When the screen switched to the ruins, we saw a weirdo slaughtering all the researchers, and only the camera beside recorded it silently.

Sawatari Sakurako, who was worried about the safety of her teacher, decided to go to the ancient ruins tomorrow to check the situation, and Nangong Lin, who loved adventure, would naturally not miss it and chose to go with her.

The next day

Nangong Lin was at the cordon at the entrance of the ruins cave, and there were a lot of policemen. He turned his eyes, apologized for being late, covered his face with his hands, and ran into the cave with his head down.

Such a clumsy trick was instantly seen through by a man in a windbreaker and sunglasses, who grabbed his neck like a wild cat.

[Kaeya]: "Ugh, look what I found?"

[Qin]: "Senior?!"

[Diluk]: "I didn't expect it to be related to me, the law enforcer of another world... I hope you won't let me down."

[Funina]: "Wow, will I also appear on this light screen? I'm suddenly looking forward to it."

[Murata Himeko]: "Gu~ one or two, all handsome guys, I really want to rush in and replace the one inside me."

[Aha]: "Then why don't you come and find a ready-made one? I have the exact coordinates here."

[Xing]: "Okay, okay, chasing your husband for thousands of miles, right?"

From the address of the little police officer next to him, we also know that Diluk's name in this life is Ichijo Kaoru, and he has a very high prestige and is deeply loved by his colleagues.

And Nangong Lin, who was discovered, also handed over his business card, which clearly said "Man chasing dreams" and 1999 skills next to it.

It was originally a very formal matter, but the content on the business card and the silly smile on his face made the scene look a little funny.

Xun Yichi also asked the police officers around him to take him away, but at this time Nangong Lin made a decision that made everyone laugh, that is, pointing at the empty sky and screaming deliberately.

Taking advantage of the distraction of everyone around him, he rushed into the ruins quickly, but was tripped by Xun Yichi and almost hit the broken equipment on the ground.

"Mr. Police Officer, you are so awesome."

Nangong Lin calmed down his frightened emotions, raised his thumbs and praised Xun Yichi, but unexpectedly, the other party said angrily.

"I will arrest you for obstructing public service!"

"Okay... okay."

After what happened just now, Nangong Lin also raised his hands very tactfully and followed the other party away obediently.

But at this moment, his eyes just met the stone in the middle of the belt that was being transported, and a lot of battle scenes instantly flooded into his mind...

The Black Angel Guarding the Smile: Chapter 3, the horns have become smaller!

"What was that just now?"

Nangong Lin stared at the belt in the police officer's hand with wide eyes. After noting the ancient text on the side, he wrote down the text after receiving a verbal education and sent it to Zewa Sakurako.

Afterwards, with the intervention of Ichijo Kaoru, Zewa Sakurako was invited to the police station to watch what happened in the ruins at that time, and he also joined the team.

"If you feel any discomfort, we will turn off this video immediately."

Ichijo Kaoru looked at the two people with concern. The content of this video tape was very bloody, and even he felt a little uncomfortable.


As the video played, screams and cries for help kept ringing. The figure in the video raised the belt and uttered two syllables, and then threw the belt heavily on the ground.

The video ended here. Zewa Sakurako asked about the situation of the survivors, but the result was that no one survived.

Among the victims was Zewa Sakurako's mentor, which is why she had those ancient text materials.

Adhering to the principle of professionals doing professional things, Ichijo Xun handed the belt to Sawatari Sakurako, saying that he could handle the formalities.

Then a police officer suddenly broke in and said something nervously in Ichijo Xun's ear, and he quickly left the meeting room.

Nangong Lin couldn't let go of the belt, and approached Sawatari Sakurako to ask the meaning of the ancient characters on it.



Nangong Lin repeated the question in confusion, but his hands kept playing with it, like a child who got a new toy.

[Fu Xuan]: "It should be said that it is fate. After many twists and turns, it finally fell into his hands."

[Wendy]: "Yeah, it's like a destined reunion."

[Paimon]: "But, singing. Didn't you just say that the one in the coffin is the real hero?"

[March Seven]: "Alas, the previous life's Jizi must be very sad. After all, her mentor..."

[Jizi]: "It's okay, little Sanyue. In the journey of pioneering, you will always lose something, but I will do my best to protect you."

[Wulian Tower Jizi]: "I will also protect my students!"

After leaving the police station, Ichijo Kaoru came to the scene of the accident and looked at the huge spider web on the high-rise building with a horrified look.

The next second, the spider monster in the trailer fell from the sky and crushed the roof of a car. The sharp mouth opened and closed, making strange syllables.

"A bunch of trash." (Gurongi language)

The dense gunfire rang out, but it did not cause any harm to the spider Gurongi in front of him.

Faced with this inhuman existence, the scene quickly became a hell on earth, and no one on the scene survived.

Spider Gurongi jumped into a police car and broke into the police station directly, while Nangong Lin and Sawatari Sakurako just walked out of the room with the belt.

Sensing something was wrong, he dragged Sawatari Sakurako and a female police officer to a corner, and the belt in the box fell to the ground not far away. At the same time, the car door slowly opened, and the spider monster crawled out and slowly stood up, looking around with round eyes.

"Is that... Kuuga's belt?" (Gurongi language)

As if sensing the arrival of Spider Gurongi, the spirit stone on Kuuga's belt glowed again, and Nangong Lin's mind once again appeared the warrior with horns and a fiery red body fighting Gurongi.

"Here it comes again... What on earth is this?"

Looking at the police officers who were being slaughtered wantonly around him, his eyes gradually became firm, and he spoke to Sawatari Sakurako behind him.

"Yingzi, hide quickly."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to try this thing on."

Looking at the approaching Spider Gurongi, he rolled over and picked up the belt on the ground, and then slammed it on his abdomen.

If he can do something, if he can still do something, he must do it!

The dazzling light made everyone unable to open their eyes. As the light disappeared, Nangong Lin fell to the ground in pain. The skin on his abdomen exposed to the air turned blood red, as if a large piece of flesh had been torn off.

"You're kidding, right? The belt... was absorbed into the body."

Seeing this scene, Spider Gurongi realized that things were gradually going in a bad direction. He immediately pinched Nangong Lin who was lying on the ground, and threw him hard onto the road, trying to kill him.

"It hurts... It hurts."

Because of the severe pain in his waist, he had no way to resist at all. He could only be wantonly ravaged by the Spider Gurongi who followed him, pinching his neck and smashing his head hard on the protective net of the car window behind him.

[Diluk]: "No, if this continues, he will die. What was I doing in my previous life?"

[Luca]: "Damn it, if I was there, at least I could have saved him."

[Jizi]: "It clearly says strength on that belt, but why..."

[Klee]: "Come on, Nangong brother!"

[Suchang]: "Nangong, you can't just die like this, don't let this happen!"

[Xi'er]: "I'm so annoyed, this is so frustrating, can't you just punch this bug through the screen!"

Guinaifen looked at the ferocious spider Gurongi, pursed her lips and said: "Family, you can't just be like this in your previous life..."

Nangong Lin looked at himself rolling on the ground in pain, touched his abdomen again, and thought that there would be more pain later.

He was thrown to the ground by the spider Gurongi casually on the light screen, and whispered in pain.

"No, if this goes on, I'll die!"

At this extremely dangerous moment, he fought back angrily with his instinctive strong desire to survive, and punched the Spider Gurongi in the abdomen.

The originally arrogant Spider Gurongi was actually knocked away by his punch, and at this time his arm turned white, as if he was wearing a layer of armor.

"Change, change?!"

Feeling the disappearance of the pain in his abdomen, Nangong Lin stood up and attacked the Spider Gurongi in front of him continuously, and his body also turned into a white body, a pair of huge red compound eyes, and a warrior with two short golden horns on his head.

Kamen Rider Kuuga, the newborn form appears!

Sawatari Sakurako, who ran out of the police station, happened to see him when he transformed, and was stunned.

And Nangong Lin, who had completed the transformation, knelt on the ground as if he was exhausted, panting violently in pain.

Spider Gurongi stood up and said excitedly: "The horns have become smaller!"

The Black Angel Guarding Smile: Chapter 4, Ghana~

When the newborn form appeared, a new legend had begun, and history would be rewritten from scratch.

Nangong Lin in the picture raised his arm and looked at his skin, which seemed to have turned into white armor. He was also a little stunned for a while.

But the Spider Gurongi on the opposite side obviously didn't give him time to be dazed. He rushed up and pulled him up, and then pushed him to the side of the van with both palms.

He came to his senses, stood up and walked to the front of the car and roared, pushing the van towards Spider Gurongi.

With the sound of falling stones, Spider Gurongi had been hit into the wall by the van at this time.

[Sushang]: "Great, I killed that guy in one go."

[Himeko]: "I see, this is what you call power, transforming into something like a monster."

[Diluk]: "If you want to gain power, you have to pay the price..."

[Kiana]: "Wait, why is it white? There's no such color in the trailer, shouldn't it be red or something else?"

[Bronya]: "Stupid Kiana, didn't you hear the spider say that the horns have become smaller?"

[Murata Himeko]: "Although this transformation is very attractive, according to the performance of the spider just now, this level of attack should..."

Sure enough, as Wuliangta Himeko inferred, the spider Gurongi that was hit into the wall was completely unscathed, and even snorted disdainfully.

"Hmph, this is all you can do now, Kuuga!" (Gurongi's words)

Spider Gurongi exerted force and directly pushed the van back. Although he completed the transformation, the gap in strength between the two sides was still very obvious. In his new form, he was beaten back by Spider Gurongi.

The two fought from the ground to the rooftop. Basically, he was beaten unilaterally. His neck was entangled by spider silk, and he was very embarrassed to dodge the claws growing on the wrist of Spider Gurongi.

"You're done, Kuuga!" (Gurongi's words)

At this critical moment, the sound of propellers sounded, and a helicopter slowly hovered above the rooftop.

The hatch was opened, and Kaoru Ichijo, holding a pistol, looked at the two people fighting below, and showed a little surprise.


But Kaoru Ichijo did not hesitate too much. I don't know whether it was intuition or the principle of presumption of innocence, he chose to shoot the Spider Gurongi in the intelligence.

The disturbed Spider Gurongi was very unhappy, and pointed the spearhead at Kaoru Ichijo on the helicopter, and directly came to the helicopter with the spider silk.

And Kamen Rider Kuuga followed closely, and the two fought in the narrow space.

Although the power performance of the two people was considered a minor fight in the eyes of the strong men in the world of these three people, the current situation made them feel nervous from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially when they saw the scene where Spider Gurongi went around behind Kaoru Ichijo and pulled back and forth with Kuuga on the other side, they were even more afraid that the scene would become 0.5 Kaoru Ichijo.

With Kuuga's heavy punch, he hammered Spider Gurongi down. I thought the battle was over here, but I didn't expect the other party to go around behind him directly.

After breaking free, he kicked the spider Gurongi who was still trying to climb up a few times, and dropped it directly from a high altitude into a factory building.

Hearing the screams from below and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, he returned to the cabin with peace of mind.

Kaoru Ichijo looked at Kamen Rider Kuuga who entered the cabin, and subconsciously raised the muzzle of his gun. Through his actions just now, he had realized that the weirdo in front of him had no ill intentions.

The roar of the propeller rang in his ears, and Kaoru Ichijo mustered up his courage and asked uncertainly.

"You are...saving me?"

He did not answer Kaoru Ichijo's question, but stretched out his arm and slowly raised his thumb.

Under the setting sun, the helicopter, which had regained stability, slowly took off. The two looked at each other under the orange-red light, and the sound of the propeller rang in their ears.

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