The eagle was sleeping soundly, but it was still sleeping soundly.

Kakashi and Nohara Rin woke up when the ninja eagle was howling in the woods.

The main reason was that the ninja eagle's howling was too obvious, as if it was afraid that it would not wake them up.

But it really couldn't wake them up. Look at Kamishiro sleeping like a dead pig, and the ninja eagle flew over and pecked his head. It was obvious that it had no other choice but to take the risk of pecking his head.

It was really hard for the ninja eagle to have a master like Kamishiro.

And Kamishiro was now unwrapping the letter not far away and reading it.

The first sentence made Kamishiro very angry.

"Is there anyone like him? I've been tortured! He told me to endure the torture?! Is there any humanity? Who wants to be a hero? Who wants to be a hero? If you don't think it's more dangerous to go to the battlefield than to be an undercover agent, then why would you do that?"

Kamiyo angrily threw the letter in his hand to the ground and stomped on it several times.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the ninja eagle was afraid that the angry Kamishiro would really stew it and eat it, so he flew away quickly.

Obito, who was sleeping soundly, woke up directly: "Who? Who is shouting? Is there an enemy?"

Nohara Rin covered her eyes and couldn't bear to see.

Kamishiro's roar woke Obito up, and you can see how loud Kamishiro's voice was.

As an undercover agent, do you really not care about them at all?

Kakashi whispered, "Hey, Obito, don't expose yourself!"

Obito looked at Kakashi blankly, "What do you mean by exposed?"

Minato Namikaze heard the footsteps, and before he could explain to Obito, he hit Obito's head with a stone.

Obito rolled his eyes and fainted.

Minato Namikaze, Kakashi, and Rin Nohara immediately closed their eyes and pretended to sleep.

Kamiyo returned to the place where he had just been lying angrily. When he thought of the content of the letter just now, he was furious.

Is his safety not important at all?

Although there is no affection, they are still related.

Kamiyo was so angry that he couldn't sleep, and it was dawn.

The ‘awakened’ Namikaze Minato opened his eyes, looked at Kamiyo who was still sulking with his eyes open and said: “You woke up so early, Kamiyo.”

Kamiyo forced a smile. Although he was angry, he had to protect his life well and couldn’t give Minato Namikaze a cold shoulder.

“Yes, I’m going to see the Hokage soon. I’m super excited!”

Namikaze Minato smiled delicately: “Really? Then you can see him today. Kakashi, wake up Obito, and then we’ll set off.”

Kakashi walked up to Obito who was still sleeping, grabbed Obito’s collar and lifted him up: “Hey, wake up!”

Obito gradually woke up while Kakashi shook him desperately.

Obito looked at Kakashi blankly: "Ah, it's Kakashi... No, last night..."

Obito was about to say something, but Kakashi glared at him with murderous eyes: "Nothing happened last night. Now we have to hurry up, pack up and get going!"

In order to prevent Obito from saying something that would cause Kamiyo to misunderstand, Namikaze Minato also said: "Okay, hurry up and get going. Kamiyo really wants to see the Sandaime, so don't waste time. If you return to Konoha earlier, Kamiyo will be able to get what he wants earlier, right? Kamiyo."

Kamiyo laughed dryly: "Yes, yes, I wish I were already in Konoha now."

After everyone packed up, they got on the road again and headed for Konoha.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Obito stretched and said, "Well, I'm finally back. It feels like the last time I came back to Konoha is the same as the last time."

Feeling something was wrong, Nohara Rin savored Obito's words and said strangely, "Obito, what you said... sounds like you said it or not."

Kakashi complained directly, "It's just nonsense."

Kamiyo looked at the gate of Konoha in front of him, and gave him a completely different feeling from the gate of Sand Village.

The gate of Sand Village looked tattered due to the erosion of wind and sand.

And the gate of Konoha looked very majestic and domineering.

Minato Namikaze said with a smile, "Okay, let's go in."

Kamiyo followed Minato Namikaze and Kakashi and entered Konoha smoothly.

After arriving at the streets of Konoha, because there were too many people, Kamiyo felt uncomfortable all over, his hands and feet were stiff, and he felt at a loss.

But Konoha and Sand Village are really two extremes.

The poor are poor to death, and the rich are rich to death.

No wonder the Sand Village covets Konoha so much.

The aroma wafting from those food shops makes the gods

Shidai kept swallowing.

Minato Namikaze noticed that Kamiyo looked a little strange, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you, Kamiyo?"

Kamiyo swallowed and said: "I, I'm fine, there are just too many people, I'm not used to it."

Obito asked in confusion: "Are you... socially anxious?"

Kamiyo puffed up his chest and retorted: "No, how could it be, how could I be socially anxious! When I was in the Sand Village, I was known as a social gangster!"

Then Kamiyo wiped the sweat from his forehead and arched his back slightly: "It's just... I haven't seen so many people in the Sand Village, so I'm a little uncomfortable."

Minato Namikaze remembered the memory that Yamanaka Aichi had discovered about Kamiyo.

Kamiyo seemed to have lived alone since he was a child and never went out.

Combined with Kamiyo's panic, nervous and unnatural expression, blushing, accelerated heartbeat, and not daring to look at people, Obito might have guessed correctly that Kamiyo should be socially anxious.

Namikaze Minato noticed that Kamishiro was looking at a shop selling tempura, and he swallowed several times.

Namikaze Minato smiled and said, "Since we are already in Konoha, let's have dinner before going to see the Sandaime. There is no need to rush. I will treat you. How about tempura?"

When Kamishiro heard that Namikaze Minato wanted to treat him, and the food he wanted to eat was tempura, he immediately said, "Okay, okay, thank you, Minato-sama, you spent money!"

"It's okay, let's go."

Namikaze Minato took Kamishiro, Kakashi and the other two into the shop and found a private room.

Namikaze Minato handed the menu to Kamiyo: "Here, order whatever you want."

Kamiyo looked at Namikaze Minato's eyes and they became sparkling: "Can I really order whatever you want?"

Namikaze Minato nodded with a smile and said: "Of course, order whatever you want."

Namikaze Minato was not worried that Kamiyo would eat a lot. After all, how much can a child of about ten years old eat?

However, Namikaze Minato's calm face gradually became unsustainable.

"Ten portions of sea bream tempura to fill my teeth first."

"Ten portions of oyster tempura."

"Hey, crab tempura looks delicious too, fifteen portions."


Namikaze Minato's eyes twitched, and he wanted to take back what he had just said, "eat whatever you want."

Why does this kid start with ten portions for everything! Who orders like this?

This is definitely a rip-off.

Kakashi and the other two were also dumbfounded. How could he eat so much?

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