The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

Carlot slashed at Kamiyo with a knife, but he didn't expect that Kamiyo was actually a Sand Iron clone.

Kamiyo's voice sounded above.

"Idiot, how could I put myself in danger!"

At this time, Kamiyo was standing on the trunk of the tree.

Kamiyo had already made a seal and opened his palm to aim at Carlot.

"Magnetic escape: Sand Iron coffin!"

Kamiyo used the Sand Iron clone to release the Sand Iron that fell to the ground and attacked Carlot at a very fast speed.

Although Carlot reacted quickly and dodged immediately, he was too close to the Sand Iron on the ground.

Kamiyo manipulated the iron sand to successfully wrap around Carrot's ankle.

Carrot's body lost balance and fell to the ground.

The iron sand spread rapidly on Carrot's body.

Carrot was shocked and roared at Rumoda who was still hiding: "Rumoda, what are you doing! I asked you to follow me, why are you still hiding? Do you want to see me die?!"

Rumoda's eyelids jumped.

So this is what Carrot meant when he nodded to him before.

"Shadow Thunder Stab!"

Rumoda burst out lightning all over his body, used lightning to stimulate his body, and rushed towards Carrot.

Rumoda wanted to use the ninja sword to cut the iron sand covering Carrot.

And Kamiyo would naturally not just watch Rumoda rescue Carrot.

Kamiyo took out three kunai and threw them at Rumoda.

Rumoda, who was now extremely fast, jumped sideways three times and easily dodged the three kunai thrown by Kamiyo.

Rumoda quickly rushed to Carrot, raised the ninja sword in his hand, and prepared to cut it down.

Carrot closed his eyes and dared not move, for fear that Rumoda would cut it wrong.

However, Carrot did not wait for Rumoda's slash, but heard Rumoda's muffled groan.

Carrot opened his eyes and looked at Rumoda, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?!"

Rumoda's expression was ferocious, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Three kunai were stabbed into his back.

Kamiyo immediately controlled Kanna Tsuki and rushed towards Rumoda, slashing at Rumoda with the ninja sword in his hand.

Rumoda didn't care about his injuries and immediately blocked with his sword.

But the change happened again.

After Kannazuki's ninja sword slashed down vertically and was blocked by Rumoda's horizontal sword, the blade suddenly stretched out and pierced Rumoda's throat.

Rumoda covered his neck and moved his mouth to say something, but he didn't say a word. He fell to the ground and twitched a few times, and lost his life.

Carrot was stunned when he saw this sudden scene.

Why, why did Rumoda's back suddenly get hit by three kunai?

There was no fifth person around, who threw these three kunai?

The three kunai that pierced Rumoda's back were naturally the masterpiece of Kamiyo.

And these three kunai were thrown by Kamiyo and avoided by Rumoda.

As for why the kunai came back and pierced Rumoda's back, it was because Kamiyo performed the Magnetization Technique before throwing the kunai.

After using the Magnetism Release and Magnetization Technique, Kamiyo can magnetize the things he touches, and can also transfer the magnetization from the things he touches to other objects, and then use magnetism to attack the enemy.

Just now, Kamiyo touched the kunai, making it magnetic.

And because Kamiyo performed the Magnetism Release and Magnetization Technique, he himself has magnetism.

So after the three kunai were dodged by Rumota, Kamiyo used the magnetism of his body to attract the three kunai back and stab them into Rumota's back.

Finally, using Kanna Tsuki's ninja sword, he unexpectedly extended the blade and stabbed Rumota's neck, successfully eliminating Rumota.

Kakashi looked at Kamiyo in astonishment.

Kakashi didn't expect that Kamiyo, who decided to fight, had a high combat IQ.

At this time, Carrot's whole body was covered with sand iron, and it was difficult for Carrot to breathe because he was wrapped in high-density sand iron.

Kamiyo stretched out his palm again and aimed at Carrot.

"Magnetic Release: Sand and Iron Funeral!"

The sand and iron wrapped around Carrot squeezed inwards, and a muffled sound of broken bones was heard.

Carrot was crushed to death by the sand and iron.

The three Kumo Ninjas were killed by Kamiyo.

Kamiyo wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead, took a deep breath and said, "It was an extremely difficult battle!"


Kakashi, Obito and Nohara Rin were speechless.

Look at Kamiyo.

Is it difficult?

No matter how you look at this battle, it shouldn't be difficult for Kamiyo, right?

It was almost a crushing victory from the beginning to the end, how could it be difficult?

Kakashi already had a clear and rough understanding of Kamiyo's strength.

If Kamiyo didn't want to run away, fighting like now, he would definitely have the strength of a jonin.

Among these three Kumo ninjas, only one is an elite chunin, and the other two are chunin. Facing Kamiyo with the strength of a jonin, they are definitely no match.

And if Kamiyo wanted to run away, it is uncertain what strength he could display.

Kamishiro came to the nearest Obito, looked at Obito's swollen cheeks, and said with an expression that was hard to describe: "Obito, you look so ugly now, like a melon."

Obito said unhappily: "You are the melon! If you had come to help earlier, we wouldn't have been injured."

Kamiyo immediately retorted: "I don't take the blame for this. It was Kakashi who said to retreat. I just followed Kakashi's orders!"

Obito rolled his eyes at Kamishiro, then ran to Kakashi and asked Nohara Rin: "Rin, how is Kakashi?"

Nohara Rin looked at Kakashi's injuries worriedly and said: "Kakashi's injuries are a bit serious. I can only give Kakashi emergency treatment now to stop the bleeding temporarily. The subsequent treatment can only be carried out after returning to the base."

Kamiyo also came to Kakashi Seeing Kakashi's miserable state, he remembered what Kakashi said just now that they were surrounded by the Cloud Ninjas, and said anxiously: "Rin, have you dealt with it? Run away quickly. It will be over if the Cloud Ninjas surround us."

Nohara Rin nodded and said: "It has been dealt with."

Kamiyo directly commanded Obito: "Obito, you carry Kakashi on your back, let's run away quickly!"

Obito pointed at himself in disbelief: "Hey, I'm injured too, Kamiyo, you are not injured, can't you carry me?"

Kamiyo said confidently: "Me? I'm overdrawn in chakra now, exhausted, hurry up, stop talking nonsense, if you don't leave, I will run away first and ignore you!"

"What? You are talking so loudly, how can you look like you are overdrawn in chakra."

Obito had a dark face, complained, and carried Kakashi on his back.

Kakashi said weakly, "Let's retreat quickly. I've asked Guluk to report the intelligence to the base. Master Jiraiya and his men should have already taken action."

Kamiyo, Obito, and Nohara Rin carried Kakashi on their backs and rushed towards the Konoha base.

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