The camp was held in the Konoha camp in the Land of Grass.

Kamiyo was setting up the tent.

Because the war here was intense, it was impossible to sleep on the bed like in the Land of Hot Springs.

All he got from the logistics department was a set of bedding, so he slept on the floor.

Kamiyo couldn't stand this.

What if a snake, insect, rat or ant crawled on him?

What if he turned over and fell to the floor while sleeping?

Kamiyo's ninjutsu is 'Suffering for others but not for himself! '

What? Isn't Kamiyo's ninjutsu 'Only by enduring what ordinary people can't endure can you obtain what ordinary people can't obtain! '?

Ninja is dead, people are alive, and we must learn to be flexible.

So Kamishiro used the materials given by Jiraiya to build a bed.

It was stable, and he laid on the bed with bedding, which was very comfortable, just like a vacation.

Kamishiro took out paper and pen again, but this time he didn't write a letter, which he couldn't send, but drew.

As a puppet maker, Kamishiro's painting skills are first-class.

Kamishiro drew three extremely abstract paintings.

Each one is fat and big, which brings abstract art to the extreme.

And these three paintings correspond to Rasa, Chiyo and Ebizo respectively.

Mainly because Kamishiro had never seen these three people, so Kamishiro drew them based on the memory in his mind.

And the purpose of Kamishiro drawing these three paintings is to spur himself on. It was these three culprits that made him inexplicably become a traitor.

"Fuck, stop pretending!"

Kamishiro broke the three newly drawn paintings with three punches.

What kind of spur is this? It's just for venting anger!

"It's not good. When I have time, I'll make three puppets to vent my anger. This is the good thing about puppeteers. If you want to vent your anger, just do it yourself."

Kamiyo breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was not good, it was a little more comfortable.

"Kamiyo, I'm here to visit! Hey, how come you have a bed?"

Obito came to Kamiyo's tent and was very surprised to see a bed in the tent.

Kamiyo rolled his eyes up: "Can't you just go get one yourself?"

"Really? Did I miss a bed just now? Then I'll go get one now!"

Obito came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Kamiyo shook his head: "Stupid human~"

Half an hour later, Obito came back angrily: "Kamiyo, you lied to me! There is no bed at all!"

Kamiyo leaned on the bed, crossed his legs, looked at the scroll of scientific knowledge in his hand, and said nonchalantly: "I didn't say that the logistics department can get a bed!"

Obito's face flushed: "You clearly told me to get one! Do you know how embarrassed I am? A group of people looked at me like a fool! I'm so embarrassed!"

Kamiyo glanced at Obito, who was so angry that his face turned red, and said calmly: "I asked you to get one, I didn't tell you to go to the logistics department to get one~"

Obito bit his teeth and glared at Kamiyo.

Finally, Obito made an unexpected move for Kamiyo.

Obito jumped and jumped directly onto Kamiyo's bed.

Now Kamiyo was anxious: "What are you doing, Obito!"

Obito said very shamelessly: "What am I doing? I'll sleep here! Unless you go get me a bed!"

"There is no bed, I made this bed! Get down quickly!"

Kamiyo pushed Obito, but Obito just held on to the edge of the bed tightly and refused to let go.

"I don't care! I don't care whether you do it or get it, since you said so, you have to give it to me!"

Now it was Kamiyo's turn to blush: "Hey! I'll do it for you, okay! You get down first!"

Looking at Kamiyo's blushing face, Obito felt very happy.

But Obito didn't fall for it: "You do it first, then I'll get down! Otherwise, this bed will be mine!"

Kamiyo looked at Obito in disbelief.

How did he suddenly become smart?

Originally, Kamiyo wanted to trick Obito down, but he didn't expect that he didn't succeed this time.

Kamiyo pushed Obito twice more, but Obito held on tightly and refused to let go. Kamiyo also accepted his fate.

If I had known, I would not have teased Obito.

It doesn't take much effort to make a bed anyway, so just make one.

The bed for Obito was soon made.

Kamiyo said to Obito who was still on his bed unhappily: "It's done, get off my bed!"


Obito got off the bed with a somersault, looked around the bed that Kamiyo had just made, and his face was already full of smiles.

"I forgive you!"

After saying that, Obito picked up the bed and ran away.

Kamiyo was stunned. He didn't even say thank you.

One sentence, and even said shamelessly that he forgave him, who could stand this!

However, Obito had already disappeared, and Kamishiro couldn't vent his anger.

Kamishiro cursed and returned to bed to continue reading.

The next day.

While Kamishiro was still sleeping, Jiraiya and Minato Namikaze had already gone to the combat command room to find Nara Shikaku.

Nara Shikaku said with a serious expression: "Master Jiraiya, Minato, I will give you a task next!"

Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato also nodded with a serious expression: "Shikaku, just say it!"

Nara Shikaku said in a deep voice: "Next, you two will be a team and fight independently. The end time of the mission is unknown. In other words, you two will be on a long-term mission alone, maybe a month, maybe several months, and you need to survive on your own.

And your mission is to go deep into the enemy's rear, act on your own, cut off the enemy's supply or sneak attack the enemy's troops, it's up to you to decide, I need you to put enough pressure on them.

This mission can only be done by you, Minato, who is very mobile. Master Jiraiya will assist Minato from the side. If you can get intelligence, please pass it to us as soon as possible."

Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato accepted the task and said at the same time: "Understood!"

Namikaze Minato said to Nara Shikaku: "Shikaku, my team There is a special person among them, called Kamishiro, he is the magnetic ninja bloodline limit ninja, he is with Kakashi and others, please take care of them a little more. "

Nara Shikaku was surprised: "So the magnetic ninja is following you, Minato, can you trust him?"

Namikaze Minato nodded and said: "Yes, and Kakashi and others will also watch Kamishiro."

Nara Shikaku promised Minato Namikaze: "I know, I will take care of your students and the magnetic ninja, then Minato, Jiraiya, you can set off at any time after you prepare. "

After leaving the combat command room, Minato Namikaze said to Jiraiya: "Teacher Jiraiya, after I pack up, I will go to Kakashi and others to explain, and then I will come to you. "

"Okay, I will wait for you at the entrance of the base later."

Jiraiya and Minato Namikaze acted separately. Minato Namikaze actually didn't have anything to pack. After all, he just came to the base yesterday and brought the necessary equipment for the battle.

After getting ready, Minato Namikaze went to the tent where Kamishiro, Kakashi and the other two were.

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