"That means it's the core world. If you can control it, you should be able to take advantage."

Wuyou affirmed: "The level of these worlds is not high. Most of them are small worlds. There must be a Great World above them."

"Control the small world first, and then go to the Great World."

Song Shi is not in a hurry: "Besides, maybe after some time, there will be creatures that can reincarnate into this Great World that represents the way of gods."

"Be careful. This world corresponds to the Way of the Gods. There are basically gods in it. They will be much stronger and may find you."

Worry-free reminders.


Song Shi will naturally be cautious. What he is doing now is so subtle that it will not be as effective if he is noticed.

He continued to wait, not interfering with reincarnation, and not taking the initiative to find the world where the Celestial Way was.

Wuyou intensified his efforts to destroy different reincarnation worlds, and a large number of creatures were devoured by their vitality and died.

Song Shi took the opportunity to crack the seal of reincarnation. As the number of reincarnated creatures increased greatly, these creatures were thrown into different worlds according to specific reincarnation rules, which greatly increased the scope of Song Shi's infection.

Not long after, hundreds of worlds had Song Shi's power, and the reincarnated creatures were like viruses, beginning to infect other creatures in the world.

With the spread of the virus, the world controlled by Song Shi skyrocketed again, quickly breaking through 100, and covering most of the world of reincarnation with its power.

The reincarnation of many living beings follows certain rules. The soul will be brought to the reincarnation space by the power of heaven, and then assigned to different reincarnation paths and different worlds according to the situation.

The reincarnation space is the core of the reincarnation of heaven. When Song Shi had limited authority before, he did not dare to invade his consciousness here. After he controlled most of the world, Song Shi became bolder.

His thoughts possessed the reincarnation seal, and he was led to the reincarnation space by the reincarnation heaven along with a dead soul.

This place is like a machine center that allocates souls for reincarnation. The environment is dark, like the underworld.

The space here is vast, and densely packed souls gather together. Some of the beaten souls only have their true souls left, like fireflies, while the remaining conscious souls are like walking corpses, drifting uncontrollably towards the land of reincarnation.

Beyond the long road where souls are formed, there is a huge demon and snake patrolling.

Song Shi's consciousness possessed one of the souls, and he observed these things in surprise, "Is this the legendary underworld? The legends on earth are probably related to this place."

He began to observe secretly and found that this place was still different from the underworld. There were no Ten Palaces of Hell, Judges of Water and Fire, etc. It was simply a place of reincarnation, leaning towards machines.

Even the patrolling cow ghosts and snake gods have no subjective consciousness, they are purely transformed by the way of reincarnation.

After the different souls were sorted out, their soul bodies were cut off, leaving the true soul to start a new reincarnation. They were cruel and ruthless, let alone divided according to merit, good and evil.

"Perhaps, this was the underworld in the past, but then reincarnation collapsed and the underworld disappeared, leaving only the mechanical reincarnation program, but this is more efficient."

Song Shi thought to herself, feeling a little moved when she felt that many souls nearby were not infected by her.

"Forget it, this is the core of the reincarnation world. It's better not to take risks. It's safer to wait until they reincarnate before attacking."

Song Shi resisted the idea of ​​cracking and replacing other reincarnation marks and only studied this special space.

As the soul moved forward, Song Shi saw the huge six-path reincarnation disk. Each part in the disk leads to a different world, and a clearer reincarnation of heaven is evolving in it.

These powers will erase the memory of the soul and deepen the mark of reincarnation. Many creatures will never be able to escape reincarnation.

For Song Shi, this place helps him further understand the heavenly way of reincarnation and understand the operation of reincarnation. It also marks the beginning of his penetration into the core of reincarnation.

Song Shi was very cautious and only studied the surrounding situation as the soul of the creature moved forward. He did not take the initiative to do anything. After the soul was reincarnated, he replaced it with a newly deceased creature.

As he gained a deeper understanding of the reincarnation space, power began to spread here, of course, still secretly.

With hundreds of millions of beings reincarnating, Song Shi finally met a soul that could enter the divine way. He immediately made all preparations to follow him and start reincarnation.

Before reincarnation, this soul was stripped of its memory, and then came to a new world in a burst of divine light.

Song Shi originally thought that he would enter his mother's womb, but instead he entered a piece of jade with flashing holy light. The true spirit slowly blended in, and he actually used the stone as a womb and was born and raised.

"This guy is actually going to pop out of the stone..."

Song Shi reacted, and it seemed that the world corresponding to the Shinto on this day was quite special. The soul of reincarnation should be conceived through the method of innate nourishment, and it was born as a god, eliminating the need for the mortal body.

The guy he possessed must have become the spirit in the stone. After Song Shi was sure it was safe, he began to observe the area and found a huge sacred mountain.

This mountain has a beautiful environment, rich spiritual energy, and many stones are shining brightly. It is completely an Apex Level Grotto-Heaven paradise.

On the mountain, in addition to some stones that are still gestating, there are also spirits in the stones that have already been formed. They have transformed into aliens or humans. All of them are powerful, at least at the level of Body Integration saints since they were born.

These creatures have high levels of strength and strong understanding. They are born close to Dao Rhyme. They can practice on their own after birth. In fact, even unborn people can swallow the essence of the sun and the moon. Some stone spirits are even comparable to immortal gods and become this sacred mountain. The leader-level existence.

Through secret observation, Song Shi learned that this place is called the Immortal Mountain, and the creatures born here call themselves Innate Holy Spirits. They will not age and will live forever like stones. They are really like gods.

As for this world, it is actually called the world of gods. Of course, most of the holy spirits cannot reach the level of gods, and there are not many in the entire sacred mountain.

"No wonder it takes so long to meet someone who has entered the divine way. Being able to enter here is equivalent to becoming a half-immortal, or even a first-class immortal from birth."

Song Shi understood some of the key points. With such a high starting point, the natural screening is very strict, and the true spirit must be strong enough to enter here.

Moreover, the creatures in this world can basically live forever, and naturally there are relatively few deaths. Even if they die, they should be able to continue reincarnation in this world. In order to maintain a certain balance, the heavenly way of reincarnation will naturally control the number.

He didn't know that this was also related to Wuyou's destruction. Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable was afraid that Wuyou would enter a more powerful world and cause trouble, so it reduced the number of reincarnators in the God Realm.

"This samsara universe also has an Ascension system. I think those Ascensioners came to this kind of world to continue their cultivation."

Song Shi guessed some situations and thought of the Ascension mentioned by the Barbarian God. Previously, he thought that Ascension came to the real world, but in fact it came to this kind of world.

He came here without any help. It can be considered quite successful. From today on, he can start to conquer the world.

First, he still needs to be familiar with the situation, especially the internal rules.

At the same time, he is also secretly helping the possessed guy grow.

He still didn't take action directly to crack the reincarnation mark. The level of this world is high, and the creatures on the mountain are quite powerful. He will help the stone to take shape first, and then attack other holy spirits when he is confident enough, and give priority to those who are still gestating. This batch of conceived spirits in the stone were successively decoded by Song Shi, and when they came out of the stone, they could begin their next step of infection.

While he was waiting, as he controlled more and more reincarnation seals, within a few years, another soul from the outside world was reincarnated into the world of gods.

The true spirit of this soul merged into a certain plant in a forest. This plant was tall and green, containing strong vitality, and there were balls hanging on it.

This soul entered this ball. Many handsome men and beautiful women gathered under the tree. Seeing the life fluctuations emanating from the fruits on the tree, everyone became happy.

They are the elves of this forest, and they are not ordinary creatures. They are Innate creatures of the grass and tree type.

"Wow, we're going to have a little brother or sister again."

"Everyone, please keep your voice down and don't make any noise."

A group of young elves, led by an old elf, observed the birth of new life, which seemed quite lively.

Song Shi observed secretly again and learned that this tree is called the sacred tree of life, which is the root of the elves. All elves are born from this sacred tree.

"The previous one was of earth attribute, this time it is of wood attribute..."

Song Shi paid attention for a moment and found that the pregnancy was much faster this time. It could be gestated in about ten years, while the stone took tens of thousands of years.

"The stone Holy Spirit is too slow to gestate, so it is more reliable to use this."

Song Shi couldn't wait for the stone to take shape. She thought about it for a while, and her thoughts went directly into the guy who was reincarnated into an elf.

The soul in each reincarnation has no memory, just like a blank piece of paper. Song Shi only needs to incorporate thoughts to evolve into a complete soul, equivalent to a clone.

This clone exists highly independently, and death will not affect the original body, so Song Shi boldly took over this body and started his own plan in the world of gods.

This world is at a high level, and there are many immortals and gods, many of whom have probably cultivated to the point of transcending reincarnation. To control the mark of reincarnation in this world, we can only use other methods besides being safer to deal with weak creatures.

In this way, he cultivated a clone to fight for hegemony in this world through strength and achieve control in disguise.

Under the influence of Song Shi, the body developed very well and did not speed up abnormally to avoid attracting attention. However, the physical talent was continuously improved by him, causing the Divine Tree of Life to actively provide more energy.

Before he was born, the power of Song Shi's clone reached a very powerful level, far exceeding other elves.

The entire elves were alarmed, and the Elf Queen came to check it out in person.

She is the most beautiful woman in the entire Elf Clan, with long, delicate ears and a perfect face without any flaws.

His muscles and bones were as white as snow, and his whole body seemed to be glowing. His eyes were blue, more beautiful than crystal, with the brilliance of wisdom. His hair was tied up and he wore a golden crown inlaid with emeralds, and he held an emerald scepter, looking noble and elegant.

"I have met the noble queen."

Many elves saluted together, with admiration in their eyes. This was the strongest person in their clan and their patron saint.

The Elf Queen nodded, and her beautiful eyes immediately turned to the branches and leaves of the Tree of Life, landing on the last green ball.

This round ball is trembling slightly like a heartbeat, exuding powerful vitality. It has a kingly aura even before it is conceived.

"I didn't expect that the tribesmen born from the branch could have such potential. This has never been seen before."

The queen looked at it carefully, with some surprise.

The Tree of Life has a trunk and branches, and the elves born there also have different potentials. Generally speaking, the potential of the branches will be weaker than that of the trunk.

However, the trunk rarely breeds elves, because the elves on the trunk consume too much source.

"It's still too much..."

Song Shi secretly thought that he was just going to improve his qualifications to have a higher starting point, but he didn't expect that he would alert the Elf Queen.

The opponent's cultivation level is comparable to that of the Divine King outside. If you come into contact with him too much, you may notice something abnormal about him.

"Queen, is it possible for him to inherit your mantle?"

An elder of the elves asked.

"It should be possible, it depends on his character in the future."

The Elf Queen nodded, surprising the other elves.

To be recognized by the queen shows how great the potential of this tribe is. Such a being will not be encountered in ten thousand years.

"You keep this matter secret, don't let the enemy know about it and cause trouble."

The Elf Queen ordered that the elves are just one of the many powerful races in the world. Although they love peace, there are still some races that treat them maliciously, and they definitely don't want to see them have an outstanding tribesman.

Song Shi, who looks like he doesn't have much wisdom on the surface but actually knows everything, said thoughtfully: "The Divine King is not the best in the world yet. There should be another realm above, and then this world can be comparable to the Immortal World."

Song Shi can't help but think highly of Heavenly Venerable. It's really amazing to be able to create such a High Level world.

"There are many Immortal Emperors under those Heavenly Venerables. There must be Immortal Emperors under the reincarnation Heavenly Venerables. I don't know if they have completely fallen. Maybe we can figure it out in this world."

Song Shi's clone remained cautious. In order to avoid being detected as abnormal, he deliberately blocked his own consciousness and allowed the true spirit to develop normally.

Only a real baby will be perfect, and his pretended baby will still have flaws.

So in the separate body, another new consciousness was born along with the development, and developed completely according to the characteristics of the elves.

And this consciousness is too weak to notice the existence of Song Shi's consciousness. If Song Shi has an idea, she can easily erase this consciousness.

In the normal state, under the influence of other elves, the newborn consciousness knows the basic questions of who it is, where it is, and where it comes from. Over the years, its wisdom begins to improve, and it does not completely break out of its shell. Before leaving, he already had basic wisdom.

The Elf Queen is very satisfied with the development of this tribe. They can develop to this point when they are born, and they will grow up quickly after they are born in the future.

In Song Shi's perfect disguise, ten years later, the day finally came for him to break out of his shell. His avatar was like a ripe fruit, turning into an elf with pointed ears and three pairs of small transparent wings on his back.

He looked like he was just born, with small arms and legs, but his body exuded a bright green light. His aura was powerful and full of oppression, surpassing most adult elves.

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