That was exactly what happened. The metal beetle hovered above his head for a while, made a strange noise, and then flew away again.

Although Nangong Lin couldn't understand the meaning of the voice, the light screen gave a translation: "See you later."

[Ruan Mei]: "Metal life?"

[Screw Gum]: "This is really interesting. I really want to get to know this beetle friend."

[Black Tower]: "Brother Nangong, I'm suddenly interested in you again, that metal bug to be precise."

[Nangong Lin]: "Oh, woman, you really don't understand what a husband-chasing crematorium is."

[Kiana]: "But those monsters are really powerful. In such a short period of time, they actually adapted to the modern environment and even learned to drive."

[Alicia]: "But I'm more interested in that beetle. The words I just said about seeing you later are so cute."

[Fa Lushan]: "It is a strange thing to have a self-aware machine creation."

ps: The original god Diluc's father fought with the evil dragon and finally died using the evil eye. However, the top brass of the Knights confirmed that this was detrimental to the honor of the Knights and concealed the matter.

In anger, Diluc left the Eye of God and quit the Knights to seek revenge. However, he was beaten by the Fool Executives and almost sent him to prison. Finally, he joined the intelligence organization for training and finally returned to Mondstadt to become a righteous man.

Although those members of the Knights were eliminated, Diluc's Eye of God was put back in a vase by Kaia.

In addition, Kaia also fought with Diluc for some reason during the evil dragon attack and obtained his own Eye of God.

The black angel who protects the smile: Chapter 33, Graeme: "Here we come, brother!"

The police station and Nangong Lin worked separately, but they were never able to find the specific location of the hermit crab Gurungi.

While Ichijo Kaoru and Officer Sugita were investigating the scene, Officer Sugita's daughter called and urged her father to go home quickly.

This scene touched Ichijo Kaoru's heart a little, and he couldn't help but wonder if his mother would be a little sad. After all, there were only a few opportunities to meet her throughout the year.

But the fact is exactly the opposite. Kaoru's mother does not blame her son. Because of the unknown life form, she has no plans to meet Kaoru this year.

“If you put down your police job and go visit her husband’s grave with her, you will definitely be blamed by the child’s father.

Because what the child's father hates most is giving up halfway. "

Kaoru Ichijo was born into such a family. His parents were such great people who were willing to sacrifice themselves for others.

It was noon, and Nangong Lin and Ichijo Xun also chose a place to meet.

Both of them hadn't slept all night, and both of them were feeling a little depressed. They took advantage of this time to take a break while exchanging information.

After some conversation, the communicator on Nangong Lin's motorcycle rang. The Metropolitan Police Department had found No. 24.

The two immediately drove to the scene. During the ride, Nangong Lin also transformed directly. He turned the accelerator and passed a police car.

Although the road ahead is very congested, it is just enough for motorcycles to pass.

People in the car looked at the fiery red figure speeding past, and they all stuck their heads out and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

As soon as Kuuga's back disappeared, another metal beetle appeared, flew over everyone's heads, hovered above Kuuga's head and suddenly split apart.

After the metal beetle was completely assembled on the motorcycle, Kuuga also suddenly realized it.

"Is this what is called horse armor?"

"Yes, let's come together." (ancient pronunciation)

When he was driving this heavy motorcycle to quickly catch up with the hermit crab Grunge, the other party started to reverse directly. It was obvious that he wanted to collide with him.

If it were just the motorcycle at the beginning, everyone might think that they would definitely avoid it at this time, but it is different with the addition of this beetle.

Not only has the body become thicker and more powerful, there are also two huge spikes on the front of the car, making it look like a war weapon.

As the two cars gradually approached, everyone held their breath and concentrated for fear of missing the next wonderful moment.

There was a rapid screeching sound from the tires, and at the moment when the vehicles were about to collide, Kuuga swerved and lost his position, choosing not to collide with the dump truck.

Although he avoided the attack, Kuuga soon discovered that his motorcycle suddenly lost power and had no response no matter how he fiddled with it.

Seeing the hermit crab Gurungi driving a dump truck, Kuuga could only transform into the blue dragon form and jump directly on top of the dump truck, waiting for the opponent to come out and wait for an opportunity to attack.

As the flames of the explosion lit up, the hermit crab Grunge also ran out of the cab, looking around and shouting.

"Where have you fled to, Kuuga!" (Gurangi)

As soon as he finished speaking, the hermit crab Grunki felt a pain in his neck and lay directly on the ground. He looked at the incoming fist and reached out to catch it, and said his name.

"I am a man with a nightmare-like back, Charming Hermit Crab Key."

With that said, he threw Qinglong Kongga into the sky easily, stood up and gestured with the two huge sharp blades on his wrists, which combined with his strong body gave people a very strong sense of oppression.

Kongga didn't dare to make a big move, so he directly picked up the broken guardrail on the side, assimilated it into a blue dragon stick and used a sliding shovel to trip the opponent down.

The hermit crab Grunge screamed and fell into the debris behind. A large amount of chemical liquid was knocked to the ground, and a big explosion occurred in an instant.

After the flames of the explosion extinguished, only a pile of charred iron sheets was left at the scene.

Such a simple victory made Nangong Lin vaguely aware that something was wrong, but with such a big explosion, No. 24 should have died.

After Yiyi Xun reported the news to the headquarters, he and Nangong Lin also searched for his motorcycle.

When they found it from the charred ruins, they found that the motorcycle showed no signs of damage. Even the skin was not stained black by the explosion just now, and the appearance was still very smooth.

"It's amazing. There was no damage at all from such a huge explosion."

"Hehehe, it is the armor of a war horse after all."

"War horse armor?"

Nangong Lin looked at the Beetle motorcycle in front of him with satisfaction, and explained to Ichijo Kaoru who was confused.

"Sakura said that there was a war horse armor that looked like a beetle. I think this is the guy."

“Has the motorcycle turned into a war horse?”

"Isn't this normal? After all, there were no motorcycles in ancient times. But why can't it start all of a sudden?"

Just when Nangong Lin wanted to try to activate it again, Ichijo Kaoru stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Wait a minute, I think it's better to let someone investigate to avoid any danger."

"It'll be okay. Look, there's my Sora logo on it."

Ichijo Kaori stepped forward to check, but then his cell phone rang suddenly. After answering the call, he learned that his mother had just passed out due to overwork.

This news made Ichijo Kaoru, who was usually very calm, a little bit upset, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and continued to devote himself to work.

"Let's wait to discuss this matter later. Please give me the unlimited power for your convenience!"

"Huh? But..."

"Okay, hurry up and get her to answer the radio."

He suppressed his uneasiness, returned to the car and stared blankly ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

It seemed that at this moment, the strong and brave, calm and calm Kaoru had disappeared, leaving only a filial son who was simply worried about his mother.

But the moment the radio rang, the worried expression on his face disappeared instantly, and he returned to his work, explaining the matter of the flying object and the locomotive in a clear and logical manner.

At the police station, everyone thought that No. 24 had been killed, and Officer Suita was about to leave work to take his daughter to piano lessons.

At this time, the little policewoman also said to her husband, "What's going on?" The curtain wall Zhai Jie is timid and the people are timid.

However, the core of the americium is not the same as that of the emperor.

The black angel guarding the smile: Chapter 34, Graeme: "Not happy!"

In a crowded station, a rose girl in a dress met a bat boy who was completely covered. The two stood in the middle and talked quietly.

"The flying thing in the sky appears, and things are about to get more interesting."

"Is that thing...really, that powerful?"

In response to Bat Man's question, Rose Girl showed an unpredictable smile, and then returned to her expressionless state.

"Let's not talk about it for now, how is the hermit crab doing?"

"Not back yet."

"Then go and call the tiger."

After dispatching the mission, Rose Girl and Bat Boy passed by each other and continued to prepare for the next game.

[Himeko]: "It seems like the Gurungi have also seen that beetle, but they just don't know what the war horse will look like after being attached to it."

[Black Tower]: "Well... I was looking forward to the scene of crashing into it just now."

[March 7]: "I think it's safer to avoid it. After all, the dump truck is so big, and even with armor, you may not be able to win."

[Bronya]: "But I'm more curious about why the locomotive suddenly stopped moving."

[Sha Jin]: "Maybe it has no energy, otherwise there is no other explanation. It can't be because Mr. Nangong avoided the attack, making him feel that he was not trusted, and then he became angry."

[Screw Gum]: "Please be careful with your words, Mr. Sand Gold. Silicon-based life forms are not incapable of giving birth to things called emotions."

[Nangong Lin]: "Hiss... you remind me of someone."

At this time, people were discussing the metal beetle, which had been sent to the warehouse by researchers from the Metropolitan Police Department and inspected using various lines.

Ichijo Kaori also informed Nangong Lin’s identity as Kong Wo.

After learning of his identity, what happened? Kezhu�

Different from the thugs we met last time, this time he was a good man.

However, when I saw that the core of the americium was still intact, it was still in shape and the silk loops were still in shape and the color was cut.

"Mr. Ichijo, is she the same person as Dr. Tsubaki?"


Ichijo Kaoru didn't understand the hint in his words, because he didn't know that Dr. Tsubaki was actually a little unhealthy, or that his preferences were a little different from ordinary people.

Because Dr. Chun's criteria for choosing a girlfriend are, besides looks, the most important thing is the shape of the bones.

The fanaticism in front of me is so exciting.

But fortunately, the value of the core is very high, and the value is good. How can I cover it with pure vinegar?

But Ichijo Kaoru is a very responsible man. Seeing that things have been arranged here, he is going to return to the police station to persuade his superiors to hand over the responsibility for the ancient aircraft to him.

Nangong Lin chose to stay because the metal beetle in front of him gave him a very close feeling.

While the researchers were analyzing the reason why the metal beetle was not moving, he borrowed a mobile phone and called Sakurako Sawatari.

"Sakurako, the horse's armor really appeared."


“It’s the fragments dug out from the ruins that were aggregated into a whole and now attached to my motorcycle.

The Science and Police Research Institute is now helping with analysis. Is there any new progress on your side? "

Upon hearing this, Sakurako Sawatari also clicked on the translation interface of ancient characters and told him the message she had just translated.

"Yes, of course. In ancient times, people seemed to think that this beetle was a messenger from the gods."

"In that case, this beetle is my partner."

After Nangong Lin learned the news, the smile on his face became even brighter, and he walked to the side of the motorcycle and said softly.

"Behave well."

After returning the phone, the phone was turned on and off.

After this metal beetle covered the locomotive, the structure of the locomotive changed greatly, which is almost impossible to restore.

But Nangong Lin gave a different view, and gave an example when he transformed into a blue Kuuga, he could turn the stick on the roadside into a blue dragon stick, but after the transformation was cancelled, the green dragon stick would also turn into the original one. stick.

After Nangong Lin said this, he touched the body of the motorcycle. The next second, the originally stable data suddenly began to rise, and the entire motorcycle seemed to start to come alive in an organized manner.

This immediately left the researcher present, Monk Zhanger, at a loss as to where to start his research.

[Placer Gold]: "Oh, it seems I made the right bet."

[Latio]: "Don't be too happy. As a genius of a silicon-based life form, the king of the screw star knows this kind of existence better than you."

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