[Yae Shenzi]: "What a forbearing plot, it makes me feel like the bats can really fight back."

Unlike the mutual exclusion on the Gurongi side, Nangong Lin brought a cup of coffee to Zedu Sakurako who was working on her thesis, and asked about the progress of decrypting the ancient text.

Zedu Sakurako said that she was busy working on her thesis, and Jean went to the Jiulangyue ruins and dug out fragments with ancient texts, and is now digging with researchers.

Nangong Lin didn't understand these academic issues, but just reached out to grab the biscuits in the box greedily, but Zedu Sakurako disliked blocking the computer screen and slapped him.

Then he called out the ancient texts on the fragments sent by Jean.

"What? You have extracted them all. What does the text on it mean?"

"That's what I was going to interpret."


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The Black Angel Guarding Smile: Chapter 27, Doctor of Truth: "Healing the brain, that's what I'm good at!"

Looking at the dense ancient text on the computer screen, Zedu Sakurako leaned back in her chair, picked up the hot coffee made by Nangong Lin, and took a sip with satisfaction.

"Oh, sometimes I really wish I could have a clone to help me do these things."

Nangong Lin smiled and picked up the two bottles of Libaojian on the table that had been drunk up, and said, "I drank two bottles."

She was busy dealing with the school paper while asking Nangong Lin to interpret the content of the inscription. She was very busy now.

At this time, Ichijo Kaoru also came here and told the two that the Metropolitan Police Department had agreed to allow special talents from the public to participate in the investigation of unknown life forms, which means that Zedu Sakurako and Nangong Lin were also on the payroll.

But this also means that Sawatari Sakurako's workload has increased, that is, helping the police station investigate the special meaning of the tattoo on the human form of Gurongi.

"It seems that I have to open another clone."

Ichijo Kaoru looked at her holding the power health care in front of her in confusion, while Nangong Lin beside her smiled and explained.

"Sakurako is busy writing her master's thesis, and Jiulang Yue has also sent new ancient documents."

"I see, I'm really sorry."

After learning that the other party was so busy, Ichijo Kaoru did not stay long and left here directly, leaving Nangong Lin and Sawatari Sakurako who were talking and laughing.

Perhaps compared to the refreshing coffee and power health care, Nangong Lin's company can make this intellectual and strong woman feel more motivated.

The midday sun shines on the river, and a tourist yacht is moving slowly, but at this moment the hull is bumping, obviously like it hit something.

One of the pilots in the cabin walked out, and just as he leaned out of the guardrail, he was bitten on the neck by a piranha that jumped out of the water. He died without even a scream.

Piranha Gurongi came to the deck, first broke into the cockpit and slaughtered all the crew members, and then came to the passengers.

The originally leisurely sea sightseeing cruise ship instantly turned into a purgatory on earth.

The fangs and blades on the wrists of the piranha Gurongi were all dripping with blood. He slowly approached the crowd crowded at the stern and slowly enjoyed this feast of slaughter.

This scene was all seen by the young man who had transformed on the river bank, but the strange thing was that the young man did not call for help or call the police, but just watched the group of people being slaughtered quietly, and even showed a little joy on his face.

It was not until the piranha Gurongi left that a patrolman on a bicycle came here and found that something was wrong with the cruise ship in the river.

When the patrol officer asked the young man beside him in panic, the other party just showed a weird smile.

It was not until then that the patrol officer discovered that the young man had a strange tattoo on his neck.

After calling for help, the young man was transferred to the police station where Kaoru Ichijo was currently located, and was interrogated by Officer Shigida himself.

After some investigation, it was found that the young man's name was Junichi Chono, an unemployed vagrant, and not an unknown life form at all, but he insisted that he was an unknown life form.

Officer Shigida also didn't understand the other party's brain circuit very much, and sat in his seat and complained.

"It seems that there is a mistake. He is such a troublemaker."

"But I didn't say I wasn't."


Junichi Chono turned his head with a sloppy look, raised his chin slightly and said provocatively: "What if I really am? What are you going to do?"

"Are you kidding us?!"

Officer Shigida faced Junichi Chono's provocation and pounded the table angrily. He couldn't understand why the young man in front of him liked monsters who killed people for fun and even wanted to become one of them.

"You are just one of the stupid humans. There is nothing that unknown life forms can't do. They are just helping us to eliminate the scum in this world."

After these words came out, even an old police officer like Shigida couldn't hold back. He grabbed the other's collar directly and roared hoarsely like an angry lion.

"What did you say?! Who are you calling a worthless scum?!"

Die Ye Run was frightened and dared not speak, but because of his face and unrealistic fantasy, he still looked unruly.

[Sushang]: "Is there something wrong with this guy's brain?"

[Xing]: "I can tell at a glance that he is a kid with a late stage of Chuunibyou."

[Yukong]: "A frog in a well! So many soldiers are fighting on the front lines, and there are many people working hard to make a living. He is a street thug who does nothing. What right does he have to say that others are worthless?"

[Hanabi]: "Hmm, it's really funny. He likes Gurongi so much, why didn't he run over and make out with that fish just now?"

[Pela]: "I feel that this guy is a childish guy who doesn't work hard and likes to blame others and the world for all his mistakes.

And he has some anti-human fantasies from time to time. I suggest that he be arrested and locked up in a small dark room to teach him a lesson."

[Baishu]: "I hope that in my previous life, if I had the chance, I could cure this patient's brain."

Facts have also proved that Chono Junichi's brain is indeed different from that of normal people, and he still insists that he might be pretending to be Gurongi.

Xun Ichijo had no choice but to take him to Dr. Tsubaki, and also called Nangong Lin over, saying that he wanted to use Nangong Lin's intuition.

After the instrument test, Junichi Chono was just an ordinary human, but there was indeed a problem with his abdomen.

On the other side, the real piranha Gurongi had already set his sights on three fishermen on a small boat in the lake.

Just as the piranha Gurongi overturned the boat and was about to kill, a man on the construction site next to him accidentally cut his wrist, and blood immediately dripped into the lake and spread.

The piranha Gurongi smelled it, and after determining the source of the bloody smell, he immediately turned around and rushed quickly towards the construction site by the river.

When confirming the other party's identity, the Metropolitan Police Department also called Xun Ichijo, informing him that the piranha Gurongi had arrived at the construction site and started attacking people.

Nangong Lin also immediately rode a motorcycle to the scene and fought with the piranha Gurongi.

He easily suppressed the opponent with fighting, beat the opponent back step by step, and successfully gained the upper hand.

Realizing that he was no match for the close combat, the Piranha Gurongi immediately jumped into the air, and once again showed the elusive speed when he interfered with the Rhino Gurongi.

The Black Angel Guarding the Smile: Chapter 28, Showa's Unique Biting

Facing the high-speed thrust of the Piranha Gurongi, Kuuga could only dodge the incoming wrist blade with his intuition in the battle. Although he successfully dodged the first two attacks, he was still hit.

The wooden stick supporting the iron sheet next to him broke into two pieces, and the huge iron sheet directly pressed on him.

Piranha Gurongi stood on it, trying to overwhelm Kuuga with his weight and the iron sheet, but underestimated the power of the almighty form and was overturned.

Piranha Gurongi, who had just gotten a little advantage, fought a close combat with Kuuga again, and the result was naturally that he was easily beaten by him and thrown out with an over-the-shoulder throw.

The fight between the two became more and more intense, from the river bank to the side of the river, but he was always the one with the advantage.

Just when Kuuga seized the opponent's flaw and stood up to make a superman punch, a vague flying object suddenly appeared in his mind. It was this moment of hesitation that instantly reversed the battle.

Far away in the Jiulangyue Research Institute, Jean and Natsume Mika didn't notice the ancient fragments on the stage at all. Among them, the fragment with the green spirit stone emitted a faint light.

This directly interfered with Kuuga who was fighting, making it impossible for him to concentrate on the enemy and began to become restrained.

"What was that just now?"

Piranha Gurongi didn't care what he was thinking. He directly raised his wrist blade from the abdomen to the chest, cutting a deep wound.

The constantly emerging beetle-like flying objects made Kuuga's attack no longer fierce, and he turned from the initial active attack to a passive defense state.

The wounds on his body continued to increase, and conspicuous scars appeared on his shoulders, heart, and abdomen.

After grabbing the hands of the Piranha Gurongi, the other party did not struggle but laughed creepily, then opened his mouth to reveal his blood-stained teeth, and bit down on Kuuga's chest.

The sound of flesh being torn apart rang out, and Kuuga kicked out in pain, and then knelt down in the water because of the pain of the wound.

Piranha Gurongi was even more excited when he saw this scene, and raised the wrist blade in his hand and slowly approached.

The cold blade attacked his throat, but Kuuga's originally fiery red body instantly turned into silver-white with purple patterns.

After transforming into the Titan form, the Piranha Gurongi's wrist blade could not break his defense at all, but was knocked aside by his punch.

After transforming into the Titan form, his movement speed dropped significantly, but he was able to easily deflect the opponent's fist with his chest without any defensive posture.

Originally thought that this method could be used to defeat the opponent, but when facing the slow-moving Titan Kuuga, the Piranha Gurongi instantly thought of a way to defeat the enemy.

He flexibly dodged the Titan Kuuga's straight punch, then grabbed the arm, aimed at the part not covered by the Titan's armor, opened his mouth and bit it again. This time the effect was excellent and Kuuga fell to his knees.

But after getting used to the pain, the Titan Kuuga knocked the Piranha Gurongi away with a punch.


Ichijo Kaoru, who was watching the battle from above, shouted. When he saw Kuuga looking over here, he immediately raised his sniper rifle and aimed at the Piranha Gurongi and pulled the trigger.

The sound of gas leakage sounded in the Piranha Gurongi's abdomen, and a large amount of pungent gas sprayed out from the wound, making him bend down and cover the wound, and use his palm to fan the wind to dispel the smell in pain.

Seeing that Kuuga was about to get up, the Piranha Gurongi also chose to turn around and plunge into the river and lost his trace.

Kuuga staggered forward and chased two steps. After finding that the other party had gone far away, he could only helplessly cancel the transformation.

"Nangong, are you okay with your injury?"

Ichijo Kaoru looked at the blood that kept oozing out of Nangong Lin's arm and the long blood mark on his chest, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just a little stinging."

Hearing this answer, Ichijo Kaoru decisively took him to Dr. Tsubaki for treatment.

But when Nangong Lin arrived at the place and lifted up his clothes, he found that the wound had healed completely, even the blood scab had fallen off, and pink new flesh appeared, but obvious scars could still be seen.

"It's incredible, your wound healed too quickly."

"Isn't this good?"

Nangong Lin smiled as he looked at the healed wound, and then suddenly remembered the strange image during the battle, and immediately said to Dr. Chun in front of him with a serious face.

"By the way, when I was fighting No. 23, a strange image suddenly appeared in my mind. I don't know how to describe it, but it was the same as when I saw the belt at that time."

Dr. Chun became interested as soon as he heard it, and leaned over to Nangong Lin and smiled excitedly.

"It seems that I can only check it carefully."

After hearing what the other party said, the serious expression on Nangong Lin's face disappeared, and the faces between the two people were closer, and they smiled instead.

"No, I don't think it's that bad, and it's not that bad, so let's just leave it at that."

Dr. Tsubaki saw him refuse, and sat back down with regret.

But fortunately, at this time, Kaoru Ichijo came in and told Dr. Tsubaki that the body of a new victim had been delivered, and asked him to check it out quickly.

Just then, Nangong Lin proposed to go see Junichi Chono. Although he didn't know why, he had an impulse in his heart to meet this person and talk to him.

In this way, Kaoru Ichijo and Dr. Tsubaki came to the autopsy room to analyze the body.

There were more than a hundred bite marks on the body of the deceased, which were obviously caused by the piranha Gurongi, but there was a wound on the wrist that the deceased had accidentally scratched before.

Coincidentally, at this time, the police officer who was investigating the crime scene also learned from the three fishermen that the piranha Gurongi was originally going to attack them, but suddenly changed his mind and went to the construction site near the stream.

This news gave Kaoru Ichijo a new guess.

Nangong Lin, on the other side, was sitting opposite the bed, quietly waiting for Junichi Chono who had not yet woken up from the anesthesia, and was also thinking about the video he saw during the battle.

In Joonan University, Sawatari Sakurako was analyzing the text on the fragments. At this time, Jean, who was at the Jiulangyue ruins, called and told her that the fragments that were originally unearthed had suddenly merged together.

This situation was really strange, and Jean also directly notified the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Bureau and asked them to send someone to transport this ancient fragment that looked like a caterpillar for research.

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The Black Angel Guarding the Smile: Chapter 29, Su Shang: "The three of us just need to live a good life"

In a secluded parking lot, the human-shaped piranha Gurongi was holding his abdomen, sitting on the stairs and gasping for breath with a painful face.

And the Rose Girl also took everyone away at this time. Looking at the other party's embarrassed appearance, she immediately scolded unhappily.

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