What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 79 Making A Fortune By Touching Corpses

"You were killed by a mental attack, mental +300!"

"You draw strength from death and gain 150 free attribute points!"

"You will be resurrected in three seconds!"

"The resurrection location is not set, and the default is to resurrect in place!"

In an instant, Song Shi's mental attributes increased by 300 points!

It can be said that it goes beyond the ordinary Foundation Building Stage.

But he was not happy at all, but very frightened.

Hundreds of times the reward, this is the gold core king level!

If they find that he cannot die, others will definitely not mind capturing him and studying him.

With this kind of existence, even if he had a Fire Python Talisman in his hand that could match the strike of Gold Core, he would just struggle for a while, and the result would not change much.

So after his resurrection, he remained motionless and continued to pretend to be dead, not daring to make any movement at all.

In order to prevent the fluctuations of his soul from being detected, he even used the method of lunar contemplation, imagining himself as a stone without any breath fluctuations.

In the gray mist, the old man in linen robes, sitting in a small boat fishing, didn't pay much attention to the situation of an ant.

After killing it, he stopped caring about it and continued fishing for the purest soul here.

"The soul of the young monk is still strong and fat, and he can have a feast when he returns."

The old man murmured to himself and glanced at Old Man Dou: "This old fish's soul is dying."

Old Man Dou was despised by this man because he was about to expire, but he escaped death on the spot.

"Master, why don't you take away the soul of this woman, Chen Yiling? She has a Spirit Communication sword body, so her soul must be good."

In the boat, Chen Ming looked at the woman below with a respectful look, his eyes were filled with hatred, and he suggested.

"This little girl is the apprentice of Tianluo Sword King. I don't want to make that madman go crazy because of a young soul, so let them kill each other in the nightmare. Just die."

The old man did not catch Chen Yiling's soul.

In the world of spiritual practice, capturing people's souls is more abominable than killing people.

Chen Yiling and Changsun Ji, two people with backgrounds, could die here, but if they try to catch their souls, they will basically die without stopping.

"My Heavenly Demon Temple is so powerful and full of talents, do I still need to be afraid of them?"

Chen Ming was a little unwilling.

"A dead camel is bigger than a horse. If we really have an absolute advantage, why should we use conspiracy?"

The old man looked sarcastic: "Besides, only by living can we rise in troubled times. Our life is our destiny, so don't commit suicide. For example, there was no need for you to commit suicide in the first place, and you wouldn't be like this."

"Disciple has learned a lesson!"

Chen Ming showed regret.

"It's almost dawn, and the fishing is about the same. Let's go, meet the people in the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains, and wipe them out in one fell swoop."

In the courtyard, because Song Shi pretended to be dead, Changsun Ji and Wuyingwei saw that he was motionless and turned around to kill others.

Song Shi pretended to be dead and had nothing to do, and opened the system panel to check.

Race: Human race

Spirit: 634

Constitution: 735

Comprehension: 96

Talents: Supreme Grade Fire Spiritual Root, Supreme Grade Golden Spiritual Root, Transparent Dao Heart, Low Grade Diamond Body

Abilities: Iron Sand Palm (Perfection), Dragon Elephant Technique (Introduction to Part 1), Yang Yang Technique (Eighth Level), Xiaoyao Shou (Perfection), Phantom Step (Perfection), Nine Yang Divine Art (Middle of the Second Level), Formation (Introductory 24), Fireball Technique (Perfection), Wild Wind Sword (Dacheng), Heavy Rain Knife (Dacheng), Yin Yang Secret Technique (Xiao Cheng), Taiyin Concept (Introduction), Light Body Technique (Introduction)

Energy: Nine Yang True Power (590)

Free attribute points: 155

Lucky Draw Chances: 0

The reward for death this time is a bit fierce, directly giving 300 points of mental attributes and 150 points of freedom.

Directly improve his backward mental attributes to a state that is not much different from his physical attributes.

This kind of mental power is probably beyond the reach of ordinary Foundation Building monks.

Song Shi's perception is much sharper, and he can detect a powerful aura outside even without using his spiritual sense to detect it.

This aura still made him feel dangerous.

"It won't be that easy to destroy my soul if I think of another thought this time!"

Song Shi thought secretly, but didn't dare to try.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is that life is worse than death.

This old man must not be discovered.

"The spirit and physique are relatively matched. The gap of 100 points can be caught up by practicing Taiyin Concept. The free attribute points can continue to be used for understanding and speed up the practice of Divine Ability."

After thinking about it, he increased his understanding by 155 points to 251 points. His whole mind was extremely clear and he felt like he was about to merge into the world.

While adapting to nearly doubled mental power and more than doubled understanding, he pretended to be dead and waited for the old guy in the sky to leave.


The morning breeze blew by, and the fog outside slowly dispersed.

Sensing that the terrifying aura finally disappeared, Song Shi felt a little more relaxed.

But he still didn't dare to mess around.

What if someone pretends to leave and then suddenly kills someone back?

However, it is worth the risk to act appropriately and explore the situation.

He immediately took out a silver talisman.

After activation, a circle of transparent ripples spreads, the nearby light dims, and the whole person disappears under this ripple.

"Although it is effective under Gold Core, as long as I don't wander around in front of others, they won't notice me."

Song Shi used the lightening technique to walk out of the broken house silently and without a trace.

The gray fog disappeared, leaving only a little morning mist.

There are no boats or old men in the sky.

He did not easily use his spiritual consciousness to explore, and understood the situation through his eyes and ears.

There were sounds of fighting outside. Some sleepwalking people were fighting with their group, and most of them had fallen dead in a pool of blood.

At the exit of Zhuangzi, Wuchenzi, Changsunji and Wuyingwei frantically attacked Chen Yiling, Old Man Dou and others.

The first three were in a sleepwalking state, while the last few were awake, but it was difficult to resist.

After all, Wuyingwei is a monk of the Transcendent Foundation Building. Even if Changsun Ji doesn't take action, Chen Yiling and the others will hardly be their opponents.

"Senior Brother Wuchenzi, are you still awake? If you continue, we will all die!"

Chen Yiling shouted anxiously, but unfortunately Wuchenzi was just like a wooden man, he only kept attacking.

Only Changsun Ji was laughing, "Chen Yiling, you still dare to attack me in your dream, let's see if I don't kill you!"

He smiled ferociously: "In my dream, you must listen to me. It doesn't matter if your master is the Tianluo Sword King, or if he is the punishment officer of the Demon Slayer Division. I will take off your clothes later and see if you still pretend to be me." Don’t pretend, haha!”

Song Shi couldn't help but take another look at this guy, wondering why he was the only one who could talk.

Suddenly, he found a gem on his chest that was glowing.

Maybe it was this thing that made the other person not completely controlled and thought he was dreaming.

Song Shi didn't pay much attention, and his eyes fell on the many corpses on the ground.

Some of these dead people were from another team, but most of them were monks from their own team.

He grinned, not interested in showing off for the time being.

There's nothing going on now. It shouldn't be a problem for him to pick up some things.

He approached the acquired Martial Artist who had lost his head in the narrator's garden, put away the sword that had fallen aside, and then took out a cloth bag on his chest, which contained a large stack of banknotes and many pills.

"Hey, it's so pitiful. I haven't even earned the Innate Pill yet, and I've lost my life on the way."

Song Shi sighed and said to himself: "Old brother, I will accept your things and bury your body later so that you don't die in the wilderness. These relics will be my reward."

He murmured in his heart and began to touch corpses to make a fortune with peace of mind.

With the effect of the invisibility charm, and it was not completely dawn at this moment, Chen Yiling and the others were trying their best to protect themselves, but they had no time to notice that there was something missing from the corpse in the darkness.

ps: Thanks to Tang Gou Buweiren and I miss you for the reward!

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