The Black Angel Guarding Smile: Chapter 40, This Blow——Piercing the Stars!

In the Metropolitan Police Department, everyone was busy and exhausted, analyzing the location of the next action on the 26th.

But the final result should be near Shinjuku, after all, there are a lot of air conditioners there, and the climate and humidity are very suitable for the requirements.

If it was the previous Mushroom Gurongi, it might really appear in Shinjuku as they expected.

But after experiencing a growth, Mushroom Gurongi can no longer play the killing game in that environment.

When the policewoman reported the location where Mushroom Gurongi appeared, everyone was stunned.

Ichijo Kaoru picked up the coat on the chair and was about to leave, but was attacked by the fierce. �

After thanking him, Ichijo Kaoru and others drove to the scene and saw the mushroom Gurongi whose body color became darker.

After loading the latest special bullets, Ichijo Kaoru and Officer Shigada and others set up the enhanced rifles and pulled the trigger at the mushroom Gurongi in front of them. In an instant, three streams of green smoke came out of the other party.

But this time, the mushroom Gurongi was unscathed and even gently patted the place where the green smoke came out with his palm.

"That kind of thing is no longer effective on me." (Gurongi language)

As he said that, he sprayed out more poisonous spores with darker colors from his mouth. This time, even wearing a gas mask didn't work. The police officer in the front lay on the ground and twitched on the spot.

Ichijo Kaoru and others also covered their mouths and noses, dragging the surviving police officers around them back.

Mushroom Kurongi jumped onto the top of the police car, looking at the lambs waiting to be slaughtered below with a playful look, and kept laughing.

Just as he opened his mouth and prepared to kill everyone present with the poisonous spores, he suddenly paused and tilted his head to look behind the crowd.

"So you are still alive, Kuuga." (Kurongi language)

Hearing the familiar two syllables, Ichijo Xun was startled, and then turned around to see the white figure running fast, and could no longer contain the joy in his heart.

[Star]: "Heroes are here!"

[Yoya]: "Hey, big brother Kuuga in white form is here, evil retreats, justice prevails!"

[Barbara]: "But it's really okay, I just recovered and joined the battle."

[Nangong Lin]: "No problem!" [Diluk]: "No problem!"

[Infinite Tower Himeko]: "..."

[Himeko]: "Yeah, no problem, he is a man who will overcome any difficulties with a smile."

Kuga in his newborn form fought with the mushroom Gurongi in front of him, one of them was physically weak and the other was just recovering from a serious injury.

It can be said that in this wave, the two were a disabled person fighting with a UIC patient, and both sides were evenly matched.

Officer Shigada looked at the two people fighting in front of him, staring at the white Kuuga, and asked in confusion.

"Is that... No. 2?"

"No, it's the white No. 4."

After explaining hurriedly, Kaoru Ichijo looked at Kuuga with concern, and he was also worried about Kuuga's physical condition.

After all, Mushroom Gurongi had been strengthened once, so he was still slightly better than the newborn Kuuga.

Seeing that Kuuga was at a disadvantage, Officer Shigada, who had been saved by him, immediately yelled at the surrounding police officers to fire and cover.

Although the bullets could not cause damage to Mushroom Gurongi, they successfully attracted the other party's attention.

Just as Mushroom Gurongi turned around and wanted to attack the police, Kuuga hugged him from behind and rolled down the lawn beside him, moving the battlefield to an unmanned area.

Seeing this, Kaoru Ichijo also understood the other party's thoughts. He was afraid that Mushroom Gurongi would attack the police, so he decided to fight him alone.

On the lawn, the newborn Kuuga and Mushroom Gurongi looked at each other from a distance, and both sides attacked at the same time.

But Mushroom Gurongi, who did not have much practical experience, was no match for the current Kuuga. He was hit in the face by a punch and fell to the ground, covering his face.

Taking advantage of this gap, Kuuga immediately took a knight kick and kicked the opponent the moment he stood up.

Blurred golden runes appeared, Mushroom Gurongi took a look, and mocked him while enduring the pain.

"This level of attack." (Gurongi language)

The golden runes disappeared, and Kuuga was slightly surprised but quickly adjusted his state, pulled away again and used a knight kick.

This time the golden runes were much more obvious, but they were still incomplete, and he failed to kill Mushroom Gurongi.

"It's useless, Kuuga!" (Gurongi language)

The two failures did not affect him. Kuuga retreated three times and took a stance, but this time the white spirit stone on his ankle suddenly burst into a red light.

The familiar flames lit up from his right foot, and Kuuga's body leaped into the air, performing a knight kick at the same place three times in a row.

This blow - piercing the stars! (Make the final effort, and then make a splash!)

"Hu Liya——"

After three temperings, the golden rune finally turned into a complete and clear text.

The Mushroom Gurongi's belt cracked, and then his body exploded, and he was completely defeated by Kuuga.

Standing above, Xun Yichi had moist eyes, staring at the white figure on the lawn, with an indescribable joy in his heart.

Things that are lost and found are always the most precious.

It is because we have experienced the pain of loss that we cherish them more.

Nangong Lin gave Xun Yichi a familiar thumbs up, but Xun Yichi did not respond, but suddenly scolded him seriously.

"Too slow, Nangong!"


In response, Xun Yichi did not explain anything but turned away, but gave him a thumbs up with his back to him.

A night of rain finally passed, Sawatari Sakurako hung up the phone, opened the window and looked at the clear sky with a smile on her face.

The younger sister who worked in the nursery shared this joy with the director.

The breeze blew across the path, and Nangong Lin caught up with Xun Yichi. The two walked side by side and smiled at each other.

Nangong, who protects the smiles of others, will eventually be protected by others.

[March 7]: "There's no better ending than this!"

[Liu Ying]: "So happy."

[Gui Naifen]: "Wait, my sister, Yingzi, and Ichijo all have scenes, what about me?"

[Su Chang]: "Little Guizi, isn't this good too?"

[Wulian Ta Jizi]: "Yes, isn't this good too."

Gui Naifen looked at the comments of "Isn't this good too" on the bullet screen, and immediately looked at Nangong Lin beside her angrily.

"Nangong family!"

"I'll teach you how to stomp later."

"Hehe, I know you love me the most as a family member."

The Black Angel Guarding Smile: Chapter 41, Welcome Back!

"I always feel that something is missing when I transform from the red Kuuga to the other colors of Kuuga, so I want to shout something to add a little momentum."

In the police car of Ichijo, Nangong Lin made his transformation moves, thought for a while and spoke.

"Super transformation, what do you think of this?"


Ichijo Kaoru in the driver's seat couldn't help laughing, but quickly covered the smile on his face with one hand.

"I think this name is pretty good."


Seeing that Ichijo Kaoru also agreed with this name, Nangong Lin immediately started tapping his fingers happily in the car. When he was in the right mood, he picked up the radio in the police car and started singing on the street.

[Black Swan]: "Super transformation, hahahahaha, what an interesting person, this memory is also a very interesting memory."

[Yellow Spring]: "Very cute."

[Bronya]: "Same as the stupid Kiana."

[Kiana]: "I'm not stupid, and the name of super transformation is obviously cool!"

[Star]: "Come on, shouting like this when changing forms is so cool that you have no friends."

In this way, the two came to Kanto University Hospital. Dr. Tsubaki used a stethoscope to help Nangong Lin check his body. Although he was wearing a hospital gown, due to the broadcast angle, everyone's perspective was sideways.

In other words, although Nangong Lin tore open his hospital gown with both hands, his body could not be seen due to the angle of view.

[Murata Himeko]: "Photographer, your chicken leg is gone!"

[Gui Naifen]: "Shrimp head!"

[Hanabi]: "Shrimp head!"

[Sushang]: "You are also a girl, how can you say such a thing."

[Nashida]: "We have already seen it once, why are you still so interested?"

[Murata Himeko]: "The situation was so urgent at that time, how could I have the mind to watch it."

[Ruan Mei]: "Compared to this, I want to know more about whether the stone really has the ability to bring the dead back to life?"

After a series of tests, Dr. Tsubaki can conclude that Nangong Lin in front of him has fully recovered.

After hearing the news in person, Ichijo Xun first breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to sigh at the power of the stone.

"It's amazing. Does the stone in the belt have this ability?"

"No, to be precise, it should put Nangong into a state of suspended animation and remove the virus left in his body by No. 26."

After explaining, Dr. Chun suddenly approached and put his palm on his abdomen, lowering his head to explain the medical principles to the two people present.

"The stone here initially wanted to fight toxins by increasing white blood cells. But it suddenly discovered that at the normal body temperature of the human body, that virus is the easiest to reproduce.

So it judged that it would be better to lower the body temperature and eliminate all the viruses in one breath!"

Nangong Lin reached out and grabbed Dr. Chun's palm. The two people's explanation from the beginning suddenly turned into an arm wrestling competition.

But as an ordinary person, how could Dr. Chun be better than Nangong Lin who had been strengthened.

Ichijo Xun ignored the two people who were making fun of him, and instead began to think about what kind of existence this magical stone was.

"Is this stone programmed as an ancient mechanical program with a fixed program, or does it have some mysterious power that we don't know?"

But Dr. Tsubaki said he didn't know, he could only analyze the power of this stone from a medical perspective.

After hearing this, Kaoru Ichijo nodded and prepared to take Nangong Lin back to Chengnan University to ask Sakurako Sawatari if there were any new discoveries.

Before leaving, Dr. Tsubaki returned the amulets made by the children to Nangong Lin and said he must thank them well.

[Ruan Mei]: "Alas... I was so excited that I even gave up thinking."

[Heita]: "You can't say that. After all, no one can tell where the upper limit of this stone is. You can't be too arbitrary to characterize an unknown existence."

[Zhongli]: "But this stone is indeed magical, as if it can change according to the owner's thoughts."

In the research room of Chengnan University, Sawatari Sakurako sat in her seat, looking up at the door from time to time, like a student waiting to go to the cafeteria to grab food after school.

After seeing a figure appear at the door, Sawatari Sakurako also stood up from the chair with a smile on her face. The other party had arrived at the door as soon as he knocked on the door.

"Welcome back... Hey? Mr. Ichijo?"

The smile on Sawatari Sakurako's face was obviously stiff for a moment, but she still greeted politely, and then tiptoed slightly to look outside, trying to find the figure she had been thinking about day and night.

But unfortunately, there was no other person in the corridor except Ichijo Kaoru.

This made Sawatari Sakurako anxious, and she asked with a worried look.

"Mr. Ichijo, where did Nangong go? Didn't he say he came back with you?"


Ichijo Kaoru was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and then looked at the window behind Sawatari Sakurako and found that the window that was originally closed had been pushed open.

Obviously, there was no sound during the whole process.

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