The three generations of the Kazekage gave Kamishiro two choices, one was to go undercover in Konoha, and the other was to be imprisoned in the heavy penalty prison of the Sand Village as a deserter.

Kamishiro looked at the three generations of the Kazekage in disbelief.

If he didn't go, he would be imprisoned in the heavy penalty prison of the Sand Village.

The heavy penalty prison in the Sand Village is no joke, it is a very scary place.

The heavy penalty prison is inside a mountain, there are no independent cells inside, and all prisoners are imprisoned together.

And because the Sand Village is short of supplies, and it is now considered wartime, there is no food for the prisoners inside.

So... the prisoners inside will eat people.

His little arms and legs went to a heavy prison, and he was eaten up the next day.

The Third Kazekage is a very strong person, and it is very likely that he will really put him in.

If he doesn't want to go, he has to show his bargaining chip.

Then Kamishiro must reveal his strength, because Kamishiro only has this bargaining chip.

But in this case, Kamishiro must go to the front line.

Kamishiro has never been to a ninja school, and he has learned ninjutsu completely by himself, and has never been in actual combat, so although Kamishiro is strong, he can't fight at all.

Compared with being an undercover in Konoha, it may be more dangerous to go to the front line battlefield.

Kamishiro asked puzzledly: "Uncle Kuito, why me, there should be someone more suitable than me, right?"

Seeing Kamishiro ask this, the Third Kazekage understood that Kamishiro had basically agreed.

The Third Kazekage shook his head and said, "No, you are the most suitable person in the entire Sand Village, because you stay at home all day and night, and basically no one in the entire Sand Village knows you, and you have a bloodline limit, and more importantly, you are from the same clan as me, and you are very loyal."

Kamiyo pursed his lips.


The Third Kazekage made a mistake.

It's good enough that he doesn't act like a traitor.

The third Kazekage said solemnly: "Kamiyo, I know you are very scared, but this matter must be done by you. First of all, this undercover must be very low-key in the village. Although this plan is not a secret undercover, Konoha will know that you are from the Sand Village, but the less the villagers know, the better.

Since Konoha will know that you are from the Sand Village, the candidate for this undercover must be able to arouse Konoha's interest. Ordinary ninjas will definitely not work. There must be something special about them.

You also know the situation in our village. Konoha doesn't even look down on powerful ninjutsu, secret techniques, and even our proud puppetry techniques. Therefore, the only thing that can attract Konoha's attention is bloodline limit."

Kamiyo said incredulously: "Konoha will know that it is someone from the Sand Village? Then why would Konoha let someone from the Sand Village enter Konoha?"

The third Kazekage told Kamiyo about Ebizo's plan.

Kamishiro said with a strange look on his face: "In other words, you are using me as a trading item to deceive Konoha? Is that possible?"

The Third Kazekage replied: "The entire village of Konoha must be on alert now, so it is impossible to enter Konoha in a conventional way, so the probability of success of this plan is very high.

Konoha does not have a ninja with magnetic ninjutsu bloodline limit, and does not know much about magnetic ninjutsu bloodline limit. In order to fill this gap, as long as it is confirmed that you are fine, Konoha should accept you and will not let you die."

Kamiyo worriedly said: "What if they dissect me as a guinea pig for research?"

The Third Kazekage comforted: "You can rest assured about this. I said that Konoha does not have a ninja with magnetic ninjutsu bloodline limit. If they get you, it means that Konoha has the first magnetic ninjutsu bloodline limit. You may be treated as a treasure.

After all, bloodline limit is a technique that can only be inherited by blood relationship through genes, and your offspring will have a chance to awaken magnetic escaping bloodline limit. "

Kamiyo's face became more and more strange: "Does this mean that you want to use me as a reproductive tool? That's not okay. If there is no emotional foundation, that kind of thing will not be happy!"

The third generation of Kazekage said with a dark face: "You kid, do you really want to pass on the family line to Konoha?"

Kamiyo touched his nose awkwardly: "No, no, I don't have this idea..."

The third generation of Kazekage continued: "After the plan is successful, you just need to treat yourself as a Konoha person, and show the hatred of the Sand Village for treating you as a trading item. Whatever the people of Konoha ask you to do, you do it, and do everything possible to gain their trust.

And your mission is to find out Konoha's intelligence, ninjutsu, secret techniques, etc.

In the plan

When I start executing, I will perform a trigger-type brain-sand manipulation technique on your brain to deal with Konoha's memory prying.

Brain-sand manipulation is a ninjutsu that inserts a very small needle through the memory center of the human brain to seal the target's memory.

Don't worry, after the technique is released, the needle will disappear and the memory will be restored.

After Konoha peeks into your memory, the brain-sand manipulation will be automatically lifted. "

Kamiyo shuddered.

Oh my god, piercing a needle into the brain, this is terrifying to think about.

And he makes a living with his brain. What if he accidentally shakes his hand and becomes an idiot in the future?

Kamiyo requested: "Uncle Kuto, maybe Konoha won't peek into my brain's memory? So forget about this brain-sand manipulation. "

The Third Kazekage shook his head and said, "No, this technique is necessary. Since Konoha knows that you are from the Sand Village, they will definitely spy on your memory. This is certain, so this is also for your safety. Don't worry, I am very skilled in this technique, so you don't need to worry, and it will only seal your memory after today, and your past memories will not be forgotten."

Kamiyo complained in his heart.

How could he not worry? It was not him who had the emotional needle piercing his head, so he didn't have to worry about it.

The Third Kazekage continued, "When the full-scale war starts, we will find an opportunity to invade Konoha. At that time, you will lead us and plunder Konoha. At the same time, I will give you a ninja hawk. You will make a spiritual contract with the ninja hawk. If you get any information about Konoha in the future, notify me through the ninja hawk as soon as possible.

Finally, only I know your undercover identity, and no one else in the entire Sand Village knows it. You can rest assured..."

The Third Kazekage was interrupted by Kamishiro before he finished speaking: "Uncle Kuito, you said that you are the only one who knows my undercover identity? "

The Third Kazekage asked in confusion: "Huh? What's wrong?"

"No, no, no!" Kamishiro said three "no"s in a row: "Uncle Kuito, I must let other people know my undercover identity, otherwise, I won't go even if you kill me!"

In Kamishiro's memory, the Third Kazekage was killed by Scorpion during the Third Ninja World War and turned into a human puppet.

If the Third Kazekage is the only one who knows his undercover identity, if he dies, then wouldn't he, the undercover, become a complete illegal?

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