how to answer. Fortunately, at this time, Kaoru Ichijo called and told him that a new unknown life form had appeared.

"Sorry, I'll leave it to you here."

"Be careful."

"Don't worry, I heard that the Metropolitan Police Department has equipped me with new equipment. I'll be fine."


The Black Angel Guarding Smile: Chapter 63, Metal Fatigue

Under an overpass, the Locust Gurongi was chasing his seventh prey.

Facing the Locust Gurongi that even Souga could hardly deal with, how could an ordinary motorcycle rider be his opponent? He could only fall to the ground and be crushed to death.

After killing the prey, the locust Gurongi also turned back to human form, and this scene was captured by the police camera.

Nangong Lin, who successfully fought with Kaoru Ichijo, turned the accelerator and accelerated towards the scene after getting the specific location and target mark.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, he heard a scream, and when he looked up, he saw the locust Gurongi waiting for him above, and the other party also made a coin flicking action.

Seeing this, Kuga also transformed into the blue dragon form, jumped up to the floor where the other party was, but did not find the other party's trace.

After searching for a circle, he saw a man leaning against an iron pillar, and walked up to check and found that he was indeed dead.

At this moment, the sound of brakes reached his ears, he got up and ran to the outside of the floor and saw Kaoru Ichijo coming, and said that he was upstairs.

"Mr. Ichijo."

"I'll go upstairs to find you."

Kaoru Ichijo came into the building and pressed the elevator for transporting goods. As the elevator door opened, a dazzling light came on, followed by the high-pitched sound of a motorcycle engine.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and dodged the instant the Locust Gurongi rushed over, and was not injured.

The Locust Gurongi was not interested in targets outside the game, and rode away on the motorcycle to find the next prey.

Seeing this, Kuuga also jumped down and told Kaoru Ichijo behind him.

"Mr. Ichijo, there is a victim on the roof. I will chase that guy first."

Kuuga, in the form of a blue dragon, rode on the motorcycle and quickly caught up with the Locust Gurongi who was swaying back and forth on the road. The other party took the initiative to provoke him in a human posture.

The two of them went back and forth on the busy streets, and turned at the same time to an unmanned place.

The Locust Gurongi suddenly braked, and Kuuga stopped a step late. By the time he turned the car around, the other party had raised the front wheel and rushed towards him.

Fortunately, Qinglong's explosive power was very good. He also raised his wheels to defend, almost falling to the ground.

Looking at the opponent's back as he walked away, Kuuga regrouped and chased after him again. As soon as he reached the corner, he found that the opponent had returned to Gurungi's posture, and he kept blasting the accelerator to accumulate power in place.

He didn't directly crash into me for a sneak attack. Instead, after I was ready, the two of them ejected together to compete in driving skills.

The two of them attacked almost at the same time, but at this moment, my handlebar suddenly shifted, causing the attack to miss and be hit by the opponent's wheel. I fell instantly and fell on my back.

Kaoru Ichijo, who was coming, saw this scene, opened the car door, came down, raised his sniper rifle, pulled the trigger and fired the special gas bomb that was originally used to deal with the first Locust Gurungi.

Locust Gurungi looked back at the smoky butt of the car. Just as he was about to retaliate, he suddenly wiped his tears and left here without looking back.

Seeing that the effect was so obvious, Ichijo Kaoru wanted to shoot again, but the opponent's speed was too fast, so he could only grit his teeth.

[Bronya]: "The speed of the motorcycle is at least 400 kilometers per hour."

[Wuliangta Jizi]: "I remember Nangong's car, it seemed to be traveling at about 200 kilometers per hour."

[Screw Gum]: "Strictly speaking, it can no longer reach that speed. This car is basically going to be scrapped."

[March 7]: "It doesn't matter. The science and police department is developing a new motorcycle."

[Himeko]: "Msuki-san, you must have forgotten that Officer Sakurai said this morning that the Metropolitan Police Department seemed to have distanced itself from No. 4 because of public opinion."

[Diluc]: "Troublesome guys."

[Kaia]: "This is not funny. This is so ptsd for someone to watch."

"Nangong, are you okay?"

"It's okay, but the motorcycle..."

Ichijo Kaoru glanced at the damaged motorcycle, sighed helplessly and said, "It's metal fatigue. It seems that I want to deal with No. 41, so I will give you a new motorcycle."

"Is it Jump Tracker 2000?"

Ichijo Kaoru nodded, then took out his cell phone and called Americium Core.

At this time, the core of the americium was protected. Core value

After her phone rang, she looked at the name displayed on it, hesitated for a moment and sighed to answer the call.

"I am Zhenzhen!"

"It's me, Ichijou. I'm with Nangong now. Can I activate the jump tracker motorcycle I mentioned before now?"

"Are you really going to do this?"

"What's wrong?"

The core of the americium core is blocked and the rebellion is smashed and the sink is broken.


"Just now, Headquarters Matsukura called me and said that the superiors did not allow No. 4 to use the Jump Tracker motorcycle.

Because of the last big explosion on the 39th, the media has been very sensitive to such things recently.

I guess the above people also considered it from various aspects, so they made this decision as a last resort. I heard that people from the Kanto Police Station are going to take away the Jump Tracker today. "

Ichijo Kaoru's face turned ugly. He turned around and glanced at Nangong Lin, who was inspecting the motorcycle, and turned around to ask about strengthening the ammunition.

Since I can't help him with the current motorcycle problem, I can only rely on strengthening the ammunition to assist him.

A smoke is also told that the core of the americium is on and the protection is guaranteed. The bed is open to the public

After the call ended, Nangong Lin came over and asked cautiously.

"Mr. Ichijo, is it because the red Kuuga's golden power is too great, causing any bad effects?"

"Well, the boss seems to be hesitating whether to hand over the jump tracker to you."

Nangong Lin nodded when he heard this, and was also thinking about how to use the current motorcycle to defeat the Locust Gurungi.

At this moment, a sound came from the radio of Kaoru Ichijo's police car. Unknown Life Form No. 41 had killed another adult male and was now moving in the direction of Tama River Bridge.

After hearing this, Nangong Lin tried to press the motorcycle button, but the color of the car did not change back.

"Mr. Ichijo, it seems that this color cannot be changed back, but I will use it until it is no longer usable."

The black angel guarding the smile: Chapter 64, Kuuga, you are the best in the end

In the Metropolitan Police Department, in the chief's office.

The head of the headquarters looked at Kaoru Ichijo in front of him, looked at him thoughtfully, and asked knowingly.

"What did you come all the way from the front lines to do here?"

"Headquarters Chief, you should know why I came all the way back. Do you really think that all the responsibility for the large-scale damage caused by the explosion should be placed on No. 4?"

"It doesn't matter what the truth is, what matters is the content of the news report. Now there is a big explosion that is completely different from before. As long as No. 4 is involved in this matter, we cannot let this matter be related to the police. connect."

It was obvious that the head of the headquarters in front of him was just making remarks. As a leader, he naturally could not give orders at will.

Ichijo Kaoru naturally heard the hidden meaning and continued to ask.

"I want to know what you really think, General Manager. You finally persuaded the upper management to make that motorcycle for No. 4."

"You should know that the timing is not right. And don't you have more important things to do than these?

I think you should have the answer in your mind. Go now."

"Excuse me."

Looking at the figure of the General Manager with his back turned, Ichijo Kaoru finally understood what he meant. He turned around and left here and went to the meeting room to discuss the battle plan.

Listening to the complaints of the crowd, Ichijo Kaoru swept his eyes over the group of comrades around him and finally exposed Nangong Lin's identity.

After so many battles, everyone had already regarded Kuuga as a comrade, and Ichijo Kaoru could also entrust Nangong Lin to them with confidence.

[Kiana]: "Ahhh, I felt that the general manager was kind and amiable before, but now he is like an old stubborn man."

[Esther]: "That's because you didn't hear what the general manager meant."

[March 7]: "What do you mean?"

[Topa]: "This is classic. As a senior executive, I turned a blind eye and let the people under me do whatever they want. Anyway, I don't know anything."

[Himeko]: "Yes, the general manager meant to let Kaoru Ichijo stop others from taking the motorcycle, and I will try to persuade the senior executives.

The phrase "the time is not right" just now is to hint to the other party that I need time now."

In the coffee shop, the store manager Dad and Nana Asahina who went out to purchase finally came back. As soon as the latter saw Sawatari Sakurako in the door, she immediately showed an expression of being in a state of emergency.

Especially the store manager Dad complained that Nangong Lin always gave up, causing you to come here to help frequently, which was really embarrassing.

But Sawatari Sakurako just smiled shyly, saying that she came to help because she liked him.

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